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Everything posted by Randy

  1. After checking, if I counted right the Dream were 17-4 through the July 13 last year and went 2-11 after that.
  2. lw3 - sometimes I think you deserve a team worthy of your efforts to write about. Getting blown out by Indiana without Larkins, Howard, and Zealous, even with the newly crowned Princesses of Azerbaijan in front of thousands of kids is totally embarrassing. Probably most the kids are too young to know the difference between winning and losing, but if the teachers or drivers cared about winning and losing they will probably have to offer them free beer to come back to next year's kids day. As for the team, this is pretty much the same team we saw the last half of 2014 which played like a lottery team. Had it not been for a really hot start (10-1? or something close - helped along by lots of home games and games against wounded teams) they would have ended up in the lottery. Whatever the problem is - I don't know, but I think the team has lost its way. If semi hapless Indiana can make us look this bad, I hate to think what Chicago will do.
  3. Me too - both bitter and baffled. Watched none of the last finals game, and only minutes here and there of the others.
  4. We get new owners in a few weeks. Anything that he thinks he knows about the Hawks willingness to spend money, keep or let players go may prove completely wrong.
  5. And it only gets worse without our best 3 point shooter for the next five games, and Henry to scoop up some of the misses from range. Indy is pretty weak now, and has lots of injuries, but its sounds like Erika is questionable for the Tuesday game. Maybe we will play 3 on 3. Could solve a lot of problems. Angle, Sancho and Shoni v. Zealous, January and Catchings.
  6. She's pretty busy - does college games, Dream games and ESPN WNBA games. She's a great talent. More bad news for the Dream. Henry and Hayes have been suspended for five games - no not domestic violence, but rather they have become (as is increasingly common for WNBA players) Citizens of Fortune. They have been granted citizenship and joined the Azerbaijan National Team for a 3 on 3 tournament in Europe. No word on who the 3rd player on the team will be, fortunately it does not appear to be another Dream player. Perhaps Azerbaijan has at least one woman who can shot a basketball. So Hayes and Henry will be gone till July 5. Perhaps the Dream will be hosting a Azerbaijani Heritage Night to celebrate the occasion.
  7. If only the Dream were playing basketball as well as you are writing previews lw3! Jasmine burns us again - 17 points, but then I guess a lot of their players did. Looks like Cooper is now struggling to figure out what our rotation at PG is with Matee, Shoni and now Erica being subbed in an out. The only good news from this game was that Erika's ankle seems to be ok.
  8. I had given up to. Kept thinking - what's the use - we are going to lose again. Fortunately our players don't give up so easily. Looks to me like bringing Shoni off the bench was a really good move. Ajavon seems to be one of those players that can't play worth a darn coming off the bench, while Shoni brings in a spark on the offensive end. The main benefit though may be that Wheeler is not playing so many minutes.
  9. Really good stuff, thanks lw3 - the hamstring may be the reason the lineups have had no Logic to them.
  10. Great write up lw3. Close game - closer than it needed to be, I think. Ajavon has replaced Shoni as the starting pg. I don't think she got one assist all night, but neither Robinson, nor Perkins lite up the scoreboard, so I think it was mission accomplished for her. As our friend Diesel on the Hawk board has pointed out - you are who you can guard. So if Ajavon can guard PG's - I guess she's our PG. Dearica Hamby (one of the players I really wanted the Dream to draft gave her large group of fans a lot to cheer about tonight. And Kayla McBride had one of those nights that were a reminder of her great run at Notre Dame. Angel pretty much carried the day, and Ajavon (the player I'm rooting for to make comeback player of the year) made some key baskets late in the game. Shoni hit a couple of 3s and hopefully didn't get any splinters from sitting on the bench. My hoped for encounter of Hrynko and Wheeler never took place - they both played but not at the same time - so we may never know which one is best (or is it which one is worst?). Anyway - a good win, and a needed one.
  11. Doesn't get any easier for Shoni and the Dream tonight going up against Danielle Robinson, Jia Perkins and Kayla McBride on San Antonio. The Stars didn't have a very good record last year, but they can hit the 3 and the may be better than people are thinking. To make matters worse, this is the start of 3 days in 4 nights and 4 games in 6, as the Dream will face NY and DC on the road and then come home Tuesday for Kids Day at Noon. None of the games will be easy, though Indy has not looked good so far, though they have been without Zealous in their first 3 games and Catchings in their first two. C'mon Dream lets get this season going in the right direction!
  12. Randy

    Bye Carroll!

