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Everything posted by WakaFlocka

  1. Yeah, I threw up in my mouth a little when I saw Lee signed with the Phillies. Lee, Halladay, Oswalt, and Hamels is just unfair...
  2. WakaFlocka

    Good win

    I didn't get to watch the game, "studying" for finals sucks. I kept up with it online though and looked at the boxscore, Bibby played ~35 minutes with no Teague or JC2 at all? Damn... It's a win and I'll take it, regardless.
  3. I bet it felt really good to type all that, but I must tell you... it sucked to read even a quarter of it.
  4. I like Arenas' game on the court, but have y'all forgotten what his contract looks like? We couldn't take that on and keep Joe, Josh, Al, and Marvin.
  5. You totally lost me at "start Etan"... He's garbage. I don't recall him playing at all since he got some minutes in the Magic game and he was absolutely terrible then. He got multiple potential easy buckets right at the rim and missed. No thanks. I think the most viable option is to start Jamal in place of Bibby.
  6. Are you kidding...? Damn good thing you're not the GM of the Hawks, then. Even with Bibby starting it's not like he's playing 30+ minutes per game, so Teague is still seeing a good amount of time on the court.
  7. Sick deal for the Braves, I couldn't be happier. I liked Infante a lot, but I'd much rather have a true power hitter than a utility bench guy. As far as Dunn goes, whatever. He didn't prove a whole lot once he got called up and with our farm system, it'll be a whole lot easier to replace pitching than to find the next power hitter that actually pans out for us. Defensively, I think Uggla catches a lot of unnecessary flack. Sure, he's no Pedroia or Kinsler in the field, but he's not that bad. He's going to be at 2nd with us, I highly doubt that changes. Prado is said to be moving to LF. The way I see it, Uggla is going to win us a lot more games with his bat than he's going to lose for us with his glove.
  8. I'm with jy21 here. I've always liked Vick and am happy to finally see him living up to his potential. Imagine if he'd worked this hard and played this well with the legs he had 5+ years ago for the Falcons... Talk about unstoppable.
  9. No way Boise gets in the BCSCG. We've all seen 1 loss teams get in before Boise and I don't see that trend breaking this year.
  10. I disagree. Jamal's numbers last year weren't out of line with the kind of numbers that he's put up in the past, so I wouldn't say that it was a fluke (granted he did play less minutes than in the past). Jamal simply fit in better with Woody's offense than he does now with Drew's. He's always been terrible on defense, so that's really nothing new... But yes, we are going to need him to find his shot regardless of the offense being run if we want to compete.
  11. If you guys really think that the 'Nugs will ship away their 3 best players you need to put the pipe down. Same goes for thinking they'd ship Carmelo away for anything but a young star to be + role players. That means there's no way in hell that they'd ever go for a trade with Marvin as the main piece and is exactly why they were interested in the deal that netted them Favors, AK47, and a first round pick. And c'mon man... Birdman is garbage. All he does is stand around and block shots, that's not what playing D is.
  12. Jamal is NOT going to bring the kind of talent in a trade that a lot of people around here seem to think he will. And we don't need another big, we need a decent backup PG or SF. Everyone in the NBA knows that Jamal is only good for one thing, scoring. He's not going to play a lick of D and he's not going to run any offense besides creating his own shot. I really don't think he's nearly as valuable as many around here seem to think.
  13. Try this link: http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0E00451DED097B64?did=aarons&camefrom=NBAHAWKS_1011_E_FB Nope.
  14. It's just the Ticketmaster fees... Two tickets end up being $3.50 total. C'mon man, that's nothing to go support our team.
  15. What do you mean...? There are literally still 2,000+ tickets/seats available.
  16. This is all dreaming. Whenever Marvin comes back there is zero doubt that he'll be our starting SF, thus Josh will be at PF and Al at C. Josh can't guard quick 3s on the perimeter and that is a huge weakness for us as a team, perimeter D. You really think Drew would move Josh there so teams could exploit that even easier?
  17. UGA is a joke this year, Auburn should handle them without much issue. Auburn can lose to Alabama and still be a lock for the SECCG. But yes, they obviously have to win at The Dome to get into the BCSCG. I think their odds are pretty darn good... This coming from a Gators fan, btw.
  18. It's amazing all the hate that gets thrown around after we lose two games. Bibby is Bibby, he's not going to change at this point in his career and I don't see anyone complaining about him when we're winning. Teague is young and as said, this is basically his rookie year considering he hardly played last year under Woody. I like that Drew is giving him meaningful minutes and I think overall he's been pretty good so far. It's going to take him time and I thought he played well against the Suns. Etan, well, I don't agree with throwing him in during our biggest game of the year thus far when he hasn't played a second before then. Let's give him a little more time before we throw him under the bus.
  19. That's not the message the Blazers are giving at all. I said the exact same thing AHF said a week ago in a thread in the "around the NBA" section. And you're out of your mind if you think either the Hawks or the Blazers make that deal. It's unreal to me the kind of trades people around here come up with.
  20. Hell yeah, thanks for the heads up on this. Just got two in section 309.
  21. If you truly think the Hawks are a better team without Marvin, you need to watch more basketball. The Hawks would've had the game against the Suns with Marvin in there. I was at the game and watching Bibby chase Richardson around was painful. We NEED Marvin back. Like now.
  22. Who cares what John Wall does? Regardless of who he is, let's not forget that he's still a kid. Let him have his fun as long as it's not causing problems.
  23. Moss is officially a Titan. I think it's actually a really good move for them if they can keep him happy, especially now that Britt is out indefinitely.
  24. This is a good move for both sides, IMO. If Oden can come back this year and stay somewhat healthy, I'd be surprised if the Blazers didn't match any offer he gets in RFA. By not giving him an extension now, the Blazers get to see if Oden's worth spending the money on and Oden gets to come back and potentially increase his worth if he can play well and stay healthy. I get the feeling the real reason this happened is because the Blazers know that Oden won't be able to stay healthy, though... Thus they'll have no problem with letting him walk away.
  25. I totally agree that everyone is overreacting to the Josh trade "rumors" (if you can even call them that). To me, the story-line you gave should be pretty evident that we plan to let Jamal walk. You don't give JJ all that money, draft JC2, and then not give Jamal an extension if you plan to keep him... Josh on the other hand, I just can't see him being dealt unless it's bringing a big name in return, and even that I don't see happening. I truly think people are severely overreacting and simply rosterbating after Chad Ford's article, which should be taken with a grain of salt, IMO. And I love the Horford extension, btw. So happy that he's locked in with us.
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