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Everything posted by Mutombolievable

  1. I agree with this 100%. Their starting lineup is just as good as last year but you've gotta factor in what they lost from their bench. Courtney Lee was very underrated in my opinion and now their backup center is who? Do they even have one? Do they have any "bigs" coming off the bench now?
  2. Bruce Bowen knows how to knock down the 3 from the corner...its automatic
  3. how were you able to steal horry and antoine away from pros vs. joes?
  4. I am happy with the Bibby signing too. Im thinking we bring back Marvin, Zaza and Solo but let Flip walk. Bibby's significant paycut is going to make it much easier to resign Marv and Zaza. I really don't see that need for Flip anymore. I think Crawford will be an even better spark off the bench than Flip was. I bet we'll s & t chillz. I know the Bucks are a contender for him right now but I wish we could ship him to the Clips for one of there bigs...
  5. now that mcdyess is gone, what do you guys think about drew gooden? im pretty sure hes an unrestricted free agent and he's a guy that could get in there and bang for us. would prolly come pretty cheap too
  6. my fault...i just saw that and was about to post my apology. guess marvin would make sense for them now
  7. you still think they'll go after him after they just signed Turk and still have outlaw? I think Marvin's gonna have a good year this year. I hope we bring him back
  8. I think Shaq's in trouble without the miracle trainers and great old people weather in AZ...
  9. id like to get hedo. hed be a great starting at sf for us.
  10. ive heard that rubio is going to stay in spain now because he doesnt want to play for the t-wolves
  11. you guys know that sam young is still out there...i know a bunch of yall liked him and i think hes gonna be good
  12. http://www.channelsurfing.net/watch-espn.html that link should work if espn360 doesnt
  13. I thought The Hangover was funnier, I could barely breathe i was laughing so hard the entire time
  14. http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/...ing-allen-rondo I was pretty shocked to see this, what could they want in return?
  15. nice, i hope they like it cause that jersey is sweet.
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