    Nobody knows how it all works out. All of our starters may be underpaid based on the new salary cap.
  13. Who we just happen to play on Thursday night. Good find lw3. Maybe this also means we won't have to lose her to the Olympics next year.
  14. Up to a year in jail? I hope the judge isn't pissed off about the way the ECF ended. Or worse yet - lost a bunch of money on it. I think he has already performed a great service for the community, so maybe just a fine.
  15. Very strange - it seemed like we were pretty much in control the whole game, then suddenly the Sun were on top. Seems like the basketball equivalent of 'rope a dope'.
  16. It occurs to me the Sun have 1 big advantage on us - they have 2 former Dream players, both probably highly motivated to show everyone what a mistake was made by shipping them off the a casino in nowherevile CT. We, have no former Sun players to counter that.
  17. Great write up, lw3. Perfect day for the Dream to start their season over. Let's get it right this time. Shoni seemed to have gotten confused on her position last game. She out rebounded our entire post core (Erika, Sancho, Nadia and Aneika) 8-7, and was frequently playing d on the opposing post. Not sure why that happened, but I don't think it was by design. Jaz v Shoni might be good. I figure they both know each other's tricks. Jaz can go off once in a while so look out Shoni if this is one of those days. Meanwhile, Angle burned NY, now would be a perfect time for her to put out the Sun. The NY loss was a bummer, but pretty much the same problem as last year. At least no one from the Dream got arrested or a broken leg after a scuffle with the NYPD.
  18. I think this is au revoir for Celine. Next year is the Olympics - she will likely once again be with the French National team going for the Silver (that's Gold for the rest of the world). So if Erica got the Dream to close to door on Celine - good for her.
  19. I don't think this is new. Atl has always been a good market for the Finals. I only watched starting at 1:40 left in OT-long enough to see the score.
  20. Randy

    Pep rally for Hawks

    Could be that they scheduled it a few weeks ago, figuring it would be a good sendoff for the Finals, and then no remembered to cancel it.
  21. To me Colhado looked better than I remembered against China the other day, but then, if you don't look pretty good against China, you don't really belong in the WNBA. China did have one big gal who seemed to be their best player that actually looked like a W prospect at times. Next year the Dream make a play for her? China didn't have names or numbers on their uni's so it may be hard to figure who was who. LOL DMJ has not even played yet, so I don't know if she is still injured or what, but the main change in the team is replacing Thomas with Logic and adding Wheeler in place of Dumerc (who may show up sooner or later.) Shoni is our starting PG - for now. Logic looked ok, but was making her shots. Wheeler looked sort of nervous, but now that she has a job for at least a while maybe she will calm down. I don't see Fowles coming here, but stranger things have happened. All reports say her heart is set on playing for the Lynx or taking the summer off.
  22. I don't know the answer, but another worth pointing out is that the level of respect for our fellows is quite high as well. Some boards may have some very informed posters, but they are a "bad neighborhood." This board is really a good neighborhood on the web, along with having so many informed and articulate posters.
  23. One thing about Robin Lopez - he's got a history with Harry the Hawk. Might not be a good fit.
  24. Today was the Dream v. China game. It was not very close, but fun if you were a Dream fan and wanted to see all the plays that would probably never work in the regular season. Erika and Tip led the way with 21 each, Shoni knocked down 5 - 3's for 15. Several players may be awaiting news on cuts. It looks to me like it comes down to 2 from Alwal, Holmes, Wheeler and Ajavon will be cut. We don't really need Alwal, a 6-4 post, but Holmes doesn't look that good. Wheeler and Ajavon failed to impress, but Ajavon has the experience. Another possibility could be the return of Courtney Clements - waived today by the Sky. Not that she is that good, but she would probably be better than any of the 4 named above.
  25. Its seems strange that we thought we had a lot of cap space, but really don't - maybe not enough to get both Paul and DMC back. But consider this - a lot of teams might be in the same boat - or worse. What matters is what teams are there that need a DMC who also have a lot of cap space, and also think he's what they want? And a place where he would want to go? I don't have time or interest to look at 30 teams, but there may not be all that many teams out there that are the ideal landing spots. There was some rumor that he wants to go to NY. Maybe so, but do the Knicks have any cap space? (I don't know, but thought they were maxed out.) So things may not be as bad as they seem. (Or not - I guess we will find out in next few months.)
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