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Everything posted by deester11

  1. KB, everyone knows you love BK. Good for you, but who are you referring to as idiots?
  2. Unknown, different views don't make you pessimistic at all. I happen to side with Walter because we haven't maximized better positioning than I think other teams would have. Just because some love BK, some like a few moves, and others hate it makes them no less fans or authority than you or Diesel. I don't dislike Wright, Shelden, or Speedy, but you can't tell me your vision included them with the #5 pick, AL, and cash as tools to significantly improve. If so, more power to you. I'm on the side that says we could have done more. I support the Hawks, not some of the moves.
  3. Just because you NEED a position doesn't mean you have to fill it with a body. Shelden? Dumb. Wright? Blah. If we'd have played our cards right...we'd have smelled like roses all summer. Instead we just smell!
  4. Walter is right on this one! Makes no sense with all the things we had going for us we get: Speedy, Shelden, Solomon and possibly Lazy Wright? Terrible. I don't care if we didn't draft Roy/Foye (My wants), but to not parlay that and AL? Dumb move. Sabotaged by ownership...possibly, but this is inexplicable.
  5. I would give us a "D." I just thought that with the elements that we had, we could have come out smelling like Portland. The fifth pick, AL...Cap space. We got Speedy...OK. The rest of the transactions leave me uninspired. I hope I'm wrong about Shelden, but I'm probably his biggest detractor along with TexasPete. I don't care what BK could or couldn't have done..but I would think the way Portland wanted Roy, they would have helped us attain a lot more than...um...Shelden...Bad play. (I support BK..but this offseason has been a debacle!)
  6. Diesel, I can't say I've ever agreed with one post of yours. And this won't be the first, but some points are taken. That being said, the redundant point is well stated. I happen to think Marvin is going to be a star and soon enough all the Paul talk will stop, but why draft him if you are duplicating positions with young "possible" stars. I don't know what to think, but I can say that if Shelden starts out of the gate, it won't be long before Woody realizes that to have Shelden available in the latter part of the game he can't start. He'll foul out in the first half. Man, we screwed ourselves....I don't see Shelden starting. I hope not. I'll be at the concession stands until the first few stoppages due to Shelden's fouling. Then I'll hear the subbing of Marvin or Smoove. Time for some basketball!
  7. I highly doubt that IF Shelden starts the majority of the game won't see Marvin/Smoove in at the same time. The line up that gives up the best chance includes them both along with JJ and Speedy.
  8. I'm not of the camp that says we're going to be a better win team with AL than without him. That's not a very good argument considering the only pieces that we would add to last years equation is Speedy, Shelden and a distant Solomon. To me, AL doesn't need to be kept and it shouldn't be a consideration when you talk about developing Marvin/Smoove. The problem I would have would be the compensation. If we let him go for the future pick and have no backup plans to get the BIG that we want, it's a waste of all of our times crying about our defense. The ballboy would score 30 in the paint!
  9. I'd have to disagree Pimp. During Josh's rookie season at the beginning he was eerily similar to Marvin. He hesitated a lot (he was called numerous times for traveling), and while he dunked for almost 80% of his points(just a guess statisticians), he was a lost puppy for some time. The more confidence Marvin got in his rookie season, the more he showed his "athleticism." Marvin dunks easily. He is not a thunder dunk artist so this may be the misconception that he's not what Josh is. You cannot discount speed/agility when you talk athleticism. I would never complain about Josh's "hops," but it doesn't make him more athletic. He was just given a gift to jump out the gym!
  10. Kinda asinine to say Marvin is or isn't athletic enough. He's plenty athletic. Smoove is more explosive and has the hops that Marvin doesn't. However, Marvin can do more things as a basketball player due to things like mechanics and basketball IQ. We're blessed to have them both.
  11. I would like nothing more than that KB. I think he CAN do it. One of the advantages of Harrington not being around is that there wouldn't be any deference left unless it's to Joe. I think it'll probably be Johnson, Smith and Williams. (Marv is my favorite player though).
