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USA vs. Argentina tonight !!!


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Thanks for the update.

I just read that Argentina's best players: Ginobli, Norconi, Oberto, and Hermann are all sitting out this tournament. Some how they are still undefeated in the tournament while missing all of these players.

On a side note I would love to see us have a new tournament just for kicks. Lets divide teams up by continent.

South America could combine Argentina, Uraguay, and Brazil to form quite a team:




Nene / Hermann

Batista / Oberto

North American team would only add Steve Nash (we don't need Magloir or Dalembert from Canada.)

Asia would get good since alot of the Russian team could be combined with Wang Zi and Yi from China.

Team Europe would be awsome with:






Then add in all the studs that play in Euro leagues.

Team Africa:

Some good bigs: Mutumbo, Thabeet, Sene, ..I'm sure their are plenty of others I can't remember.

Team South America and Team Europe could beat Team North Anerica on any given day. Granted noy most days but maybe 2 games out of 10.

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I think this would be a great idea. I'd watch that all day long.

Would Deng play for Africa or Europe? There's Mbenga, Olowokandi,Diop Also there are a decent number of African's who play for European Clubs.

Yao, ZaZa, Biendrins(Latvia), Andriuskevicius, Illgauskas, Jasikevicius, Songaila (all from Lithuania), Okur, Turkoglu(Turkey) would be on the Asian team as well.

The Aussie team would have some decent players with Bogut,Andersen, Sean Marks.

Would the Caribean Island play for North or South America?

Duncan and Bell are from the US Virgin Island.

Barea and Arroyo are from Puerto Rico.

Foyle is from St Vicent & Grenadines.

Or do you create a team from the Islands.

N. America

S. America






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Funny guy...Russia is part of the Asian Contientent(most Russian's are considered Asian. Just because the leadership has European ancestory doesn't make the country European.)

I started to say that it may be a political issue concerning Georgia, Lativia and Lith. since they were former Soviet States/Countries.

Turkey historcally can be called part of Africa, Asia Minor and Middle East depending upon what historical time frame you choose. Of course each country could determine which reasonable contientent they would like to belong to.

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most Russian's are considered Asian

Lol, no. ~26 million live east of Ural, ~12 million in Ural, ~106 million west of Ural. Russia is part of the Council of Europe, so is Turkey, Turkey even wants to join the EU, which is kinda reserved for european countries you know.

Latvia and Lithuania are west from Russia, there is NO way to consider them asian.

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OK...I can understand your point on Lat and Lith and from a sports stand point concerning Russia, but...

Geo wise Russia and Turkey are part of the Asian Continent. Some circles of education consider the split of Russia and Ural, but when I lived in Moscow for 3 months most people there considers it the continent of Euraisa (6 continents).

Also the EU is not only for European Countries. The charter allows for countries outside of Europe much like anyother treaty organization. For this reason some has call it the beginings of the one world government. Turkey has never been part of Europe during any part of history.

For the sake of competition I'd rather see Russia as a part of Asia

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Also the EU is not only for European Countries.

Wrong again, article 49 states that only european countries may join the EU.

Please stop talking about things you have no clue about, it makes you look really stupid when you claim things like "most Russians are Asians" & "European Union is not only for Europeans", it is funny though. wink.gif

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