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Chandler to N.O for JR Smith and PJ Brown

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I dont really understand the trade from the Bulls point of view. Chandler is still very young, is over 7 foot tall and has proved that he can be a shot blocking and rebounding monster. He just needs to bulk up and avoid injuries, and then he can be Mutombo-lite. If he adds some offense, we are talking a perennial all-star... if.... Lots of teams were therefore interested in him. I just think that Chicago could have got more back for him, and certainly more of a veteran scorer. PJ will come off the books after next year and I see that it will give great cap flexibility, but Ben Wallace is over 30 and that move must mean they want to win now, so why didnt they try for someone like Rashard Lewis, Corey Maggette, or package him with Deng for Marion all of which can put the ball in the hole... That would have meant the defense is good with Wallace, and they would have a scorer to light it up. For the Hornets I think it is a risk, but a calculate one that could really pay off.

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chandler will never be that good, which is why I think they did this. He's a long way from bulking up to the point to be able to match up with guys like Shaq, Duncan and the few other bigs he would be expected to cover and his offense just isn't good. I'd be shocked if he ever sniffed 15ppg in his career. Ben wallace brings everything they hoped to get from Chandler, only they don't have to wait for it.

Though I think they will be disappointed in Ben.

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