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Everything posted by swanlee

  1. Our bench played great but why our the starters just mailing it in so badly lately, had our starters even kept it reasonably close the bench could have blown them away. Tired of the starters just not giving a damn anymore. It will rub off in the playoffs they needed to play with heart at the end of the season even if our position was locked in.
  2. The way we have been playing lately we will be lucky to not lose every game in the first round by 25+ points. I think it is pretty optimistic for us to even win a single game in the playoffs let alone win a series. This team has completely folded the tent
  3. Doesn't matter we are going to get knocked out of the first round anyway. The Magic will not let us get away with the stuff we tried during the regular season.
  4. swanlee

    Holy Cow

    He could have great stats but when he takes to many outside jumpers and hangs around the 3pt line night in and night out it screws up our team. Even when he makes jump shots he messes up our matchups. Josh should have an electric collar that shocks him every time he goes more than 12 ft from the basket during our half court game. He should also be shocked every time he dribbles the ball up the court instead of passing it off to a guard. These are things that aren't shown in stats but kill us as a team.
  5. Ok gameplan may be stretching it but i take it as a natural gameplan or matchups more than anything. We do not have a REAL center, so when our shot blocking, rebounding PF is hanging out around the 3pt line and dirbbling the ball up the court like a guard it messes up our matchups. Heck our SF's and center take alot of jumps shots we need someone around the basket and Josh is not a good jump shooter even if he hits a few long ones. We won with smith on the bench shows me we'd be better off without him if he is going to play like a PG.
  6. LD should bench him everytime he takes a jump shot over 15 ft or every time he is around the 3pt line for more than 3 second or ANY time he dribbles the ball upcourt instead of passing it to a guard. He need to get it through his thick skull not only is he not a guard but because we do not have a legit center he needs to fill the roll of a center under the basket on offense and defense.
  7. Best player as for as athletic skills go but probably the most gameplan disrupting player we have because he plays out of position so much and he thinks he is a PG. I doubt M Jordan would be a hall of famer if he decided to be a center and play like a center regardless of gameplan. Even when he is hitting his jump shots he is still messing up our gameplan by playing away from the basket so much. I cringe every time he make a 3 pointer as that just encourages him to play outside on offense.
  8. LD earned some respect from me. Josh has all the talent in the world but the basketball IQ of a 10 year old We would have lost last night if he were on the court. He needs to STFU, play offense near the basket and play hard defense. He does that for an entire season he'll be an all star. This habit he has of lingering near the 3pt line every play and taking long jumpers is killing us even when he makes these jumpers.
  9. It doesn't matter if Josh was making all 3's he shoots, He should not be near the 3pt line in the first place to even attempt a 3. Josh is not a SG/SF. We already have Al, Joe, Marvin who over their careers are better outside shooters. Is our entire team just going to stand on the 3pt line chucking long jumpers? We need Josh to take up the lack near the basket because we do not have a legit center, We have to many 6'7+ players hanging out on the perimeter as is we don't need one that isn't good at it and is actually a great rebounder outside there as well.
  10. We will be lucky to win ONE game in the opening round of the playoffs.
  11. Numbers aren't telling the story with Josh, he can have great numbers and mess up our gameplan by taking to many jumpshots and trying to be a guard running down the court. Even when he is making jumpshots which he was not and has has never been able to consistently shoot far fromt he basket it takes him away from the basket where we need him the most. Numbers don't tell you that he whines and cries to the refs while the ball is in play either. He needs to not take jumpshots more than 10ft from the basket, he needs to stop hanging around the 3pt line, he needs to stop trying to be a guard running down the court and he needs to stop whining to the refs while the ball is in play.
