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AT&T working on amazing new Mozilla based browser


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Wow. that looks really innovative. It will be nice to have a truely new web-browser. We have been stuck with the same basic technology for a while now.

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There are definitely some big things coming in the next few years as far as the browsers go. I just read some of the new specifications for HTML 5, which is the new version of HTML that will update version 4, which is 11 years old. Once that is adopted along with the new CSS standards (hello Microsoft) the web will be a much more interactive place.

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That is great news.

I feel I have been totally left in the dust with HTML programming. I did a little in the late 90s for my department website. Now, I doubt I could make a page worth sneezing over...

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Technology hasn't come so far that it can make you sneeze just by looking at it, but perhaps in the near future it will smile.gif

Web technology is growing so fast that it's almost impossible to keep up with now. Especially now that Microsoft has their own product suite (Silverlight) to compete against Flash and now Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) has really started taking over. It's all I can do to keep up with Photoshop, Flash, and basic programming.

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  • 2 months later...

I gotta say, it is very very flashy which is cool. Instead of a simple view on bookmarks (just the title and maybe a small representative icon of the website next to the name) it actually takes a small screenshot of the bookmark.

My favorite thing about this is how easy it is to browse between multiple websites. It basically has tabbed browsing except the tabs show a scaled down version of the websites. It is much easier tabbed browsing than Firefox or IE. Also, when looking at your history it is a lot better than others because it shows screenshots of the websites you are on. So if you were on a weird webpage that had something you were interested in (a website with an address that isn't xyz.com/whatever) you see the screenshot and it jogs your memory.

The only bad thing about this browser is you need to have a high performance computer. I just built the one I am using with Pogo and only have 1 gb RAM and the monitor isn't that great. So it is a little slow, but I blame that on not having more power in my computer.

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Very cool! It sounds just like the demo that I saw of it a while back. I hope that they will send me a link to the beta program so that I can try it out. Have you noticed anything weird as far as how pages are rendered? It should be like Firefox since it's Mozilla based but you never know.

Only 1gig of RAM? I would go nuts if I only had a gig. I have 4 gigs in this machine and I still want more LOL.

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Actually nothing different about pages at all, it is just like how I viewed from Mozilla. Hawksquawk comes out the same and from the sites I have been to so far its the same.

Yeah, right now only 1 gig not sure when I will update but hopefully not too long. So far this computer has just been for music and browsing so whenever I decide to expand on to getting a blu-ray player then that will probably be the time that I need to get more RAM.

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Good, I like that hear that! As a web guy I always get a little nervous when new browsers or standards come out because most sites require having a hacked layout to make them look mostly the same in the major browsers. (cough cough f u IE)

I don't know if you are familiar with the site but www.crucial.com is probably the best site for memory I have found. They tell you exactly what your system can hold and have great deals.

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No I had not heard of crucial.com, I normally just went through newegg.com and crucial is much better. Thanks for the site, once I decide to upgrade I will be using crucial (I just bookmarked it so I don't forget).

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