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Big Ups To Mr. Levenson!


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I have been unavailable to post since the Clippers game but I did want to take the time to let everyone know how much I appreciated Mr. Levenson's offer to all of us and what a great time I had at the game. It was a great opportunity for me to treat my brother, his wife, my nephew and my lady friend to a game. If that wasn't enough, I was fortunate enough to be selected by Mr. Levenson to sit courtside with him and his son after SEVERAL attempts to locate the Diesel were unsuccessful (Where were ya D - I was looking forward to meeting you as well). Not only did Mr. Levenson invite me and my lady friend down, he also told me to bring along my 5 year-old nephew who had the privelege of sitting in Mr. Levenson's lap for the entire 2nd quarter! I'm sure the little guy will never forget that experience.

I also wanted to let everyone know just how cool Mr. Levenson is. His son is a great guy as well! It was really a great experience to get the opportunity to sit courtside with the owner and talk to him about the team as the game was going on. Both Mr. Levenson and his son are very passionate about the team (they DESPERATELY want to build a winner here) and they surprised me a little with the depth of their basketball knowledge. It may surprise some of you to know that Mr. Levenson had an opinion about many of the things that have been debated here at length. He thinks Al is more SF than PF, he thinks we need another big man and he would love to see Smoove grow into a PF. He had great things to say about Joe, Marvin, Salim, Chillz and Zaza and I can tell you that after talking with him, I am even more sure that Marvin was the right pick for this franchise. I am already a season ticket holder and after talking with Mr. Levenson and hearing his passion for the team, I plan to remain one for quite some time. It is going to be great to be a Hawks fan when we finally get this thing turned around. Mr Levenson, keep the passion alive and good things will happen!

Also, I want to say I really enjoyed meeting those of you I got to meet including Dr. Z, Hawkzzz21, Spiral, ATL Baller (and friend) and anyone else I met. I'm also sorry I missed several of you who were there but I didn't get a chance to meet. It is always nice to put a face with a name. What a deal!

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Yeah I wasn't fortunate enough to be selected, but it was nevertheless very cool of mr levenson to be grabbing squawkers and bringing them courtside. I'm glad many of you got a chance to have such an experience. Also cool to see Nique in the stands with him right before the game.

It is great to finally have fan-friendly owners in town. Keep up the good work!

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I have only had the privilege of sitting that close to the action once before and it is definitely a different experience. I have been lucky enough to sit behind the Hawks' bench with my main man Jaywalker on occasion but Mr. Levenson's seats are obviously the best available. Good stuff!

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I’ve sat close to the court, but not courtside like the seats Mr. Levenson has, but the closes I have been to the court was standing on it during halftime. I won a contest that allowed me to take 3 shots in a matter of seconds (90 if I remember correctly) It was a layup, foul shot, and 3 pointer. The gifts were amazing also $100 dollar gift certificate, free tickets, and more goodies.

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I'll second the ups for Levenson. That was probably the only game my brothers, father and I will all get to go to this year together. Given the number of blank seats, maybe they should do this a few more times to get more bodies and excitement into Phillips. I know we had a great time.

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I'll second the ups for Levenson. That was probably the only game my brothers, father and I will all get to go to this year together. Given the number of blank seats, maybe they should do this a few more times to get more bodies and excitement into Phillips. I know we had a great time.

I'll 3rd the Ups for Levenson!

However, I think he's done his job. BRAVO!

Now how about the rest of them owners. I see Nique is listed as part of the ownership now. How exciting would it be to sit by Nique for a game? He had great seats for that Clippers Game.

Also, the rest of the owners should think about picking up where Mr. Levenson has left off. Would be nice to get a response from a couple of others here as well.

Mr. Levenson did have to make several trips getting people, and taking them back to his seats. He probably didn't get to enjoy the game as much as he would have normally.

I would definately be in favor of seeing another owner's special. Heck, I might even pay 11 dollars this time!! wink.gif

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