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Everything posted by Q45T

  1. An ugly W is still a W... we're #2 in the Eastern Conference now.
  2. Yes yes yes. Made the Hornets look like the Bobcats.
  3. Pero must've helped out Bud with that DUI...
  4. I know right... losin' 3 in a row pisses me off too but lmao @ some people writin' off the season after 4 out of 82 games.
  5. It's real nice to see that Jenkins has regained his form.
  6. This is exactly what I was sayin' (maybe not on this site) before. Players aren't gonna want anything to do with us... we gotta clean house. We can't move forward with Ferry or anybody in the A$G. I swear this bullsh*t set us back 10 years.
  7. Keeping him around won't help the team repair the damage that has been done... Ferry has already been judged by the public and the Hawks reputation has been tarnished even further.
  8. If a racist remark was made about Deng during a scouting report we are NEVER going to get any superstars to come to the Hawks....
  9. Even though the email was about maximizing profits he shouldn't have made it a "whites vs. blacks" issue to begin with especially since ATL is predominantly black city. (I think...) He should've just said that they should try to attract a "wider audience". As a black guy I don't think Levenson's comments were malicious towards our race, but they were inherently bigoted and reading them did piss me off. But overall since the whole ownership is garbage: Especially since releasing this on his own accord is just an excuse to sell.
  10. Prolly does it on a regular basis to sober up before games...
  11. Coming to Atlanta has done wonders for Sap's career... shame that other free agents have yet to take note.
  12. Two defensive juggernauts...
  13. DND - Coach's Decision for today's game...
  14. Thank God... I got no hate for LeBron but I was tired of him and Melo holdin' the whole league hostage.
  15. Q45T

    Merged: Nick Young

    Sure I don't see why not.
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