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Michael Vick accuses Bears of taking out his knees


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The coach basically admits to it. He basically says if you can't catch him hurt em. It's not Vicks fault they can't catch him. The bears coach is like if he is going to run we are going to dismantle him LOL.

I hope the falcons remember this next year when we play those pussies.

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man, people read too much into these things and vick is a cry baby. a team is gonna go with the most efficient method of tackling a player, ,if vick was a slow nonmobile QB they wouldnt take him low. theyd tackle him however, but hes not. Its not that they were trying to injure him, they were goin for his knees because itll trip him up.

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I don't think "tackle him low." That MAY have been what the coach meant but I can understand Vick's concern. In addition, WR Willie Jackson heard the same thing and he didn't think "tackle him low" either. He told Vick that he needed to protect himself.

As Vick said, the CHI players didn't try to take his knees out, they hit him with some hard shots but nothing dirty and he had no problems with the players themselves. It was the coaches comments he had a problem with. I don't see that as being a crybaby, I see that as a legitimate concern.

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By nature, football is violent. There is a fine line between

clean, hard football and dirty, injure the player and get

him out of the game.

Hit him low, tackle him low is one thing. Take his knees

out is something else altogether. That implies, whether

it was meant that way or not, if you can damage his

knees enough, that will get him out of the game and we

won't have to worry about him any more.

Did the coaches on the sideline go over the line? Only

the coaches know for sure. If they said what the Falcons

heard, then I say, yes. Maybe they didn't mean it to

come out that way. Only they know for sure and, yes

or no, they will deny any malice.

Gray Mule

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Tackling low is'nt dirty, especially if the guy's a runner. Tackling at his feet or tripping him up is one thing, but trying to take a guy's knees is another thing all together. I did'nt see what took Roberto Garza out of the game, but if it was a dirty hit, then yeah, what goes around comes around.

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