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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. JayBird posted on another thread that we have to have a leader to take the next step. That role has been laid at Al's feet for years but he is too calm and apparently wants nothing to do with it. Heck, this year he stopped playing center in reality. Not the leader we need.
  2. The TNT crew were great players but listening to their analysis of anything makes me feel like a genius. They are wrong the majority of the time and now Kenny has a creative memory of the Hawks FA pursuits .
  3. Thomas

    Damn, Bud

    We won't ever know why Bud didn't use Humph when I believe he was the most efficient player in the playoffs for us. I mean really what is going in Bud's head at the end of games. I give him credit for putting Thabo on the floor and finally bringing Korver off the bench though much too late. The mistakes in the regular season are one thing but clean it up for the big stage Bud.
  4. I think we did compete in three games with the Cavs. Not winning those games is a combination of the players (mainly starters) and Bud together stink at closing out big games and both Al and Bud are allergic to the glass. Your right that we didn't beat them and it bites.
  5. Wow, I can't imagine falling apart like the Bulls and Wizards did this year. Still its really wide open as to who is on the roster next year. Al and Sap together are good but its incredible how often we are out rebounded. Without improvement on the glass its very possible we regress. Both Al and Sap moving on up in age as well. A somewhat scary thought.
  6. Thomas

    Damn, Bud

    Some of Bud's playoff coaching has been like watching Sap missing all those two foot bunnies during the year. Logic has been defied. We all need better.
  7. Hawks were in three of four games but LeBron in the clutch and the Cavs three point shooting was to much of a mountain to scale. Keep Humph around for next year and use him in the playoffs.
  8. Hawks made it ever so close but LeBron finished it. Wish you could have had a Mother's Day Hawk win.
  9. Might be in a better situation especially cap wise going with Tiago, Humph and Edy in the middle even though it sounds kinda desperate. I think we can get 48 minutes from them and a lot of play in the paint. Upgrade as best we can at the swing positions. Also, Bud needs to improve a bunch. Jeez.
  10. Don't know what the cost is but I feel Humph has earned a roster spot here for next year. A lot of aggressiveness around the paint and he actually has shooting range. Should have been utilized so much more in the playoffs. Post playoff deflation coming on strong.
  11. We competed in three of the four games and this one came down to the wire. Don't think I will ever understand under using Humph. He had seven rebounds and blocked three shots in twelve minutes! Really questioning Bud right now.
  12. Humph is +5 in seven minutes and Al is -4 in eighteen minutes Humph has three more rebounds than Al. Come on Bud!
  13. Toronto just stated their center Val is out for the series. Thats really messed up.
  14. Humph's playoff per is outstanding so it should be a given he gets thirty minutes or more especially with his aggression on the glass. Being down three games to zip maybe Bud will actually use some common sense.
  15. What team are you a fan of? Doesn't sound like a lot of support for the Hawks. Plus my mom passed away in '96. Hope that gives you a little pause with the attitude.
  16. Crazy good! If we can get some of those rebounds and play a full 48, just maybe.
  17. Great writeup. I hope it is very interesting how much investment is made in players for the team this off season as opposed to not being interesting for keeping the status quo. What will Ressler do about that SF problem among others if he does get his hands involved. Maybe he will be our Mark Cuban (I realize Cuban is unique).
  18. Crazy NBA world we will be living in when Al at the age of 35 makes 30 mil and it seems like a bargain. Apparently that is the future norm.
  19. Thomas

    D12 for AL???

    It is kinda similar to when we got the older Moses Malone and Reggie Theus. They were suppose to take us to the ECF or the title. It didn't work out and I fear D12 would bring the same disappointment.
  20. Sorry for my poor spelling. I surely hope we don't pay. Come on Hawks. Also, come on Bud and coach a whole 48 minutes!
  21. Hawks paying on Mother's Day. The only thing better would playing for the title on any day. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!
  22. Thomas

    D12 for AL???

    OK I'll bite on this. We would have to really manage this reoccurring locker room stigma or chemistry in general D12 has. I do completely agree about the rebounding. If we are begging Bud to give Humph as many minutes as possible to hit the glass then the starting five or scheme is flawed. D12 is turning down over twenty mil so what will he cost? Believe he actually mentioned us during the season but at that time it scared the heck out of me. I'm conflicted.
  23. Thompson at the foul line is a better option than getting abused by all these three pointers. Doesn't seem possible the Cavs can keep it up but the curse we have playing in the playoffs may allow it. I wouldn't want Humph fouling out so maybe Moose gets a foul called on him every thirty seconds. Moose is terrible against those guys anyway.
  24. Teague is the only player in that lineup that would (not could) get to the foul line. Joe was clutch a good bit but as it has already has been said none of the guys are HOFers. Winning it all takes one or two (not counting the Billups Detroit team). Detroit was an aberration to the must have a HOF philosophy. Possibly they could make out of the East but I think that's the ceiling.
  25. It turns out both the Heat and Raptors lost their centers in todays game. Wonder who will be able to suit up next game?
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