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Offical attendence 6,374


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ouch!Smallest crowd in Phillips history.

The morons that run everything need to

actually market the team or it will end

up moving.How long is the owners going

to put up with 6,00 fans?

The Falcons,races,Bulldogs sellout.

6,000 fans there is no excuse.I know Atlanta has alot

of hicks and bums and thiefs but this is sad.

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drop the TICKET PRICES!!!! thats way too much.... u need atleast $40 tickets to enjoy the game (or else its better to watch it at home... the view is better)

they need to drop ticket prices..... plain and simple

hey, how do we compete with other TEAMS (price wise, not attendance)

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Authur Blank knows how to fill up and arena. He is doing so much for the falcons to get fans there. He slashed ticket prices. He improved the tailgaiting situation. Before the Aints game he had a recording of Mike Vick call each season ticket holder asking them to come make it loud because they need the help. He also had him call thanking them afterwords.

To me this is not marketing genius just common sense. Would you rather have 6,000 at 40$ or 15,000 at 25? Im sure the math would pick the later.

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There's a bunch of stuph goin on here, and the blame can't be laid at marketing - look - we had a booming economy that pushed the stock market and players salaries to the stratospere. Ticket prices followed, making corporations and wealthy stock holders the vast majority of season ticket holders. The average family is out of the mix.

The nasdaq index has lost 72% - corporations and wealthy stock holders aren't going to buy more tickets if the Hawks have better marketing. Just as nasdaq has lost 72% so should ticket prices drop 72%, but for that to happen, player salaries should drop that much as well. I can't see the air being gently let out of the bubble, rather something more dramatic is likely to restore sanity to sports economics.

This problem exists in ALL sports, but is worse in those with the least revenue sharing and/or national tv deals. Football is in the best shape, which gives mr. blank the flexibility to make an offer to new season ticket holders at family and not corporate price levels.

Ultimately, ticket prices and salaries will come down, but can the NBA do it without a crash that kills the sport? I don't know.

Hawks attendence will improve this year, as it becomes obvious that the chances of seeing them win on any given night are very, very good. Once the falcons and dogs are done and when the better teams come to town I think attendance will reflect the better product the Hawks are putting on the floor.

In a tough economy, there's competition for sports dollars. As good a sports town as Atlanta is, there's a heckuva lotta product competing for those dollars. Columbus Ohio sells out every professional hockey game of the blue jackets. Why? They're the only pro sports ticket in town.

I usually see 2-3 games each year (I try to get freebies for 2 of those and pay for 1 game), and this year I'd like to see 5. What's the price point for me to step up as a ticket buyer? I'd pay $250 a seat for a 10 game package for seats in either the 200 level or the 100 level ends. I'm dreaming but, that's where I would step up and buy.

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Hey Basketball is probably the most expensive sport to view.

However, there are some things that the Hawks can do.

Like Blanks, the franchise needs to do things that might seem profit destroying in order to turn a profit.

#1. Lower the prices.

#2. Show the world that the Hawks are serious.

#3. Forcefeed the city with Reef, Ratt, Big Dog, and Jason the Jet Terry.

But the most important thing is show the city that you care about the Hawks.

For yrs, the franchise have gone by the wayside because nobody really gave a [censored]. Meaning that the owners didn't take much pride or interest in the Hawks. When Turner started showing up to Braves game. When Blanks started talking big about the Falcons... Fans came out.

What the Hawks need is new ownership. An owner who would be like Cuban. One who loves the team and would get personal about it. Right Now, the team is for sale ... Roughly 200 million dollars. Hopefully, Somebody who loves the Hawks and really cares about whats going on will buy them. That would revitalize the city. IF Nique and an investment group were to buy the Hawks, I would guarantee that he fans would comeout. Especially if Nique were the figure head and he made big boasts.

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THe hawks did take a risk when they went into luxury tax land with big dog. a lot of teams would touch a deal that lands them in the luxtax.

What would last nights attendence been if VinceC was playing?

There's more decent teams in the east this year, when you do the math, there are a number of teams that will draw.

People will pay to see the Answer, MJ, TMac, Kidd and Pierce. Plus, all those silly knicks fans will come out anyway even though they bite this year. This means that 6 of 7 atlantic division teams should draw well.

Add in Indy and possibly detroit and there are a fair number of good draw possibilities.

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Livingg out here in west GA I can tell you that

you can walk into any Wal Mart and the chances

of you finding a Hawks shirt/Hat or anything is

VERY Slim.This has to be the poorest marketed

franchise in any of sports.

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