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Why hasn't the deal with McDavid gone throught yet


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The big hype over the Hawks being sold to the guy from Dallas has died down. I know that this checkettes guy from NewYork has gotten in own the race so why did this reporter from ESPN leak this information to the public when there was no confirmed deal with Mcdavid? I also saw in the AJC about a week ago about Ted Turner, Stan Kasten and a 3rd individual trying to buy the Braves. Could this group be interested in the Hawks as well??? I wish something would happen and happen soon.

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ESPN has a real bad habit of hearing something very vague and then running a story on it.

My guess is, they heard that McDavid was bidding for the Hawks, so they ran a story saying that there was an agreement made. It's pretty well known that McDavid has been pursuing this purchase for months now and is probably the most active pursuer.

Checketts is a guy that has come in at the last minute after he pulled out of the possible purchase of the Dodgers. It looks like the Dodgers will go to Malcom Glazier.

The local group that has come together is only interested in the Braves, from what I can gather. The group consists of front men Bill Bartholomay, Ted Turner, Stan Kasten, and Terry McGuirk. Bill Bartholomay owned the Braves before Ted Turner. Both Bartholomay and Turner have a deep love for Braves baseball.

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