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MV7 Get's 23 Months


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3 years probation afterwards. He'll probably do 18 months.

I'm sick of hearing about all of it personally. While I fully agree that you break the law and get caught, you accept your punishment. Nobody should do time like this over animnals. I could kill someone in a car wreck and I would do less time..

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Do you think this is actually an instance where his celebrity hurt him in sentencing? I think its certainly a possibility, but I wonder what the precedent is for someone involved in a dog fighting ring (has there even been one?).

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At least he won't have to go to a maximum security facility. It'll be "Club Fed"...I wish I knew which one he'll be attending...I'd like to get a few bucks down on their intra-mural team wink.gif Can't you imagine a bunch of Wall Street insider traders and bribe-taking politicians trying to catch MV7?

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While I totally disgree with Dogfighting and hurting animals I think Vick got totally screwed in this whole deal. He has been crucified left and right since this whole thing went down. His career and life have basically been ruined over this. I'm sure he will become a better person after all this no doubt but to ruin this man's career and our Atlanta Falcons is ludricrous. Jamal Lewis is dealing Cocaine and gets only 3 months in prison and 1 game suspension. Ray Lewis kills 2 PEOPLE in Atlanta and gets no jail time and misses no NFL games. Vick just got totally screwed.

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In fairness, there has never been any evidence that Ray Lewis killed anyone. He pleaded to obstruction of justice for lying about knowing the two guys who were charged with murder. The two guys who were charged were acquited so it is tough to say that Ray Lewis killed two people.

Jamal Lewis was never connected to a consumated drug deal. He tried to set one up on the phone but no drugs ever changed hands. That was part of the reason he didn't face more serious charges.

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I could not care less what happened to Vick. He has screwed the Falcons frachise for this season and the next two. The Falcons' lost salary money of: $7 mill this year, $7 mill next year,and $9 mill in 2010 that we could have to spend on other players. On top of that Vick owes the Falcons almost $20,00,000 in signing bonueses that we could use on ther players only if the money is collected.

That will never happen (collecting signing bonues). Based on Vick's character & his own bad judgment, I bet he has spent or squandered 95% of the money paid to him.

Vick owes Atlanta 3 football seasons that we will never get back !

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absolutely. animal abuse is nothing new. If you watch Animal planet they have people on there abusing animals in higher numbers and these people end up getting a few weeks in jail and probation.

Most of those are not intentionally organizing ways to torture and murder animals. Most of them are more neglectful than anything else.

Also, a significant portion of the punishment is due to him not telling them what he knows, and to failing a drug test he had to know was coming. Famous or not, when you show the courts that little respect and refuse to cooperate, you get the proverbial book thrown at you. If he had fully co-operated and quit smoking weed, there's no way he would have gotten over a year, if that.

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