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*New Member* I don't mean to sound so pessimistic


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But IF we do bad this season we will get a new coach who will be better than Woody (I can't imagine anyone being worse) And we can get a high pick in the draft and get our shooting/point guard, like OJ Mayo, Derrick Rose, or Michael Beasley. Hopefully we can get it together this season and we want have to wish for these things to happen, but if it doesn't work out, theres always a "brighter" side to look forward to.

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We don't? How does that work? Well we HAVE to get a new coach! We have so much talent on this team it makes no sense for them to not have the right coach operating them. They need a structured offensive game. I used to say it was the players age that made the team so bad, and that might have had something to do with it, but I bet if Josh Smith went to GS he would have a "breakout" season, he could have it here but he isn't being coached/guided in the right.

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Rofl, wrong that isn't me.

I'm not that stupid..I know we don't have a pick this year.

I know it's going to the suns.....


There is no way that any Hawks fan wouldn't know that we don't have a pick this year. That was a comment that was thrown in to make the alias look like a noob.


i don't understand how the draft works


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Ummm I'm not "lawstudent" and nor am I stupid. I just don't undersatnd how the draft works with it's picks, and I never have. So take it easy, you can tell everyone you're not me without having to be insulting. Instead of critizing why don't you help me out? I did ask how it works you know?

When you trade players you can include draft picks. When Phoenix traded Joe Johnson to us, one of the things we sent their way was this year's draft pick. So they will get whatever draft spot we end up with in addition to their own.

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Believe what you will

Being paranoid is only hurts you, not me or lawstudent

You know NOOBS really do exist.

Assuming you aren't someone's alias...

When you come on here as a new member and say that you don't understand the draft and dont know that we don't have a pick this year you are basically telling us "I don't know basketball so just ignore everything i say".

You would just be better off just saying nothing and just reading the board and try and learn the game.

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"When you come on here as a new member and say that you don't understand the draft and dont know that we don't have a pick this year you are basically telling us "I don't know basketball so just ignore everything i say"."

-1st didn't put quotes on your sentence implying that I said that when I did not. 2nd, how does this imply that I'm lawstaudent? Again, stop the paranoia, it's ridiculous.

"You would just be better off just saying nothing and just reading the board and try and learn the game."

-Learn the game? OK, I can post what I want and I know basketball, but I don't recall the draft having anything to do with what goes on on the court. You might want to take you own advice. I'm a fan of BASKETBALL before I'm a fan of the NBA, first and foremost.

I can undestand why you think that way becuase of my first impression, but I do understand how it works now I just got a little confused. I thought that since we went in the top 3 last draft our pick that was suppose to go to PHX last year had "expired" and that PHX chances of getting a pick from us was over and that we would be able to keep our future picks. I forgot that the NBA is a business and they have to give PHX a pick no matter what, becuase it's contracted. But that doesn't imply that I don't know basketball. I am very aware of what goes on on the court. So stop being so judgemental.

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"This was your comment earlier. That is a strange comment for a basketball fan to make."

-Go back and read what I said and stop picking me apart. I said I'm a basketball fan first before I'm a NBA fan. I don't recall seeing drafts in high school or college, only in the NBA. Do you get my aim now? So me not knowing how "the draft" works doesn't have anything to do with me being a fan of bball THE GAME-not the organization.

Besides I do understand the draft, I just got confused and obviously used a bad choice of words to excuse my confusion. Haven't you been confused? Well, quote me on this, "stop being so judgemental". I do understand the draft, I'm a hawks fan, and I'm a baskatball fan.

Anything else?

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Everybody has to start some where.

We lost our 2008 pick to Phoneix in the JJ trade. They would have gotten our pick last year but it was "top 3 protected." Lucky for us the ping pong balls went our way in the lottery so we got to keep the 3rd pick. Had it been pick #4 or below Phoneix would have had the pick paying off the debt owed from the JJ pick. Now Phoneix gets our 2008 pick to complete the trade.

We got pick #11 from Indiana in the Harrington trade. I believe it was to come to us in 2007 only if it was pick #12 or higher. Lucky for us the balls bounced and came up to Pick #11.

The only way we can have a 2008 1st round pick now is through a trade.

Chills and Smith will be restricted free agents at the end of the year. This simply means that the Hawks have the right to match any offer given to Smith or Chills in the open market. We match the offer and keep the player of refuse to match and then let them go.

Coach Woodson's contract is up at the end of the season too.

The ownership battle between Belkin and the ASG is still going on. Until it is finalized long term deals regarding the team's future is a bit cloudy.

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