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Everything posted by CrazyEye

  1. Was it a report vor a user comment in ESPN? Or just skip.
  2. He would still take eight 3 Pointer a game, but would hit 5 of them ;)
  3. Kam surprised that the skater story is New, in germany They often report about how he was found ... And that was in a skate Park, while they make a break Form skating and player some ball.
  4. I beleve there is also a difference betwen an po series and a RS game, in terms oft preparations. I am not sure if the player know all weak spots of there matchup in a RS game, and believe it is smarter to go hard at them since it is usuallly the right decision instead oft giving them Josh Smiths threes he like to take but wouldnt hit. During a po series u could work on those details .
  5. More effective then warm clothes*, and less limiting then going into exil wash your hands regulary. I heard teague had the injury already last game, and played a lot. * warm clothes sometimes hurt you, if you don't get then off in warm building and get out again.
  6. Do you think Sap is quick enough as SF? I would say that he is worse then Josh Smith in this transisiton. I guess if we get one of your wish players and Buds want them (i am not so sure if they fit our style), i guess we have to give up Sap or Horf.
  7. Not sure if it helps, but in germany we always get one free game on sunday. this time it is the Hawks - Nuggets game, probadly you need a german proxy server for watchng it or other ways to hide your location from youtube. But if it works usually they use the original english commentator: http://www.spox.com/de/livestream/nba/1412/nba-livestream-atlanta-hawks-denver-nuggets.html The quality is pretty good, and you can watch it re-live for 24h.
  8. Athleten ist all about muscle it is also about body control, coordination and skill in sport ... I guess Kyle habe those all and enough muscle to be a very good BB player.
  9. But he is one of the players who get the most attention on defense, so he impacts the defense a lot. Playing Schröder, Teague, DMC, Sap and Horf would give the team bad spacing which helps them score. All those player like to attack the basket or score in midrange area, so the defenders can sink down to this area ... While Korver on a pick, often cause confusion and always a player close to the 3pt line. So even if Korver don't have high assist numbers, the offense runs much better with him.
  10. Ok so you mean it is impossible to win a championship with 5 options on court because the dudes who did it had better options then the Hawks did? And i ams till convinced that the Mavs title was a team game, instead of ride the star. So we should go for stars, where the team who won the championship with this method had 2,5 Superstars, while Atlanta had so many Superstars in there past? Ok this team is gone, but they emerged a 3 superstar team in another city ;)
  11. The Spurs had mostly 5 options on court,didnt they win it last year? In the mavs championship Foster, wasnt there plenty oft optioms too? What changed that this isnt Wirkung anymore this year?
  12. The question is, does the hawks really want an classic center? We have plenty of good big guys, but for me all of them are combos betwen 4 and 5 who can shoot and give teague and Schröder space to attack the basket. I am quite sure that this isn't random and the type of player Bud wants. I guess a trade vs a SF is more realistic who is maybe the wekest position in the roster right now, but they are lot stronger then Schröder too.
  13. @jaybird: thats was the main message of my post. I am happy about every good game he plays, and i believe he can be a starter someday but right now if you want the PO i wouldn't let him start (2 games ahead you didn't expect him to be the primary backup) @nbasupes: I also doubt that Teague will made it, but he was in the mix as an underdog last year and i believe he will be in the mix this year too. I am not the biggest fan of teagues game, but he is effective while doing it. Scoring and Assist numbers back this up i believe. So you can bring argument why he deserves to be in the game, like for some other guards ...
  14. I am Quote surprosed that Dennis is the reason for tradetalks qbout teague. I am big Dennis fan, and very happy that he gets playing time right now .... AMD yes right now wverythong is clicking, but there will be Bad shooting nichts and to in near future. For Dennis it is Mord important to etablish AS first backup then ASK for the starting spot... And it is a very long way for him to geht a star and i wouldnt bet on him thats he gets one right now. While jt is already someone u can put into allstar discussions without Bering crazy.
  15. This game is Killing my nerves ... Why teague needs to have such a unlucky day?
  16. But the best shooter isn't necessary the best 3 pt shooter in my eyes, and Korver basically takes threes while all of the players above get constantly there chanches inside the arc ( and i would get for the best shooters in the NBA a midrange shot isn't the worst shot a team could get) Edt: Also step back Jumper, shots of the dribble, one legged Pelicans etc. are parts of jump shooting and with shooting more shots usually the quality of the shots decreased too.