  12. Look I've been a josh fan for a long time but he deserves the heat we give him. 7 years in the league now and he still whines and pouts like a rookie. Also LD needs to fine him $5000 everytime he takes a jump shut outside of 15ft. His constant jump shooting kills our gameplan. He hangs around the 3pt line thinking he is a guard, we already have 2 guards and 2 forwards that can actually hit jump shots we do not need our power forward hanging around the 3pt line all night. This just compounds the problem of us not having a legit center. This is a case of even when he is shooting well he still screws up our gameplan just we do not need him taking long jump shots, we need him under the basket at both ends cause we do not have a good center on this team. He will never learn that and because he is to immature and hard headed to do whats best for the team he deserves the crap he gets here.
  13. My thing is even when Josh is performing well he is still hurting our team because he is performing well in the wrong areas. When he has a good shooting night and is hitting his long jumpers he is absent from the paint and that hurts us all around. We have guards on this team for a reason, our PF should not be hanging out on the 3 point line even if he is having a good night shooting. If I were LD I'd fine him for every jumper he takes outside 17 ft.
  14. Josh needs to stay away from the damn perimeter, if he has not figured that out by now no coach will help him. I do not care if he hits every jumper and 3pointer he takes, he is not a SG he is a PF and when a team like us does not have a legit center having your starting PF hanging out on the 3 point line all night kills your gameplan.
  15. I've been a Josh smith fan for awhile but I'm sick of him. He needs to freaking STOP taking long jumpers, I don't care if he hits all his jumpers and a few 3's when he is hanging out on the perimeter all the time it takes him away from the basket for inside scoring, rebounds, put backs. We have guards on this team for a reason we don't need a shot blocking power forward hanging out at the 3 point line all night cause he thinks he can shoot jumpers now. It just compounds the problem that we do not have a legit center. So unless josh can learn to stop playing from the perimeter I want him gone he is totally messing up our game plan.
  16. I kind of hope so we should start with Josh smith I've been a Josh smith fan for awhile but I'm sick of him. He needs to freaking STOP taking long jumpers, I don't care if he hits all he jumpers and a few 3's when he is hanging out on the perimeter all the time it takes him away from the basket for inside scoring, rebounds, put backs. We have guards on this team for a reason we don't need a shot blocking power forward hanging out at the 3 point line all night cause he thinks he can shoot jumpers now. It just compounds the problem that we do not have a legit center. So unless josh can learn to stop playing from the perimeter I want him gone he is totally messing up our game plan.
  17. It was a good win and showed some great promise for this season. No reason we as fans cant get a little excited.
  18. Did you even watch us last year? We probably only win 42-45 games at most without Crawford. The only good thing is we wouldn't have even made ti to the playoff to watch us get killed by Orlando. Give him his extension, I rather doubt we would get a good big man from anyone for crawford and crawford is pretty valuable to THIS team.
  19. This sucks, so we were going to be pretty much the same team as last year, now we are pretty much going to be the same team from 2 years ago. Don't know what so many here dig on Jamal but we don't win 50 games without him last year.
  20. Well it's a done deal and if they didn't resign him we would be alot worse off and would not have enough money to sign anyone else of his caliber. I wasn't thrilled either but it is done and all the complaining won't do a thing about it.
  21. At least AB puts his money where his mouth is. Everyone is going to make mistakes he is willing to accept them and spend money to fix it. I think that is a good thing.
  22. That's fine Marvin has not done jack squat here, he is the total definition of average and he is not being paid like an average player. He was a complete waste of a pick and an even more waste to re sign him for so much. He can be replaced very easily.
  23. This is worth it just to unload Marvin's contract, It's a bonus that we get Shaq and anything else from Cleveland. Unloading his contract plus the TPE means we could actually try and sign a player better than Marvin to replace him plus our center issue is solved for a year or two. Marvin a role player that will never ever be worth what we were paying him. He is easily replaceable for alot less money.
  24. Not really, he has not been on our team for the last two years and we have improved each year without him. We need a true center and Teague to be our PG of the future we sure as heck don't need another tweener forward on our roster.
  25. I'm glad chillz is gone and this whole mess is over with. He never would have come back to play here, at least we got something for him. He was not the answer this year or long term, we need a true center and a future PG not another forward.
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