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Everything posted by IheartVolt

  1. I like this team guys but I am sorry I am not feeling Reddish at all
  2. For their first game they are looking very impressive.. Wait for the rooks to get their sea legs
  3. He misses guys Derrick Rose looks so good They will not go away
  4. Anyone still doubt this guy? I mean for real doubt?
  5. Sorry but I don't think Huerter has anything to worry about with Reddish
  6. You guys keep doubting these guys.. Go ahead and I will just sit over in the corner and point at each and every one of you
  7. PED's have major beneficial attributes when not abused like today's bodybuilding community. Just remember that everything can and will be abused. People abuse food everyday. People abuse candy, soda, and countless sugar laced goodies everyday. I just cannot subscribe to the myth someone in their 50's boosting their test levels or hgh in moderation a terrible thing. It helps maintain youth and health
  8. He is certainly running with it now isn't he?
  9. These comparisons are over the top. To compare Cam Reddish to KD at this point is nothing short of a joke. Why can't we just let them be the young Hawks?
  10. Mine is even worse bro.. Cowboys Yankees Bullets
  11. What happened to a few of the post on this thread.. they are gone
  12. Lol.. oh man lmao Just a little cardio and strength training while watching a little b-ball.. Who would question that?
  13. That other hawk is like "wtf? He was just here... Pete!! Where are you Pete!" Not me.. Shit I am like
  14. I did it first, and I did it better But I really really favor your lineup there. I mean it's like the bestest in the whole wide world
  15. Come on now @kg01 SJW's are sensitive
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