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Something wrong with Woodson quote in AJC


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I agree with you Hoosier. Woody doesn't do the right things down the stretch most of the time. Some teams have a knack for winning games down the stretch and some know just how to lose them and expect to lose.

This one was all on Woody. Giving the ball to JJ every time when the entire universe knows he is getting it is just stupid. LeBron was mentioned in this thread...he has been known to draw and dish which always gets you an open shot. That would have worked last night as well. But, we go one on one in that spot and end up with a tough shot. Cyde, most here don't care if your a legend in your own mind. Your posts are no more or less valid than anyone elses. And, you have zero idea who posts on this board. Zero.

The youth excuse is bogus as well. These games are NOT being lost on youth. They are lost on inferior execution and stagnant offensive basketball. That is 100% coaching.

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Woodson definitely got out-coached, look at this:

-With 35 seconds to go at the end of regulation (at the end of a timeout), we had a chance to get a 2-for-1. Even if we miss, we still get he last shot of the game. We end up missing a shot with 19 seconds left.

-And after EVERY time-out late in the game, we missed our next shot:

13s in overtime

35s in 4th

2:07 in 4th (24 second violation)

3:56 in 4th

Either Woodson is not reaching his players or is he is not a good in-game coach--neither is very good.

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Mike was quoted as saying that Marvin is young and should not have taken that last shot in regulation, with only 5 or 6 seconds elapsing, since the Bulls were in the penalty.

Let me get this straight now, they had just come from a timeout, and the coach did not go over this very situation with his young team! That is coaching 101, and then he is naive enough to make his quote in the AJC, that is just laughable.

I am an IU alumnus and saw Woody play there. But I will tell you this, if he were coaching somewhere in Indiana at the High School level and had pulled some of the things he has pulled here, there would be people gathering in local diners and townhall meetings talking about how to ride him out of town. Atlanta fans have been forgiving because basketball is a side sport for them and they just do not care that much.

What makes you think Woody did not explain the situation to Marvin?

Wow Marvin screws up and Woody is blamed. confused.gif

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Woodson definitely got out-coached, look at this:

-With 35 seconds to go at the end of regulation (at the end of a timeout), we had a chance to get a 2-for-1.

Players dont' "forget" in the heat of the moment to look for a quick shot and a 2 for 1. This was a definately coaching error.

Similar to the games Woody has lost or contributed to the loss for us, how many has Woody inversely "won" for us? Just a thought. An average NBA coach would bat .500 in this small sample size. Does Woody?


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Woodson definitely got out-coached, look at this:

-With 35 seconds to go at the end of regulation (at the end of a timeout), we had a chance to get a 2-for-1.

Players dont' "forget" in the heat of the moment to look for a quick shot and a 2 for 1. This was a definately coaching error.

Similar to the games Woody has lost or contributed to the loss for us, how many has Woody inversely "won" for us? Just a thought. An average NBA coach would bat .500 in this small sample size. Does Woody?


How do you know what was said in the time out? You don't.

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Come on Swat, you need to realize your argument is a losing proposition. If Woody told the team to go 2 for 1 and they ignored him, then that means they don't respect him. He loses in that scenario as well. I don't think that is the case. But there are ways to maximize your chances in the the last minute and we never do. NEVER.

Why defend the indefensible? If you like Woody then thats fine. But that doesn't mean we need him coaching this team. We will never realize our potential with him as coach.

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How do you know what was said in the time out? You don't.

Players don't forget that simple instruction. If you EVER played ball you'd know that simple instruction like that doesn't get lost in the mix. "2 for 1 fellas. TWO FOR ONE!" It's that simple and a trained monkey would execute that. I'd rather have two, 33% shots than one 43% shot. It really is simple. Coaching error.

Again, how many games has Woody won with his in game coaching decisions? Any?


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Come on Swat, you need to realize your argument is a losing proposition. If Woody told the team to go 2 for 1 and they ignored him, then that means they don't respect him. He loses in that scenario as well. I don't think that is the case. But there are ways to maximize your chances in the the last minute and we never do. NEVER.

Why defend the indefensible? If you like Woody then thats fine. But that doesn't mean we need him coaching this team. We will never realize our potential with him as coach.

