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Everything posted by Teeareess

  1. I think the same way. I've always thought that Williams was a reach at 5, and if it weren't for our seemingly glaring hole, he wouldn't be considered. I don't want to get another 6-8 guy, but I don't want to reach and get a guy, just because he plays PG.
  2. When Zaza is our only NBA quality big, I don't see how that fact can even be in doubt.
  3. Quote: I wouldn't trade Marvin for the #1 pick of this year. Ditto. Way too quick to give up on him, and the draft is not that top heavy.
  4. Toronto would rather have the 1st pick over the 5th pick, and they'd rather have CV or Chill.
  5. Quote: Again, there is a 30 point a game scorer with 7 assists available, and people think it's a bad idea. This makes no sense. We don't know how he will affect our younger guys. We don't know how he will gel with JJ. We don't know how he will fit in Woody's system. Try it! I think we can be pretty sure he won't gel with JJ. Iverson doesn't really play well with others who need the ball to be effective. There's a reason Philly's never had him matched for too long with another ball handler. I think we can be pretty sure he'll score a lot of points, while his teammates watch, and we'll lose a lot of games, but at least for a while, the arena will be packed. I think there are other things that we can do that will help us more, both long and short term, than getting AI.
  6. Quote: Which is why Marcus Williams is a bad fit as well. I think those that are pushing for Marcus Williams are doing so only because he is a point guard without thinking about how he will fit into the style the Hawks want to play. I think it is pretty clear that if the Hawks go the point guard route, the best fits are Randy Foye and Rajon Rondo. It will be interesting to see how high Rondo's workouts push him in this draft, as the early reviews already have him in the top 10. I don't understand the Williams love either. I don't think he'd fit here at all. I love Foy, and I really like Rondo. If Rondo had a better jumpshot, he'd be a perfect fit.
  7. I'm not sure how I feel about drafting a "Pierre"
  8. Quote: Lastly, he's a scorer who could take the pressure off of our younguns to produce. Iverson scored 30+ ppg last season. Put that with what we have here in JJ scoring 20+ ppg and we have something good offensively. I don't see how you can possibly look at the players that they've put next to AI in philly, and think JJ and AI would mesh together. Quote: Actually, the ball was never in JJ's hand to begin with. JJ is a good ball handler, but he's not a PG. So, I don't see that big a problem putting the ball in Iverson's hands. Moreover, Iverson makes JJ a better 2 guard. Did you watch the Hawks last year? Of course the ball was in JJ's hands. He was our playmaker. If Iverson were here, JJ would turn into a spot up shooter. There is a reason that Philly has never really put ball handlers around Iverson. It doesn't suit his game or his personality. He demands to dominate the ball all game long. Quote: BK's 5 yr plan. What has BK ever engineered? What is his track record? Why should we trust BK for 5 years when his track record haven't shown that he's a guy that can get it done? Why turn down common sense for EGO? That's what you're saying. We should follow the EGO and eliminate common sense altogether. That's stupid. I'm not a fan of BK or his ego, but I think getting Iverson would be a very stupid move that makes no sense basketball wise. The ONLY thing that getting Iverson would help would be at the ticket counter. If BK starts making moves with just the ticket sales in mind, I'm more worried than ever for this franchise.
  9. Quote: Horrible comparisons. Shaq has won everywhere he has been. Philly has only made some noise one year with Iverson, and that is when they had a team around him of defensive role players. There is no way to legitimately compare one of the most dominant big men in league history to a 6' shooting guard who is one of the biggest ball hogs in history and who is a weak defender. The Rasheed comparison is a joke also since Detroit was already a good team before they got him. Plus he was an expirer so they could see how he fit in with the team before the offered him a long term deal. I agree with both points. Shaq is in a class by himself, and Rasheed was never asked to come in and be a saviour like AI would be expected to do.
  10. Quote: Problem i have with this deal is that sometimes when you have a player of AI people tend to stand around and watch him play. I agree. AI is pretty bad at that, because he dominates the ball so much. Some players make their teammates better, but AI just makes his teammates spectators. I think it would be good for a player like Smooth, who doesn't need plays drawn up for him, and scores off of garbage points and in transition, but I think it would really slow down JJ's and Marvin's development.
  11. Deke was a good pickup, but I still agree with Yeti's post. An AI move, would be a nice splash on the newspapers and on Sportscenter, but he doesn't fit with what we have so far, and would only make us a little better short term, and make us worse in the long run. I'll pass.
  12. Teeareess

    simple plan

    I agree Yeti. No way LA makes that trade.
  13. I don't think Nene signs with us for that little, and if he did, Denver would match. I don't have any interest in bringing over A.I.
  14. It would never happen, because it would make it a little easier to open up a GM to be second guessed. Teams like to show a united front about their draft choices, and they wouldn't be as comfortable with an unaffiliated outsider watching the decision making process.
  15. Quote: Quote: It wasn't a sure thing for the Hawks to pick Chris Paul in the first place even if they picked a PG. That just makes BK look like an even bigger idiot. How so? Hindsight is perfect, but before the draft, Felton, Williams, and Paul were all just about even in a lot of people's eyes.
  16. Good work D. But yeah, the way I remember it, Marvin and Bogut were pretty clearly ahead of the next picks. Paul was in the next bunch, and was pretty close in most rankings with two other point guards.
  17. I agree. I haven't seen much of him live, but just reading write ups on him make me think he's a Knight type of player. I'd still much rather have Foye because of his offense, but he wouldn't be a bad fit.
  18. I agree he would've still probably stunk here, but I don't put it all on him. I think it's pretty obvious he didn't respond to the coaching here, and didn't really have a clearly defined role. I'm not surprised that he flourished in Phoenix.
  19. I don't think they'll be any problem with JJ hitting shots on the next level. I do worry about him creating his own shot, and I don't know who he's going to be able to guard defensively.
  20. Interesting ideas. I love the Wilcox pickup, but I'm not much into the rest of the moves. I don't like Daly's contract, and I don't see the point of drafting JJ on the same team as Salim. I'm not a big fan of Mike James, but I'd sign him for the right price.
  21. I really don't understand the point. If you take any three teams (including Portland) and calculate the odds of them getting the top three picks in a particular order, you're gonna come up with a very small number.
  22. I think he has a 12.6% chance of getting an honest reply.
  23. Teeareess

    790 the rag

    I know what you mean, and like I said, there is a bunch of ignorance there, but I say a lot of that falls heavily on Knight's shoulders. His personality and attitude can be more than a bit grating. Until he shows some real success, a lot of people are going to bash him whenever they can.
  24. Teeareess

    790 the rag

    I agree completely. I hate that I can never hear the games. Even leaving after a game, I lose the post game coverage before I get home. But I imagine 790's offer was the best that they could get. Covering the Hawks probably isn't seen as a license to print money.
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