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Everything posted by TheFuzz

  1. Man Hunter can shoot lol. He just threw that up after the whistle.
  2. Aight Bruno. First time I've felt good about this pick tbh. He looks alright!
  3. Also shout out to Bruno, he has looked much more in control in the flow of the offence this game.
  4. There was some of that, but you can also tell he just gets it more so far this preseason. Much better communication, he's got his head up. Real impressed with his D so far this game. Maybe Pierce can coach the D up, huh?
  5. Probably, I'd just keep tabs on it if I were the Hawks, I'm not the biggest believer in the Blazers. They're pretty rough this year outside of Dame/CJ
  6. Man Trae has got so many tools on offense. What a talent. That dribble drive was insane. Also props to him for throwing that shot up and not worrying about percentages.
  7. Like the way Goodwin gets after it defensively. Hunter is my new #2 Hawk behind Trae, but if Trae don't cut down on the sloppy play that might change.
  8. I will always love Bazemore. Great dude.
  9. Anybody who thought Hunter didn't have some more to offer than pure 3+D didn't watch him. One of the more baffling scouting groupthinks I've seen. Like, we saw him hang 20 in the championship right? I dunno what these folks are thinking sometimes.
  10. I'd inquire about Nurkic. With his injury, Whiteside, Portland's playoff hopes and tax problems, we might could get him fairly cheap. He's young, on a good contract, can defend, pass, set good screens. Might could stretch to 3 too.
  11. Rathbun just lost his damn mind talking about vindication.
  12. We gotta fill in the gaps, but the players that matter look nice.
  13. Hate to say I told you so with Jones, but man ... Trae looks sloppy but he'll be fine. Hunter is a beast. Reddish shows some flashes. Not too upset with what we've got going.
  14. I've said it before but I do think Hunter can be our #3 guy behind Trae/Collins
  15. I think he's close. He's gotta tone the crazy down a little lol
  16. "Hunter has low offensive upside."
  17. It's not what I want or even expect, but I think it's a reasonable assessment. We have a lot to prove. Luckily, I really believe in what we have here. We need a 4/5 that can fit w/ Collins long term, then we're golden
  18. I'm a Bembry believer. If he can EVER hit the 3, he'll be good for us. I'd lock him up for cheap if we can, $7-8ish M, Crowder money
  19. Trae>Embiid>Luka>Simmons when it's all said and done
  20. I wouldn't hate that, not sure OKC takes it though. Not sure I love it either
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