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Everything posted by AtLaS

  1. Hero ball sucks. We can't play D. This team is mid as hell. Blow a 23 point lead to SAS? LOL
  2. We just don't play defense. I don't get it. It's systematic. Even when Trae plays D the team is just soft and get pushed all around. Doesn't matter who we play.
  3. If you're a Curry fan who lives in Atlanta, you get one game per year to see him play. Same thing with Kobe/Jordan/Bron, etc back in the day. Those fans only want to go to that game and are willing to pay higher prices to do so, thus outbidding local Hawks fans who have a choice of 41 other games to attend. Stars attracting fans is not unique to Atlanta. Jordan/Kobe/Steph basically never play true road games, except in really high stakes games in playoffs where the local fans are willing to pay more. Any superstar playing in MSG always attracts tons of fans, this is not unique to Atlanta. The south in general just doesn't support the NBA or NFL like northern/western cities for whatever reason. Maybe we just don't have the long rooted history that some of those fanbases do. We support college football very well as it has a long history.
  4. Agreed on starting JJ. JC has clearly lost a step this season, I don't care about fit, that's just too large of a dropoff to say it's all attributed to a bad fit. The reality is JC has a long term contract and had 4 years left on his deal, so he probably didn't work that hard this offseason. I have no doubt he will have a resurgence if we trade him but for now he just isn't where he needs to be. Starting JJ over him may be the kick in the pants he needs, then he gets to play with the bench. Wouldn't be surprised if this sparks him. I'm also open to starting OO. He is clearly the future, his midrange is much better than i thought it would be. If we are playing a large C like Zubac or something we can still start CC, but I'm fine with giving small ball a try. A JJ/OO frontcourt really isn't THAT small, those guys are tough and play D, and would create many matchup problems for the opposing team.
  5. While I agree that summer league doesn't matter in terms of translation to the NBA, as you pointed out there are numerous examples of players who were terrible in SL and great in the NBA and vice versa. But, JJ's talent was undeniable, it wasn't like he just got hot from three for 4 games. His talent was clearly superior with size, speed, athleticism, ballhandling, etc. It's just hard for me to think that wouldn't translate unless he just had zero work ethic or something, which is always a possibility.
  6. JJ has always been underrated since he left Duke early, there was just no video proof of him before this season. In his only action anywhere he has played he has dominated. He had a 25+ PER at Duke in only 13 games, dominated the summer league, dominated the G-league. He's a legit 6-9, a freak athlete with good ballhandling and passing skills. Those players always translate, there's almost no chance he won't be a legitimate NBA starter, and potential to be an all-star. If he doesn't leave Duke early he probably goes top 5.
  7. I've always been a huge Collins fan, but JJ can replace him and gives us a big boost in other areas like passing, ballhandling and pressing the break. I think OO is ready to replace CC also. Would free up a ton of cap space to trade both of those guys.
  8. Celtics are a really tough matchup for us. But they die by the three so if they have a bad shooting series we could beat them. We can't really guard them at all, but we need to fix the bad switches. There were a number of times where we doubled Smart/White/Brogdon off a ballscreen and leaving Tatum wide open for a 3. You can't do that. That's all they want to do is shoot threes or pump fake the 3 and drive to the basket. That's the entirety of their offense.
  9. The Celtics spam 3's worse than any team I've ever seen. It's not fun to watch. NBA needs to do something about it if this is where the league is headed.
  10. If this is the new Trae and he plays with this effort on D for the rest of his career, he will get back into that top 10 discussion and the Hawks will start winning serious games. His respect will come. Just don't revert back to low effort. Defense is the key to winning in the NBA with very few exceptions.