Perhaps so. I am pulling for the guy and the team. I'd need to see a healthy team to judge better though.

I'm not really sure about the staff. This team reminds me a high school team full of sophmores and two seniors. Two years and they will be an old team (high school jargon). It really is, you don't know when the light turns on. At some point it will kick in and we will be winners consistantly.

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It really is, you don't know when the light turns on. At some point it will kick in and we will be winners consistantly.

Lights sometimes turn on and you realize you went home with the pretty girls' ugly friend. I think Woody is that girl. He was the last girl at the dance and we were too drunk and desperate to tell him apart from Sidney Lowe much less a good coach.


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I don't think that should be said in the press. That is a heavy statement to lay on Marvin. Think you might be right Hoosier.


Mike was quoted as saying that Marvin is young and should not have taken that last shot in regulation, with only 5 or 6 seconds elapsing, since the Bulls were in the penalty.

Marvin is our highest pick in the last two decades; you do not call him out for trying to win a game. Between Woody and Mora; its pick your poison. Some people just do not know how to deal with the press.

Keep things in house; that is what you hear coaches preaching all the time. Seems like ours cannot follow their own good advice....

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...as usual. First, none of you know the context of the statement. Secondly, I think most of you agree with Woody's thinking (with issue being on how it was made) - and I bet Marvin does too. Not being in game shape may have caused him to settle for a jumper or maybe it's just that he's young.

In spite of Woody's faults/flaws he's a players coach and the guys enjoy playing for him. I seriously doubt if Marvin felt that he was being called out - just as much as I doubt that Woody was calling him out.

Lost in this debate is that regardless of the outcome - Marvin wanted to take the shot and that's what matters to me.

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I'm with Skyhawk on this one. He's the coach, he knows whether or not Marvin had the greenlight to take that shot. If Woody never drew up a play and left it up to Marvion to decide what to do, I would agree that the comments were out of line, but its more likely that something in the play broke down, and Marvin went with his instinct, which was not the best reaction.

Coaches have to coach. Good ones know how to criticise without alienating. Marvin's college coach had no problem pointing out to the media when he or his teammates made bonehead mistakes.

It appears to me that of all the things I think Woody lacks, I think he does have a good relationship with his players. There seems to be harmony despite a lot of bad times. My guess is that Woody had a good reason to bring it up, Marvin understands his mistake now, and he and the team will be better for it.

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I agree with you Hoosier. Woody doesn't do the right things down the stretch most of the time. Some teams have a knack for winning games down the stretch and some know just how to lose them and expect to lose.

This one was all on Woody. Giving the ball to JJ every time when the entire universe knows he is getting it is just stupid. LeBron was mentioned in this thread...he has been known to draw and dish which always gets you an open shot. That would have worked last night as well. But, we go one on one in that spot and end up with a tough shot. Cyde, most here don't care if your a legend in your own mind. Your posts are no more or less valid than anyone elses. And, you have zero idea who posts on this board. Zero.

The youth excuse is bogus as well. These games are NOT being lost on youth. They are lost on inferior execution and stagnant offensive basketball. That is 100% coaching.

LOL @ the youth excuse being bogus, when you see coaches all the time lose with young teams. But it's easier to give the players some slack, when you don't like the coach.

Almost every single young team in this league loses, until they're able to play together for a few years or add quality veteran talent. And when that happens, the coach seems to turn into a better coach overnight.

It's safe to say that if the Hawks go on a 4 - 5 game winning streak sometime in the near future, Woody will get none of the credit, while the players will get all of the praise from you guys.

The Clippers were always a young talented team . . and lost . . until they added Sam Cassell. But I guess Dunleavy is a great coach, even though he's been fired about 3 times from NBA jobs.

The "great" Larry Brown goes to a team of overpaid vets who thought they were superstars, and inherited a slew of young players, and looked like the worst coach in NBA history . . even though people widely consider him to be a top 3 coach in the NBA.

LOL @ the youth excuse being bogus. It's not only youth. It's youth and experience. It's a reason why a team like San Antonio and Detroit win all of the time. From top to bottom, I don't know if either of those teams have better overall talent than we do. But they're definitely more experienced, which makes all the difference in professional sports.

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