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Everything posted by Dnice

  1. Dnice


    I'm glad they won, but I was disappointed to see Carolina go up and down the field. and if Turner wasn't stripped they can at leat get 3, and the hail mary at the end wouldn't have mattered if completed.
  2. If you are browsing at a newstand, there's a nice poster of Joe inside Slam magazine with Carmelo on the cover.
  3. Well whatever happens this year I wish them the best, and maybe they can stay a playoff team lke the others and get over the hump.
  4. I'm sure the game on fox will have updates.
  5. Thank goodness we have Tony G to be in the top 3 in recepts, but HD is a specialist for returns and holding down the slot. I guess the potent offense will just be good. I don't even know the 5th and 6th guys on the depth chart without looking.
  6. Silo would be ok with me, to me that wouldn't refer to a stiff, as former center Wayne "Tree" Rollins wasn't.
  7. Well Mrs. Joe I feel both are divas in their own way. I don't get how he's singled out for having "fun" getting piggy back rides, or whatever, and the lame announcers keep talking about he's such a kid at heart out there. Well if you're making plays and scoring td''s, of course you re gonna be happy and enthused.
  8. So sad to learn of this, yesterday, he's one of the notable pro's my town. Bless his family.
  9. Well I think after draft night Siler was down to 278, so at least he can get around better.
  10. Have fun, and maybe we'll see you on tv, I just hope you won't be making a "wth" face.... lol
  11. I don't get annoyed by him too much anymore, I just change the channel at the half and not even look at the pregame.
  12. http://www.slamonline.com/online/blogs/the...ty-mills-no-19/
  13. I would've liked, maybe if they mainly had red road uni's and have blue alt's. I think the Clippers are the only blue and red team to have blue alternates. So many teams already go to red alts, NJ, Philly, Miami, Portland, Milwaukee, Detroit. I would like to see another Hardwood Classics jersey maybe.
  14. Because TNT knows drama, Dr Reality...
  15. Dnice

    Caption this...

    "Won't you come and put it on me"...
  16. Tony and Wilbon brought up again how poorly the first round series was. Wilbon at the end says, "Atlanta the worst sports town in America, no one showed up for game 7." 18,000+ didn't look like there was "no one", and it didn't look like a random mid-week regular season game either.
  17. I didn't like the tone he was using, something like "congrats, you beat Miami, it took you 7 games to do it". As if we were playing the Wizards.
  18. Big props to the Philips crowd, at least at this time they aren't aroused by the marketable star. I see a decline of Wade-ites in the arena.
  19. Wasn't Stern in the crowd in game 4 with Boston last year? Too ironic when he shows up tech's fly out.
  20. ZaZa's Mr. Game 4, in reference to him goin head to head with Garnett.
  21. As much as some of us were burying the Hawks after games 2 & 3,you think they have problems, just look at what the Hornets did (or didn't do) in their own arena!
  22. I'm thinking after how things turned out, it may as well have been a buzzard or crow flying around. :sad:
  23. I think a cold front will come thru after some recongition from SA Smith.
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