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Marvin woke up


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On a more positive note it was nice to see Marvin looking more aggressive, making his first 4 jumpers.

However I also wanted to see him put the ball on the floor and drive past people in the second half when they were running out to contest his shots. Instead he just settled for the catch and shoot.

Baby steps, I guess.

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That is one thing that seem to have got lost in the Marvin talk. He is unselfish, and just as Chill is. Marvin is a very smart player. Marvin share the same problem as Chill. They are not that aggressive on the court. If they would be better things would happen. Imagine just how good Smoove could be if he had a high BBall IQ.

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at his young age. You can tell he was well coached not only at UNC but in high school as well. Sometimes, as many youngsters do, he gets lost out there but when he is focused, he doesn't make a lot of so-called rookie mistakes. If Josh Smith had Marvin's fundamentals and basketball knowledge, he'd be unstoppable. I saw Marvin do a lot of little things last night that a lot of our other guys don't do. I thought he did a really good job blocking out on the boards, getting in the passing lanes and rotating properly to the open shooter. Also, as you said, he was decisive with the ball once he got it. I think Marvin is going to be a special player for us and as BK said the other night, I think it will be at SF.

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I like him.

I didn't watch him much at UNC, so I couldn't rightly give my impressions of him (I don't make my assessments based upon scouting reports...); but after watching him in the first few games, there were a few things that caught my eye.

First is his shot. He's got range and I love how crisp and how fluid his shot looks. He looks like a natural shooter; like Nique.... If he can be consistent with that...oh man.

Second is his speed. Marvin is quick. His shot is quick...his movements in the paint are quick. He gets up the floor quick. If he's gonna be good, then he's also going to be very fast and good.

Lastly...his handles. We were discussing this before the draft and someone said he has nice handles...and that you could see it in the video; which led to the arguement that the video showed nothing except that he was catching and dunking...which I think led some to say that's all he could do. Not by what I've seen though...watch him the next time he gets the ball and brings it up the court; or in the half court. It's early, but it looks like he has great control for a guy his size.

It's all potential at this point...but if it's all good...then I believe Marvin will be VERY good. He's got a nice set of building blocks and I see why BK picked him...

He could be special...

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