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Everything posted by TheFuzz

  1. Agreed on Hayes, mostly. I do like the way he moves but I'd rather take a flyer on a Jordan Bell type
  2. He does look good, but his weight/frame really worries me. I doubt he can put on as much weight as even Porzingis and Bamba can. Maybe he can play the four and it just won't matter, I don't know.
  3. That is ugly. I honestly think he's got something bad going on mentally. There's a video of him having a spasm on the court that's alarming.
  4. What this Sixers situation and the Young deal say to me is don't trade assets for unsure things (Fultz deal) and the more picks the better. We should be acquiring as many picks as possible for the next season or two
  5. Good take from Trae there at the end tbh, hell of a block from Tyson. I don't think it was the Baze tech that cost us, it was that goaltend Mcgee had on Trae!
  6. Not to derail the conversation, but which days were those? It's always been an issue, it's just got more attention now, and for the better IMO.
  7. Love the vibes from this crew. We could be Orlando, Washington ... thankfully we're not that, at least. Pierce & Vince really get the guys, Trae is easy to root for too.
  8. I've been really impressed with his touch around the rim. I don't know if it was cuz he was getting triple teamed, but I did not see that in college. As long as Trae keeps improving as expected he's gonna be the complete package offensively. And I honestly think if he gets stronger he can be ok defensively too. Not great, but serviceable.
  9. I respect ya for whipping out the stats and I'll take them into account. I'm mostly going eye test here. I like Richardson and Oladipo as defenders a lot and if his stats are comparable I'll keep it in mind, though I still hesitate he's that great of a defender. Don't mean to be a hater, I like Bazemore a lot, he's a cool guy.
  10. Agree to disagree. I think Bembry can get there, and Len has some potential as well. Bazemore and Dedmon are solid to me but I wouldn't call them "plus" defenders. Even still, saying 4 guys are decent defenders basically says all you need to about our defensive potential lol.
  11. Agreed. Our defense is bad but the personnel just isn't there. We've got some ok defenders but we don't have a PLUS defender on the whole roster.
  12. Huerter's gonna be good. Defense determines how good.
  13. If Lin gets back close to when he was healthy a couple years back it doesn't look so bad. Big if, and I'd still rather have the pick, but worth considering. If we took the Denver deal I don't believe we'd have the cap to take on Melo/unload Dennis though?
  14. I had us pencilled in to win the finals before Wednesdays game. I still do.
  15. Compared to most of the other bad teams, our roster at least makes sense and appears solidly coached. We're Young (Trae Young), so I wouldn't be surprised if we have the worst record, but the THEORY of our roster makes more sense than the Knicks, or the Magic, or the Kings. Those rosters are dumpster fires.
  16. Only watched the first half but Imma echo what everyone says and say I'm excited. Loving Pierce too, if he just looked awful this season would be much less bearable, but the Hawks will be fun to watch at the very least. And I'm getting a Trae jersey next paycheck.
  17. I think both look pretty good, certainly no better than Young though. I can't shake the lack of upside with Luka, and what I still don't like about JJJ is his lack of playmaking.
  18. And we should, he can play. You're right though, forgot about him.
  19. Lol. I dont buy he'll be better than Klay, but I do like Huerter better than he's shown so far. If I had to bet, spot starter level, like Wayne Ellington?
  20. I think we'll be BAD this year and next year, then start making a push for the playoffs tbh. We're just so young. And honestly, with our timeline, my preference would be to filter our $40M in cap next year into picks by taking on bad expirings one more year. Then let Young, Prince, Collins, Zion (?) and our 2020 pick lead us into the sunset.
  21. 28 - 54 1. 13th 2. Young and Collins, no all stars 3. Prince 4. Collins 5. 24 - 58 (Ice Trae carries us in the clutch)
  22. Pierce is easy to root for. We're gonna lose a lot but Ice Trae, The Baptist (more like the preacher's kid way he acts on the sidelines), Taurean "I Grabbed the Rebound" Prince and Lloyd "Not A Complete Douche Nozzle Like the Other Pierce" Pierce have got my vote. Ride or die, true to ATL.
  23. Eeeeh. He shot it with confidence and has shown the ability to make them before. I didn't hate it. That floater and pass he had earlier was nasty. The dude is ice cold, running those last few possessions like a 10 year vet.
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