  17. Grantland makes an Article about the best shooters in the NBA where Korver finished fourth behind 1. Nowitzki 2. Curry and Durant Personally i think it is fair that they are ahead of him, and maybe i would ad Thompson in front of Korver too. There argumentation (and also mine): http://grantland.com/the-triangle/the-top-20-shooters-how-we-chose-them/ Freakish statsline that 95% of his made shots where assisted. What do you think
  18. I just watched the Boxscore too, so i cann't say much about the game - but i am happy that the hawks won even without some important players. But i can say a bit about Schröder progress, since i saw most of the Qualifikation games from germany and can say he got better even when he still has a lot of work todo. Schröder: - got stronger (i heard + 5kg), and shows a better Body control when he bounce into a Big Men during so he could make some and one and maybe is more confident in drawing contact (which maybe explains his ft in this game) - worked on his left hand, last season he often avoid using it even when it was the better option ... I didn't noticed that during the qualification where he made some layups with his left hand. - he shot better from the dribbling Schröder still have these major weaknesses in my eyes: - Stupid TO, i believe this is something mental because he can difficult passes with a good succes rate - Finishing he gets in good position but fails to convert to often, i hope he can etablish a good floater so that he can finish before he run into the help from the big men - Slow release, he need to get off his shot quicker He still needs time to develop, and beeing the third PG which isn't cruising like Phily isn't surprising but he made progress and has the tools to etablish himself in the league and hopefully in Atlanta. Sorry for my bad english, it isn't my first language and it got a bit rusty.
  19. I doubt that the future of the NBA will be without superstars, imho the few superstars bring an excellent output for there salary in comparision to good role player and perenial allstars. It is hard to design a group with the salary cap, who contends for an title without an superstar especially when you think on the effect on ring bitches when you have 1-2 Superstars in your team. Not only the superstars are relatively cheap, also the role player agree to cheaper deals since they know they are going to play in a strong team and get more playing time then in an balanced contender who tries to pay a deep roster. George numbers ain't Durant, LBJ like but he is for me the Defensive MVP in the superstar category, and for me he plays like one. Overall there will be teams without an superstar who will be strong enoug from time to time, but they get trouble when there good contracts run out(like the Milsap contract here) to stay at the same level.
  20. i wouldn't put the blame on teague alone, imho we made many stupid TO at the beginning of the fourth Quarter and this came from different players which gave Toronto the chanche to catch up.
  21. usually thats a sign that someone is better then you, you look bad compared to him. But Teague isn't constant in general, on a good night he is great on a bad night he isnt ;) Imho he had also plenty of good games against good PG, and also a lot of bad games against average/below average starters.
  22. is it such a big deal in the US? In the german media, Anthonys 62 game was the bigger story of these too .. if i remember correctly, but it is enough to get noticed but i think this is deserved. Most record come against bad defense, and matchup nightmare i am quite sure that the defenders had a bad night too when nique set his own record ... But right now we have really really bad defence in the league, Westbrook quickest triple double since 60 years in the NBA shouldn't count, since it was against phily for example
  23. I also think there is to much criticsm on teague right now, he is one of the player who keeps the offense running he isn't good enough to do this against anybody but if he finds a way to hurt the opponent he would do it ... And right now we have few healthy players who can do it.He isn't an excellent Jump Shooter, but his game isn't that Jumpshot heavy for a guard and yes usually guards are good shooters but i think he isn't doing that bad. An example for a player like this doing well, might be Ellis at the Mavs he usually attacks the rim, is surrounded by bigs who can stretch the floor, is able to make a good pass and isn't a good defender ... But overall i think Ellis and Teague are pretty important for the succes of there franchise, Ellis a bit more then Teague when the rest is healthy.Teague is a bit to expensive, but there are worse contracts out there and this isn't his fault.
  24. Muscala makes more sense for me, Ivan isn't great he is solid something i hope Muscala can offer too. Muscala have still room to progress, and in the current situation it isn't bad to develope talent for the future so the time on court is spent well even when we miss the PO(maybe Ivan is a little bit stronger right now, but both ain't difference maker) Playing in china/korea isn't really a test for player with NBA ambition and in a such situation it is hard to work hard on training etc.(not sure about the training conditions over there to make it worse) Ivan advantage over Muscala for me is that he is cheaper(no buyout).
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