  12. I agree. I don't know if they want to put it on Marvin, but he's just as viable as any other option out there.
  13. I know it wasn't suggested that Shelden would be option 2. That is laughable.
  14. First of all, both players still have a ways to go. Smoove with his consistency and all out effort and sometimes even attitude. Marvin needs to bring all his skills to the table consistently as well. On different levels they've done different things. In high school Marvin and Josh were rivals with Marvin usually winning the admiration of scouts when they were both coming out. Josh had the advantage of using that all important first season of NBA ball to understand the level of competition and speed of the game. No matter what anyone tells you, college prepares you yes, but it doesn't tell you how to be an NBA ballplayer. This season it's going to be fun to watch two players on the verge of stardom excel. I love Marvin's all around game better, but to this point Smoove has exceeded the naysayers predictions.
  15. John was a good caller. I enjoyed him because if I remember right he would say that a John Drew or Eddie Johnson shot was a "bullseye!" Didn't appreciate him when he was here, but understood when he left.
  16. I don't happen to think JJ was dogging Marvin. He's stating what the consensus is on Paul NOW. Where are all the detractors now? All of a sudden Walter and Diesel knew that Paul was the greatest player since MJ? Marvin was the right pick given the number 2 position! Whereas Shelden Williams could have been there at 13, let alone the fifth pick of the draft!
  17. Good post KB, I respect your views, but I hardly think that Shelden was the best we could have done at five. I don't care what his supporters contention is, there were not many teams clamoring for him. A report by a scout out of the Review mentions that he liked him, but all the problems that he did have in college showed worse. Now I know it's just summer leagues, but Shelden wasn't the best pick at five and that's my opinion.
  18. WOW, I join you two in that assessment. I'm just not a Shelden fan...and Roy or Foye would have been sweet!
  19. A thread was started earlier talking about great rookie PG's. It happens. If the same draft were today, I would be just as happy with Marvin. I'm glad people cry about Paul, because when Marvin is doing well I hope they don't jump back on the bandwagon.
  20. Diesel, I equate your hate of Marvin to my hate of Shelden. But I can say, Marvin is going to be the real deal. That's the way I feel. He improved from a deer-in-the-headlights looking rookie to a functional player who'll be better than Shelden any day of the week. And in a few more years, we won't have to hear about how we should have taken Paul! He has got the prettiest swing on the team. Putting the ball in play is what he'll do this year!
  21. Lascar...I really like that picture. I hope in a couple or years Marvin can 'quiet' the fans about Paul. It's a moot point now.
  22. What some people don't seem to understand is that the defensive end would be more beneficial to us than anything else. We have guys who can score. If we trade AL and get Foster, we would have depth and rebounding with the addition of Shelden (not my favorite-but I support him), this is necessary. Hawksquawkers have proven more knowledgeable about what Foster brings than not. That is a first on the squawk!
  23. Converting to Judaism is probably less painful than being transformed into a Hawks fan!! Looking back on it, I've been a fan since I knew what a basketball and Tree Rollins was. And I'm still a Hawks fan!! The medication and therapy are working fine I'd say!
  24. Well, I wouldn't call all of us idiots, but I didn't like BK's picks this year at all. I support BK. I love the talent he's assembled, but he shouldn't have added Shelden to the mix at number 5. Call me what you will, I try to stay neutral because a computer won't make you a tough guy, but in this instance, I still say Foye/Roy would have been the better pick. It's an opinion just like yours. I'll refrain from computer tough-guy talk for now.
  25. Well, I'm in the minority like Pete....I may not respond as vehemently, but I've thought that the Shelden pick was just awful for what position. I've seen people say they'd be happy with 8 pts and 7 rebounds plus a block a night. What? Marvin got killed for better lines than that and he was only 19! I hope Shelden proves Pete and I wrong, but I will always equate that pick with the Falcons choosing TJ Duckett when they've paid Dunn to be your workhorse. I just don't like the pick at all.
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