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Everything posted by StephenHawking

  1. On the other hand we had relatively good outings against the two best teams in the league. I really think effort is a big thing for this team
  2. How ironic that the question now should be: How worried are you as a Hawks fan about everybody but Dennis and his play?
  3. The flaws in his game atm don't really rely on injuries imo. Saggin of into the paint instead of sticking to his man i.e. The ball moves through the magics offense and everyone but sap defends his man. He instead stood right next to Howard and then when ibaka got the ball he suddenly realised 'ah shiiiii' runs towards ibaka falls for the pump fake and is out of the game.
  4. Trade Sap as soon as you can. He'll only get worse from this point on considering his attitude on the defensive end. Now or never. We can still get nice pieces for him. I'm sick of seeing him getting outscored every night. Yes he's great offensively and can create in the 1on1 but honestly he also gives up much on the defensive end. He will likely go somewhere else after the season or get the max here. I'm not ready to give him the max. I'm telling you. Now or never.
  5. Honestly the way we always double just has to make us pay. It will always make players like meeks shine. Really hate how bad were coached on d. WHY THE F*CK IS MILSAP ALWAYS 10 FT AWAY FROM HIS MAN??! Their 4s were always open and if they don't drain the 3 the go for the easy bucket because Sap falls for every fake they make. I'm really bothered with Saps perimeter d. I can't think of a night where the opposing 4 wasn't hot. Payton on the other hand just hit everything. That wasn't necessarily bad d. he just couldn't miss.
  6. See what you're missing is that the whole hawks system is changing. Its not the usual budball anymore. We don't have the players to play that system anymore. Only the second unit is partially able to stick to the roots.
  7. Lol you're the most pessimistic guy ever. But I can't blame you because youre right. Still gotta appreciate the w. Edit: saw you posted before about the w.
  8. We aren't refraining to go after the wings. There are just enough threads about our wings. That one right here adresses another big issue. The second part is just bullsh*t. Hes as lazy as you can be. LOOK AT HIS FRAME. LOOK AT HIS ATHLETICISM. He should own everybody every game. That guy can really only do one thing well and that's rebound. He has absolutely no offensive game. Is a lazy f*ck on defense just waiting to rebound glued to the paint. He makes way too many stupid fouls just because he's too lazy. How many 3 second violations did he have already? He turns the ball over at will. He got outplayed many games so far by his opposing counterpart. Yesterday again manifested that you simply can't rely on him. Another thing which is pissing me off: Why the f*** is he training his 15ft jumper always? He attempts one every couple of games. That makes no sense. Instead work on issues that affect your game constantly. Work on your hands because atm your playing hot potato with it. Work on one post move. Work on your screensetting.
  9. He's a liability. Not because he's a bad player but because he's a lazy f*ck and makes the dumbest decisions. I'm done with him already. His attitude really makes me want to punch something
  10. I got crushed when I started a thread about this thing. Its obvious that bud simply can't draw up a good last possession play
  11. Yeah imo we lacked effort on d in that last stretch of blowouts
  12. Pleased with tonight's effort. Then again we had a couple of stupid possessions late in the 4th. Howard and Baze killed us tonight. All around good D. I'm positive to see us win soon again
  13. That could may be the case too. Than Dennis would guard Oladipo and Kent Roberson.
  14. Same thing I was thinking. But maybe Sefo would be better against Oladipo
  15. Lol I see you won't understand play calls. Sure Bud isn't calling him to turn it over but he sure calls to feed Howard as much as we can in the paint. Dennis just isn't used to play with a messed up offense playing center who can't catch a ball below or above his chest and strictly stays in the paint
  16. So you really think schröder can do whatever he wants out there and Bud doesn't tell him wich schemes to run? Well alrighty then.
  17. I'd trade Millsap for Batum then I'd have this: Schröder Batum Prince Hartenstein or Giles Howard My draft pick would be isaiah hartenstein but Giles would also be a possibility
  18. After tonight's game it's time to start talking about useful draft prospects. Who do you like in the upcoming draft? On what kind of player should the Hawks build on?
  19. We're going to lose by 50 tonight. DeMar DeRozan alone will score 50 on Korver. The worst team at the moment without their franchise player (Sap) against the team with the second best offensive rtg. D-E-S-A-S-T-E-R
  20. Im sorry but youre delusional if you think Tavares was any factor ever in the Hawks performances.
  21. Mostly it's missing Horford. He did everything needed to make our sub - average wings look special. We miss his screen setting on offense and his perimeter D on defense. Also he was able to at least partially adjust his game to the opposing big. In comparison you have Howard. Hes as one dimensional as it gets. Hes only inside the paint rebounding well. Thats about it. I don't see that big of a difference between teagues and dennis' game. Yes Dennis lacks vision and decision making sometimes and has to work on his shot (floater esp.). But he provides other things and I don't think his flaws influence the others as much as Howards.
  22. * cough cough * I made the first thread this season about benching KK. Please give me a little credit where it's due
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