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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Will he be used like Bud used him or will be allowed to play pf?
  2. Once the trade is official could we hold Carmelo's balls to the fire and make him take less for the buy out? I read that he is getting all of his money due to him. I don't condone these types of tactics but I can't stand Carmelo. The only player I hated more was that thug Allen Iverson--how ironic that their careers paralleled each others. Both were ball hogging chuckers that refused to take a lesser role.
  3. KB21, you understand with regards to the tanking. These guys on here wondering who we are going to sign in free agency. They do not have any aspirations to add anyone who will make this team better and/or get us out . You really think that we were going to offer Zach Lavine a contract? You didn't here us linked to anyone even when we had the money. This is a 76ers style tank but for all that trust the process BS people forget about all of their draft misses. The only hope is that our young guys (Prince, Collins, Kuerter, Trae, Spelman) are better then we are expecting. This building through the lottery is a crap shoot. Hell Trae/Kuerter/Prince/Collins/Spelman maybe our starting lineup sooner rather than later.
  4. Whether Bazemore is our first or second best player--it's a sad state of affairs for any team when the likes of a Kent Bazemore is even in discussion for being the best player on your team. it's sad that this is actually debatable. He would not even be a starter for most teams. Just sad!!!
  5. In the Jeremy Lin deal, Atlanta sends the Nets the rights to 2016 second-round pick Isaia Cordinier (you'll probably never see him). Atlanta gets a 2025 second-round pick and the right to swap picks with Nets in 2023.
  6. There is actually no rumors of this guy signing with anyone. Should we give him a 1 year deal?
  7. I rewatched all of the SL games so far and dude is reminding me of Karl Malone with the way he is playing. Ironically, one of the announcers made the comparison between the two. Need to see a little more of his mid range game but that 3ball is looking solid and he has good form. He isn't a skilled offensive yet but he is getting there.
  8. Honestly, even though it is summer league these past 3 games have been some of the worst basketball I have ever witnessed. Why is that everyone else's team is better than ours??
  9. What is the ceiling for this guy? His shot is looking good and he wasn't too bad last season. He is actually playing okay in the summer league.
  10. Just wondering where we are technically speaking. Did it start last year or does it start this year?
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY-_XWAUSzQ Pierce working them!!!
  12. read on a few sites/heard on the radio that we are interested in Zach Lavine. Kind of a head scratcher if its true. A back court with him and Trae would be exciting to watch but man we wouldn't win much depending on how the rest of the squad is looking.
  13. Hell I bet the Timberswolves would love to send us Andrew Wiggins for a package based around Kent Bazemore. Word is that they are looking to shed salary.
  14. KB21 is right and has been right all along. We will not add anyone who will make this team better even if we have a chance to.
  15. This is exactly what I posted the other day. It doesn't add up.
  16. Seems that he maybe able to run a team outside of being a scorer. is that something about him that is being slept on about him? he seems to have good vision.
  17. My question how in the hell did Brett Brown get a unprotected 1st round pick for Mikal Bridges and we got railroaded. Brett Brown is only filling in as GM until they get one.
  18. Wurider05


    Playoffs?? You have got to be kidding me dude.
  19. This draft is a blatant attempt to clone the Warriors just as we tried to clone the Pistons and San Antonio to no success. Schlenk is another Danny Ferry--guy who thinks that they are smarter that everyone else. No way in hell should that pick from Dallas should have been protected but he wanted Young that bad to be his "Curry". Cuban will spare no expense to get his team competitive again and they will be in the playoffs next year--mark my words. The Warriors were created through time,circumstance, bad ankles, and luck. We could have did a whole lot better than what we did last night. At the very least we could should have went BPA. We hired a defensive coach but want a offense styled team. What the hell is going on? I want things to work out but my common sense is telling me otherwise. I really hope that I am wrong but I think that we left way more talented players out there for Schlenk's vision. With similiar usage in college Tyler Dorsey could have been Trae Young and I question the talent gap between the two. Again not issues with Trae but I have an issue that we didn't get the best player we could have gotten with the 3rd pick.
  20. Doncic and Bamba---we are that Hawks guys that would never happen to us. Never!!!!
  21. why would you draft Trae Young (which I am totally against) is Dennis is still on the team at the start of the draft. If we draft Young with Dennis still on the roster then we will not get anything worthwhile for Dennis. Man I hope that we are not drafting this guy. You give any average player the green light to shoot all they want to and will produce i.e Allen Iverson. We saw what this kid did against legitimate competition. Big Mistake.
  22. Positionless basketball has become a reality. You can argue that he picked the wrong guys to execute his vision with but the idea was there.
  23. The messed up part is that they are saying that Cleveland even with Lebron has a better chance of winning the NBA championship than our Hawks. That hurt like hell!!!
  24. My gut is telling me that we need to draft Mo Bamba. I have seen some of this highlights and interviews. He comes across as being very intelligent. I think that with Collins as the PF and with him as the center we could be a force to reckon with. Bagley is a hell of a player but I got a feeling that Bamba may end up being the best player in this draft.
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