  11. It's taken a while for me to realize this, but Trae needs to be more of a Nash/Kidd type than a Kyrie/AI type. On our rebuilding teams in his first few years he had to score alot because he had no help. But now he does. His passing ability is elite and we need to build around that. Trae will never be an elite "scoring" closer because of his size and low release on his shot. It is very difficult for him to get shots off in these situations. He's not like a Luka/KD or someone who can literally just rise up and shoot over the top. But he is elite at facilitating and should focus on that. If the shot is there, take it but don't force it. He gets blocked too often in these situations. That and the careless live ball turnovers. I understand he has high usage and thus will have more turnovers, but many of his are careless and lead to an immediate fast break dunk on the other end. DJM needs to work on this too.
  12. Had no idea about this but not surprised. Even last year after summer league I was wondering how we could possibly keep him off the court. The dude is so talented. 6'9", elite athleticism, gifted passer, ballhandling skills, can lead the fast break, potential as a shooter. We have to unlock him.
  13. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nba/article-11754075/NBA-MLB-NHL-sweating-Bally-Sports-parent-company-sits-verge-bankruptcy.html Here we go. Who would have thunk, noone signs up for Bally+ and they aren't on any of the major streaming platforms so they are losing a ton of money. I knew this would eventually fail when it first started a few years ago. Cordcutters are generally more tech savvy folks and have already found alternative ways to watch their local team and aren't going to pay for Bally+.
  14. If he was jacking up two full court heaves every game he'd probably be shooting about 24% from 3 on the season. Then everyone would complain that he's shooting 24% and is the worst 3pt shooter in the league. This just isn't a Trae thing even though you want to make it out to be. It's a problem that the NBA needs to fix.
  15. Many players also have bonuses in their contract for shooting a certain percentage for the season, efficiency is judged when comparing top players, all-star game votes, all-nba teams, etc etc. They just aren't going to shoot these shots, it literally costs them money. NBA just needs to address it as a clear, obvious problem
  16. This is an NBA wide issue. Hardly anyone shoots these. Trade Trae for someone else and that new person isn't going to shoot them either. It's probably the most annoying thing to me that has not been addressed by the league. Just count these like a shooting foul/and1, the attempt only counts if you make it. You don't get penalized if you miss. It's such an easy and obvious fix. How much more exciting would games be if players were legitimately shooting these at the end of every quarter. Full court shots when made are one of the most exciting plays in basketball. But players don't shoot them because it hurts their percentage.
  17. Agreed in late 4th quarters. Certainly the defense is playing harder, but either Trae or DJ dribbles past half court and just lets the shot clock wind down, everyone else stands around. About 7-8 seconds left they make an ISO move or someone comes to set a ball screen. It's low percentage offense. In addition it's easy for the defense, you are letting the defense rest as they just stand there and don't have to move except for the 3 seconds when Trae/DJ goes ISO. Trae has actually made some nice plays recently off ball. When he comes off a screen hard he can catch the ball at the top of the key and immediately drive into the lane and hit the floater or lob. This works extremely well we just don't use it enough. That would make him a LOT more difficult to guard.
  18. Correct, you almost always take the best player. Bogi is pretty easily replaceable. AJ is already almost as good as him and definitely better on D. For PHX, they just went all in or bust, and Capela gives them much needed D and slightly better rebounding since they are loaded with scorers now, plus they add Bogi who is key depth off the bench. Still may not be enough for them to make the deal, but I hope they do!
  19. Any reason from your sources that we wouldn't accept this? Seems like an absolute no brainer. He would be the perfect fit besides JC.
  20. If Ayton for Capela/Bogi is really on the table and we don't take it, we are absolutely doomed. We should be ALL OVER that.
  21. And he can't play in the final 6 minutes of any games. You just can't win with that big of a handicap on your team making that much salary. He won't play confident in the playoffs, where I expect him to perform even worse once the lights are brighter. I wouldn't trust him at any moment in a playoff atmosphere, even in the 1st or 2nd quarter. Someone like the Warriors or Celtics could take a chance on Simmons since they are such great shooting teams. We can't.
  22. We are going to get a lot worse if we trade for Simmons. We gonna be the worst 3pt shooting team in the league and he will have zero trade value. Won't work.
  23. Hunter isn't allowed to defend Ingram.
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