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Not having a PG and the horrible offensive scheme that Woody runs has a primary effect on everyone's percentages.

Oh so when your boy Smoove's shooting percentage comes into question, you blame it on the point guards! But when you are talking about Marvin, its all Marvin! Whatever! irked.gif

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Guest Walter


and you are a chicken for not wanting to bet before Yi scored 23 points.

When you saw Yi score 23 points you wanted to make the bet, but why not before that game??


What are you saying? Yi has already scared YOU away from a wager? After ONE game. I'm still willing to make it after a 14 Pt game. I even made a $100 with KB even though I believe Yi is 19 and obviously has ALOT of growth and adjustment to make in his rokie overseas and NBA season.

Actually, I never even thought of the wager until someone else posted about Horford's potential for NBA scoring. It was in the context of Yi's 23 but it was about Horford being an NBA scorer. I just don't see it. Thus the post.


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Not having a PG and the horrible offensive scheme that Woody runs has a primary effect on everyone's percentages.

Oh so when your boy Smoove's shooting percentage comes into question, you blame it on the point guards! But when you are talking about Marvin, its all Marvin! Whatever! irked.gif

LMAO at everything having to be broken down for you. Read again there boy..


Not having a PG and the horrible offensive scheme that Woody runs has a primary effect on

Having a little trouble with reading comprehension?

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Not to get completely off topic here, but after the All Star break, when his hand was closer to 100%, Marvin shot just under 46% from the field. That's comparable to the fg percentages of Kobe Bryant, Michael Redd, Vince Carter, Joe Johnson, etc., and better than those of Gilbert Arenas, Ray Allen, Allen Iverson, Paul Pierce, Tracy McGrady.

That doesn't really apply because Marvin doesn't face NEAR the defensive pressure that those guys face. Those guys can shoot at that percentage and still be very effective because their presence alone opens up opportunities for the entire team. Marvin was the 3rd/4th option, he was mainly taking open jumpers.

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That doesn't really apply because Marvin doesn't face NEAR the defensive pressure that those guys face. Those guys can shoot at that percentage and still be very effective because their presence alone opens up opportunities for the entire team. Marvin was the 3rd/4th option, he was mainly taking open jumpers.

I think turning him into the jump shooter was the mistake

He's got that pure form but his shot is not there.

It's also a waste of his ability to attack the basket with that size and potential great finishing ability.

More importantly, his great FT shooting

I expect big things out of #24 for the Hawks this year

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I think of all of our players, the one who would most benefit from playing with a quality PG is Marvin. I realize that's kind of ironic.

I think the WHOLE TEAM will benefit from that.

Bad PG play hurt Joe Johnson because it made it easier to double team him when the opposing team knew our PG either couldn't shoot. Or when the PG gave JJ the ball with a few seconds on the shot clock after dribbling it out.

It will help Marvin and Smoove because it will give them more opportunities to shoot/take their men off the dribble in the half court setting and it will create more fast break points when he pushes the ball up the floor.

And of course, we all know how a great entry pass in the post helps the C.

Law or Horford may win ROTY just because of the turnaround this team is going to have

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I'm about as big of a Marvin fan as it gets, but I must say that the one and only person that can truly help Marvin is Marvin. If he wants it bad enough, he'll become a dominant player.

A PG will surely help him and everyone else on the team, but the time has come for Marvin to take what's his, rather than riding shotgun.

As a rookie and second year guy I have no real problem with his tendency to defer to others so much. It's frustrating at times, but I don't look at it as some kind of problem that can't be corrected. If it continues as a third year guy in the same system with the same (for the most part) teammates and coaches, then I'll begin to agree with the detractors that he just doesn't have the "want to".

I don't expect 20 and 10 and some kind of all star campaign, but I do expect a more assertive and more aggressive veteran player.

This is make it or break it time for him. Nothing he's done so far is strong enough (good or bad) to determine how big of a mistake it was to pass on the PGs. It seems obvious we made the wrong choice, but Marvin can make up for the managerial mishap by becoming a team leader and by directly and positively affecting the W-L column of the franchise.

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thats why I dont watch none of it. You got people getting hardons over some of these players when they are playing against bench warmers and rookies give me a break.

SL means nothing than why are head coaches like Don Nelson and other GM showing up for these games. You're right that stats don't mean a lick but people watch to see certain aspects of their performances.

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Good post, I agree. There were some games last year where he'd seem to get mad and just start taking it to the rack. I hope he has that fire from day 1 next year, instead of just doing it once every certain amount of games.

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the player he can be. I am looking for him to really turn the corner this year. Like you, I don't expect 20/10 but I do expect him to be a consistent contributor and for him to be one of the reasons that we become a playoff caliber team. Assuming he starts (and that is by no means a certainty), we should be able to count on him for 15/6/2 every night and we should be able to count on him playing solid D. It won't surprise me to see him giving us 18/7/2 but 15/6/2 from a 21 year old is solid - particularly if Law, JJ, Smoove and Horford are the other starters as all 4 of those guys could easily be double figure scorers.

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Marvin really needs to find ways to contribute more to the Hawks in his third year. I don't expect him to be a world beater at his age, but given the number of minutes he gets, he'll need to play above average to justify that playing time, especially on a team with considerable front-court depth.

Last season, Childress pretty much outplayed Marvin across the board, which I'm not too concerned about given that Josh is 3 years older, savvier, and a damn good player in his own right. Marvin doesn't need to have a better season than Chill necessarily,that's a lot to expect. With the addition of Horford, however, the gap must close significantly.

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I think Chidress outplays him significantly in terms of going for boards, being aggressive around the baseline, and with things like loose balls.

But I think childress' defense is GREATLY exagerated, and I think he gets abused by perimeter oriented players moreso than Marvin does. I think Marvin already is a better defender.

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I'll take your word for it regarding defense, TSE, since honestly, I'm not sure how good a defender Chill is relative to Marvin. That's one of those things that's really hard to evaluate, but Chill generates more steals than Marvin, so that might factor in since players get burned when they come up empty on the steal.

Josh does a lot of things a little better than Marvin at this point, rebounding, like you mentioned, he also commits fewer turnovers, fewer fouls, but the big difference between the two is in FG%, and there's such a value in hitting the shots that you take, especially on a team like the Hawks that rebounds poorly overall.

Chill doesn't have any one aspect to his game that's amazing, or make any jaw-dropping, highlight reel type plays like Smoove, but his subtle contributions help win games. Over at 82games.com, they break down team performance by 5-man groups. All of the top Hawks groups, in terms of win% and point differential, feature the JJ-Smoove-Chill core.

None of this is to take anything away from Marvin, however, so I don't want it to be taken that way. He's a really young player and he had the hand injury and there's a lot to like about him, I just want more to like about him. For the Hawks to make a playoff push this season, I think Marvin will have to step up and hit a higher % of his shots. He's more than capable and I think he'll make it happen.

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