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Everything posted by Jody23

  1. Good effort and nice win. On to the next one !!!
  2. I'm hoping Trae doesn't rush back. For one, he should get completely healthy first. Secondly, at whatever point they lose, be it play-in or playoffs, his return (if he does) is going to be blamed for it and I don't know if I can stomach that stupidity.
  3. De'Andre becoming a hunter of his three point shot (pun intended) is something we've never seen. Agreed, he is definitely not the same player. It's good to see and I'm happy for him.
  4. I gotta agree here. In a game where you're getting no calls and the Celtics are getting what they want, sometimes you have to take the risk to get the reward. In this case, the reward was preventing the refs from helping Boston get the win.
  5. I only caught the end of the third quarter on. Not the way you want to start a game, but guys showed commitment to the game plan. Bruno seems to get better game by game. I have to say, though it's taken time, Murray and Hunter have shown increased willingness to adjust their shot profiles to the offense Quin wants to run. That's been a big part of the better play. On to the next one !!!
  6. Get well soon, @Sothron .
  7. Nice win. I hope this doesn't turn out to be a Bob Sura special. On to the next one !!!
  8. And of course Jalen gets hurt right when he was about to check out. He may not play the next game and doesn't that end his eligibility to win MIP?
  9. Welp...On to the next one !!!
  10. Great effort from beginning to end and, got the win. On to the next one !!!
  11. You got it lol. On to the next one !!!
  12. Tough loss. Nice to see JJ back, but he's got to stop deferring on offense.
  13. Wishing Saddiq a speedy and complete recovery. I feel bad this happened, but he's tough and I know he'll make a complete recovery .
  14. I only caught the last few minutes, but it seems they got it together after those poor showings against Brooklyn. Hopefully JJ asserted himself the way his stat line indicates. He's got to stop deferring out there. On to the next one !!!
  15. It seems so. He's been more willing as a three point shooter and refrains from trying to do stuff on offense he shouldn't. Also, bringing him off the bench has done wonders which I think some of us suggested would be best for him earlier on in the season.
  16. The concern with Jalen is he is way too passive. And the offense still looks too stagnant. Too much Murray iso.
  17. You said alot here. And none of it changes the fact that Dominique did NOT carry those teams by himself. Nobody was arguing that Dominique had the same support as Bird, Magic, Jordan, Thomas, etc. He clearly didn't. The statement was made that Trae somehow has help compared to Dominique having zero which just isn't the case. It also doesn't change the fact that Trae led a team to the ECF and could have had a chance to win if not for the injury. I love Nique, but he never led the team that far and yes, he had more help than Trae ever has.
  18. Strong disagree with the notion Nique didn't have any help. Over the course of his tenure, he had Moses Malone, Kevin Willis, Tree Rollins, Spud, Theus, Carr (Big Dog), John Battle, Mookie Blaylock, Augmon, and the list goes on. I'm not saying he had the absolute best, but his supporting casts top ANYTHING Trae has had. Nevermind. AHF beat me too it and represented.
  19. With as much available evidence as there is, it was always absurd to suggest the Hawks were better without Trae. That said, the execution in this game was still atrocious. Too much iso play on offense and poor execution and awareness defensively. On to the next one !!!
  20. Nope. With Quin and Trae, the direction is win now. Especially since they don't own or control their first round picks for the next three years. I think they will attach Capela's expiring deal ( will be attractive) to any pick for more immediate help.
  21. I think it may be too late in the season for the Hawks to tank. It will be tough to be worse than Brooklyn and Toronto, even without Trae. But, if they did tank and get a pick...I'm pretty sure it gets traded for a veteran player.
  22. Very nice win. On to the next one !!!
  23. First off, I wish Trae well in his recovery. Now, the wise thing to do would be to play the young guys more. If Trae's season is indeed over, then the playing time for veterans should be significantly reduced and the emphasis should be heavily placed on player development. However, I won't be shocked if the Hawks don't do the wise thing.
  24. This was a bad loss. Point blank. I just don't get a good feeling about how this is playing out. On to the next one !!!
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