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Everything posted by hawkrule152

  1. I gotcha.. Was not aware of that.. Actually make more since tho haha..
  2. He wont sign an extension in season. He will wait to test the market so we give him more money or match an offer sheet. Do not expect anything less than 12 mil a year and he wants a 5 yr deal.
  3. Korver DOMINATES in 2K haha. He hits like 80% of this 3s.
  4. I dont see it happening. Especially since we are trying to dump salary. Not take on the salary of a soft 32 yr old. We would gain offensively but our defense would take a huge hit. And what makes it even worse is they want Korver. GTFO of here. Korver for MVP of the Hawks!!
  5. You could tell Teague was pissed at the end when Horf was talking to him on the bench and he has great reason to be. He scored 11 points in 9 minutes in the 1st qtr. He only gets 10 minutes the rest of the game? We played great with him in the game. When he went out was when other teams started scoring, especially when Devin was in the game, who replaced Teague both times by taking him out. Simply put, Larry Drew is a terrible turrible coach. Teague could be a player that could have a great future with is, but as long as LD is around he wont get his cut. If I were him I would tell Ferry its him or me and if hes going to keep Drew then to trade him now.
  6. We have too many in game dumbass threads. Remember the one with Korver, then he went off an won us the game? Now Al played a huge role in the 4th to help us win the game. I dont no how people do not learn to post threads like this in game..
  7. I thought he played alright. Forced to take a couple shots at the end of the shot clock, that why his stats look bad. Solid rebounding though
  8. Chris Vivlamore ‏@ajchawks Likely Hawks lineup vs, Blazers. Teague, Korver, Stevenson, Smith/Tolliver, Horford. #ATLHawks Just saw the AJCHawks tweet. All I can say is, Is Smith doesnt start, he is not going to show any effort at all on the court IMO. He is the type of player to mope about this and not give full effort. With that being said, I hope he does not start. He is a cancer to the team and we have much better chemistry without him.
  9. Defending Josh Smith? I wish you could find somewhere where I have even come close to defending him before. He can be great, and he can be a dumbass. In no way did that post defend him. All I was stating is seeing a new Josh Smith HATE post after every single game is annoying. After every loss, people post the same exact thing about him, just in a different thread. If you want my honest opinion, I would be 100% fine if we traded him, and for not even a superstar, hell give me a high 1st round pick with a decent C. We have much better chemistry without him on the team. He is simply a cancer. But I guess that is defending him, huh?
  10. You all talk like you expected us to be a somewhat legit team? Lets be realistic.. Its just another season of mediocre basketball. And the sad thing is, thats what Hawks basketball has always been, and until some team proves me wrong, its what we will always be. Nobody is afraid of us in this league. and why should they be? Changing the coach with this same lineup will not do much difference. It will not make us a contender. So before we go spend shitloads on a new coach, maybe we should legit rebuild.
  11. This is getting pathetic. Not the fact that Josh is patheric (because weve known this for 4 years now).. But its pathetic how after everygame all we do is post hate threads about josh everygame. Does he deserve it? Maybe so.. But cmon this shits just gettin more annoying than watching him play.
  12. Agreed 100%. Its to early in the season to be able to tell anything, and it is not like Ferry is going to just give him away. A superstar in return would have to happen for him to make a move.. And BTW.. wolvetiger, what a comeback by Michigan at the end of regulation.. Hell of a game!
  13. I dont no if I am the only one who sees it, but the team has much better teamwork without Josh. Take OKC for example, the ball movement was great. Nobody had to be selfish and 'get theirs' like Josh tries to do everygame jacking up 20 shots. (which more than half are terrible decisions). Everyone is alot more comfortable when we play a game without him.
  14. LOL this is hilarious.. Also have to give a shoutout to Lou for sucking one tonight. Along with LD for only giving Teague 27 minutes. He is not a head basketball coach..Mike Brown anyone?
  15. Same here. I was just stating what I had heard on SC.
  16. With Mike Brown being fired, let the Josh Smith for Pau Gasol trade talks resume...Just heard on ESPN that if the Lakers were to make a trade it would be to let Pau go and they said the trade that makes most since is for Smith and a filler (Korver) most likely for Pau..
  17. Chris Vivlamore ‏@ajchawks Hawks will start Teague, Korver, Stevenson, Smith and Horford vs. Heat. #ATLHawks Have to say im not surprised. Zaza would not be able to defend Bosh. And Josh or Stephenson can both take their shots at LBJ this way. Thoughts?
  18. Only if we cut Tolliver. I really do not see the point in that scrub being on the team. Especially since LD has him taking away Ivans minutes when everybody around knows Ivan is a better player with more grit.Tolliver is simply pathetic. He is a career 41% shooter and only 31% at 3s. But you still see him jacking them up. I would much rather have Smoove out there jackin up 3s than this fool.
  19. It is not Korvers fault he struggles the 1st two games. They were not creating shots for him. He doesnt create his own hes a spot shooter. They werent penetrating enough and dishing the ball out to him away from the dbl team
  20. LMAO. KYLE KORVER IS THE f***ing MAN! He won us this game. Nothing worse than when people hate on players during games because of a few bad possessions. It just shows the lack of knowledge of basketball. Its a game of streaks. Anything can happen.The real question you should be asking yourself "6th Man" Is WHY THE f*** is Larry Drew so obsessed with Tolliver. That is the one that is complete garbage.
  21. AJC Hawks twitter account is saying the starting lineup will be Teague, Korver, Smith, Horford, Zaza... Chris Vivlamore ‏@ajchawks Josh Smith to start and likely joined by Jeff Teague, Kyle Korver, Al Horford and Zaza Pachulia vs. Pacers. http://bit.ly/VT9xE1 #ATLHawks Thoughts? I for one am very curious to see how Josh plays. Im expecting alot of outside shots tonight unforunately.
  22. I think Lou can be that guy. While he has not been as efficient in the 1st 3 qtrs. I feel that when it comes to crunch time in the 4th he does good. He gets to the FT line and is able to knock down clutch shots when we need them.
  23. I loved the effort in this game. All of the offensive rebounds we were getting do not need to be forgotten. That is essentially why we won. I for one am hoping Josh can not go on Wednesday to see if this was a 1 time fluke, or if we can keep up this hustle without him.
  24. Things to learn from some Hawksquawk members :"OVERREACTION is the #1 quality of everyone""EVERYONE HATES JOSH" and "EVERYONE LOVES JOSH" depending on the dayYou all want to blow up the team, and then still believe we can win it all when we get in the playoffs.
  25. Our defense is awful. Everytime down the court they would let their player behind them for a wideopen layup. Everybody on defense is watching the person with the ball and has no recognition of the player they are guarding. They looked like a bunch of 12 yr old girls out their.
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