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Everything posted by Mutombolievable

  1. So now we've got to go through this whole thing again next year? I'm so sick of hearing about Dwight Howard...
  2. If we are going to rent Dwight then he wouldnt play alongside horford because he's hurt. If anything we should trade Joe and Al and at least give ourselves a shot to actually go for it this year with players that arent hurt.
  3. Looks like quite a few teams are inquiring. What do you think we'd be offering? Smoove for Bogut and Jacko? http://www.journaltimes.com/sports/bucks-beat-are-bogut-s-days-with-bucks-numbered/article_54646df4-69ac-11e1-947a-001871e3ce6c.html
  4. Not a bad read. I wonder how many of these scenarios were true...if any. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7664492/nba-trade-value-part-1
  5. For what it's worth here's why I think we have a tough time with attendance. For one, we don't cater to our city which is below the poverty line and has a high unemployment rate. If we want to sell out we need to cater to the people that are living in Atlanta. Why is it that there were more people in Atlanta watching the All Star game than any other city in the country? There are tons of people here that like basketball, they just decide, well, if I can only afford two or three games this season, then I'm going to go to watch the best teams. Then, they sit on the couch, watch LeBron play Derick Rose, and get ready to come see them when they come to town. Here's another thing that I think hurts us; The city is too damn spread out and we don't have a true business district. Most office buildings have moved toward the Perimeter and even all the way up into Alpharetta, So many business are heading wayyy north or wayyy south that many just don't want to make the trip to Philips. Hell, I don't like to fight traffic to go all the way downtown, pay $50 to sit upstairs sometimes, and sit next to people rooting for other teams. But...I do it anyway
  6. I actually feel bad for Josh. He gets bashed all the time even when we are beating top tier teams in the league without our two "best players." I mean come on, we've got Jerry Stackhouse, Pargo and Dampier on the floor and we're hanging with/beating the best teams in the league. I, for one, will miss the guy when he's gone. I'd rather trade Johnson AND Horford. Fans of other teams are so excited to hear that he's available. I think we won't realize what a huge part of this team he is until we are gone.
  7. In the ot's Drew kept yelling out the plays to Jeff Teague. Everytime he just had him dribble to half court and pass the ball to Joe. Was anyone else there and noticing that?
  8. Haha this article is ridiculous. It blames Josh taking jumpers for the loss? How about Larry Drew keeping our bench in the game until our 18 point lead had been cut to five? How about the 55% free throw shooting? How about Pargo being burned over and over again in the 3rd by Rose? They seem to forget about Josh blocking 2 Derrick Rose LAYUPS that were sure points. Forgot about the 3 rebs and 3/4 shooting in the fourth quarter. Josh scored 7 of our 18 4th quarter points. Like I said earlier, I'm just glad we've got a guy on the team that wants to be playing in the fourth quarter during a close game.
  9. Couldn't agree less. Yea, Josh drives me insane when he is shooting long jumpers but he was the only one playing his *ss off at the end of the game last night. He was all over the court hustling, blocking shots, throwing and receiving alley oops, and grabbing every rebound within 10 feet. He's missing jumpers (most of which are with 3 seconds left on the shot clock) but you know what? I'm glad that someone on this team isn't afraid to take them. Can't trade Josh Smith.
  10. Wait, whoa! Dirk opts out and then Avery Johnson gets a second interview? Maybe THATS Ricks master plan. AJ took Dirk and the Mavs to the finals. Maybe theyre close and he'd want to play for him again. hey, at least I could hope thats whats going on right?
  11. Al Horford is the heart and soul of this team. He is the only player I would hate to see go. We all saw that the wins jumped three years ago and the reason is because we drafted Horford. He came, took us to the playoffs, and saved Woody's job. He's a winner
  12. http://blogs.ajc.com/mark-bradley-blog/2010/05/11/the-hawks-next-coach-put-dwane-casey-on-the-case/ what do yall think about this?
  13. how about a SNT with the nets? if the nets do get the number one pick theyll take wall. maybe we could get devin harris and terrance williams for joe. we'd really be able to fly up and down the court.
  14. http://www.atdhe.net/watchtv.html you can get a live feed of abc
  15. If you can't get the game there try http://www.atdhe.net/
  16. did we not clinch the 3 seed with this win? wont we be the 3 seed if we tie with boston since we went 4-0 against them this season? even if we lose against cleveland and they win these next 2 we will both have the same record at the end of the year...am i wrong?
  17. Hawksquawk 2009-2010 "We won't resort to thuggery"
  18. looks sick. i was pumped to get this until my xbox got stolen last week...
  19. this account isnt even verified. could be some joker just pretending to be joe
  20. i agree that rasho nesterovic could be a solid pickup...hes a 7 footer who could play quality minutes
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