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Everything posted by VDiLetto

  1. I bet if we took Marcus Banks off their hands, they would not even question the deal.
  2. Quote: quick, someone tell me the difference between Noah and Biedrens. quick, tell me the difference between Noah and Varejao
  3. If anyone on here thinks we are sticking with the 3rd and 11 pick, you are out of your mind. Think back to past NBA drafts and see how many trades go on in the lottery picks. A LOT. We have 2 picks and we don't need to get any younger. There will be some sort of a trade that ATL will be involved in. It may include moving back from the 3 or back from the 11. It may include getting a veteran for one of the picks. I am expecting a trade, maybe with Boston? Maybe a 3rd for 5th where we also get one of their point guards (Delonte West?)I think if we pull that one off, we get whoever is left amongst Yi, Horford, or Conley. Its a small chance. Last year, there were 5 trades amongst the top 8 picks. Only us, Charlotte, and Toronto stayed put. We will not stay put this year at 3 and 11. I promise.
  4. Drafting Yi makes a lot of business sense just like Yao did for Houston. We add a market of a gazillion people who now care about the Hawks. Merchandise sells for Atlanta HAVE to be terrible but Yi would make those numbers go through the roof. Conley would best help our team as far as a need player and Horford seems to be the best post player ready to go RIGHT now. I don't think Yi is on Atlanta's radar to be honest. I think Conley is their main goal but they want to grab him a little later and pick something else up. Of course, the whole Jarret Jack thing is also a possibility with the 11th pick which means we draft Al with the 3rd.
  5. This is the only reason why I could see orlando doing this...To sell tickets. They make a run at Chauncey at PG, Get Gerald Wallace to play the 2, Marvin plays the 3, Horford plays the 4, Darko plays the 5 with Noah coming off the bench. We would have to give them the 3 11 and Marvin to make it happen but they would have a sick roster if that was the case and with the Gators they would draft, bring in more fans therefore making more money.
  6. I'm still on the Conley bandwagon with you. I will not be a happy man if we take Yi. I want us to trade down as far as possible and still take Conley.
  7. NM, just saw that it was posted earlier.
  8. Today on ESPN Radio, they spoke about the Hawks and what the Hawks would do to start the real draft. I had a meeting to go to and missed it. However, if you go to ESPN Insider, you can listen to it on Podcast. If anyone has that and whats to give us the summary, that would be terrific.
  9. Lets look at our Roster if we pull this off.. Andre Miller/Javaris Crit (12)/Speedy Joe/Childress/Salim Josh Smith/Carney Horford (3)/Sheldon Zaza/Solomon/Sean Williams (21) I like this roster a lot. We finally get that veteran PG we need and we still draft Horford and I like the idea of Sean Williams at the 21 spot.
  10. Quote: Quote: who can tell me what I ride? we have to draft yii. This place will be so much more fun. LOL. I like the part about having a bazillion more fans. Seeing how we currently have about 43, I think thats a pretty good jump.
  11. Quote: Joakim Noah vs. Solomon Jones. Official Weights Noah = 6'11" 232 lbs Jones = 6'10" 230 lbs. Just a quick tidbit from the Bobcats Workout... Quote: "What we want to see is his offensive skills," Vincent said. "We want to see him in the post scoring. We want to see his shot from that mid-range area. That is what we're trying to get a feel for." Vincent called Noah a player who is "fundamentally sound," but added he'd like to see him work on the release of his jump shot, which tends to be awkward. "The mechanics of his shot probably need a little adjusting and I'm sure that is something the kid is working on," Vincent said. Noah said there wasn't a lot you can take from a short workout, but he wanted the team to know that if they draft him they'll be taking a player with a great work ethic. "I just want to show them that I am somebody who takes basketball very seriously and not somebody who is just all about going out and partying and doing all kinds of things like that. That's not me," Noah said. "I'm somebody who takes basketball very seriously." Takes Ball seriously? Not partying? That kid is out in Gainesville ALL the time wasted off his ass. If he was serious about ball, he would be hitting midrange shots instead of tequila shots.
  12. VDiLetto

    Noah vs. Yi?

    Sorry, but I gave up on the report when they said Philly at 11. I don't think Noah is calling out Yi, he already mentioned he was in awe of his workout.
  13. that is a very interesting trade scenario...I wouldnt be the least be surprised if it happened.
  14. Internet rumors say that are going to be in blue, red and silver. Our logo will probably be similar to the old pacman.
  15. I'd really just like to see us go back to the Nique jerseys and logo. I hate our logo now, too...busy. Name one logo that you see a lot with that much going on, needs to be simplified. examples- Yankees NY, Braves A, Pretty much all NFL and MLB logos. Bring back PAC MAN!!
  16. If this happens, who does ATL draft with the 3rd pick? Horford?
  17. Very interesting Data with some very nice informative research. It is nice to see interesting points with a basis on this site rather than "My useless trade of the day" or "You are an idiot, Josh can play center" or "BK should have drafted Deron" (for the 156,355 time) I get really tired of this [censored] to be honest. Another interesting thing to see was Scout.com's top players in the 2007 NCAA class. Brendan Wright was ranked as the number 1 forward ahead and overall ahead of Oden. Interesting info.
  18. Our Atlanta Hawks made front page news on ESPN.com!!! However, its an insider article about Mike Woodson that I can't read.
  19. lets not forget that Oden is playing without his dominant hand. If anyone thinks he actually goes pro, they are mistaken.
  20. This is a letter I recently wrote to the Atlanta Spirit. Dear Atlanta Spirit, I have been a Hawks fan as long as I can remember. The old saying "root root root root for the home team..." has always been my motto. I grew up watching Nique, then the Dikembe, Mookie, Smitty team. I even suffered optomistically through the Glenn Robinson era. In all my time though, I can never remember being so embarrased to be a Hawks fan. I'm not so sure I can even call myself that any longer. I don't live in Georgia anymore but still take every oportunity to watch the team I used to call "My Hawks". Sometimes, that means sitting at my computer and watching the delayed "live tracker" intently. I'm no expert on how a team should be run, I am not going to sit here and preach the usual "Well, on NBA Live, so and so worked...." that I read on message boards. I will say that I disagree with a lot of decisions that have been made but I always say to myself "they know something I don't." I'm not so sure I believe that anymore. This team is a disgrace to basketball and I feel like it all starts at the top. When someone on my staff underperforms and disappoints COSNTANTLY, I cut them loose and find a replacement. I rarely regret that decision. Why is it that the Atlanta Hawks don't follow that lead? I know my team is run by intelligent men who understand the business world far better than myself but how is it possible that they are having any financial success with this team? I am the only Hawks fan I know in the state of Florida , I haven't jumped on a bandwagon yet and I never will. I just wish that my team would give me SOMETHING to be proud of just once this year, because they sure haven't in a very long time. Please, just do something for those who care about this team still. We are struggling. We are tired of the offseason being the best part of the Hawks year. Wait...that part even stinks. Hanging on by a thread, Vince DiLetto
  21. Usually there is 1 hawks answer and it has something to do with "should have taken Chris Paul" .That was quite refreshing.
  22. Who cares what the media thinks, just keep winning baby!! Screw em. There will be room on the bandwagon.
  23. Its been 2 damn games!!! Lets not get carried away with teh trade Josh Smith talk just yet.
  24. You did Grady wrong comparing him to Esteban. He is much more important to the team than Esteban
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