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Hey guys as you know I live here in Orlando and I got to go and check out LeBron's first game. By the way the arena was filled up more than any regular season game. With maybe the exception of the Lakers for when Shaq comes to town. I was amazed by the LeBron mania.

Here is my LeBron critique after watching him last night:

The guy is gifted. He is 6'8" and he played the point guard. As you all know by now, he busted out 14pts 7 boards and 6 assists. He also had 3 turnovers. He had one of the best reverse layup's I have ever seen last night. You could say Jordanesque.

A few things I noticed though. He was playing against guys that were physically outmatched. With the exception of Bogans and Gaines there was no one on the Magic team that will be on the professional team this year. Lebron also had his starting lineup with him. He had Miles, Wagner, Boozer and Diop starting with them. With the exception of Diop who will be replaced by Illegagus (whatever the centers name is) that is the Cavs starting lineup this year. Rumor has it that R. Davis will probably be traded before the start of the season.

He only scored 4pts in the second half. This was when the Magic started guarding him full court. They made him work the ball up the court every possession in the second half. This seemed to bother him. Also, in the first half when he scored 10pts. I believe every basket came in transition. When he had to play in a half court set, he seemed to struggle. The Cavs were in hurry to get out and run. On a side not D. Miles looked very impressive last night. He has always been a good finisher who could jump out of the gym, but he hit a couple of 3pt bombs and made almost all of his outside shots. If this continues expect a big year from Miles.

Back to Lebron, he was good. But, I still have to see what it will be like when he goes up against a starting NBA point guard. He struggled with the full court pressure, the double teams seem to bother him as well and the half court sets weren't smooth at all. But, I do love the kid's build. He already has an NBA body. He is not some skinny toothpick. I like his court presence. He wasn't phased at all by the crowd.

Overall I give him a solid B for the night. You have to remember he was playing his first game and it was against summer league scrubs. I will be very interested to see how he fares against NBA starters. He still has a lot to prove and he will struggle at times, but if he continues to get better as much as I hate to say it (because I would love Nike to eat that 90 million they spent on him and I'm tired of hearing about him) I think LeBron is going to be the real deal.

Just my opinion though.


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This may come back to bite me in the rear, but I think LeBron won't be too much of an impact this year.

I'd be suprised if he won rookie of the year.

I doubt he will be NBA calibre for at least 2-3 years. He's a freaking kid for god's sake. I hope full grown professional adults aren't smoked by some kid.

Personally, I hope the kid barely succeeds through his career. 14 PPG 3 APG 7 RPG. Decent, but not phenom.

It sickens me that the NBA has to hinge its future on a guy who hasn't even shot a ball in the NBA.


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I don't know how forgot this as well, but LeBron did get posterized last night by Utah rookie Britton Johnson. Basically, LeBron got the nutz.

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I agree that this will not be LeBron's year. He will do decent and we may see glimpses of the future at the end of the season. But, like everyone knows, he's young.

Personally, I think that Anthony will get the rookie of the year award. I just have a feeling about him.

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I think a lot of people are hoping for this because they don't want this overhyped highschool kid to actually deliver on the hype. I think that's sad. Just because he's young, gifted and has lots of money thrown on him, he shouldn't be hated on.

Personally I think he's going to be an immediate ROY candidate. Especailly if they move Davis. He'll get plenty of shots and he's shown that he's not just about scoring. He can rebound, defend and pass.

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No, I don't dislike LeBron because of the money or fame. Personally, if I (or one of my unborn children) had a chance like this - I'd take it without looking back.

The reason I dislike the hoopla around LeBron is because he has proven NOTHING. Further, the sport is touting him and relying on him to deliver the league to the next era.

In my opinion, it makes the talent that IS in the league look pathetic. In my opinion, when a boy can play with a man - then it shows there is little/to no skill in the profession compared to where it should be.

A 17 year-old should NOT be able to compete on a professional level (worse yet, be expected to surpass the others).

It is insane.

Finally, the thing LeBron DOES have going for him is that he is a great passer. He is a better passer than he is a scorer. That is a bonus.


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All apologizes Chillz,

But I may have forgot to add this last night. But LeBron is a Horrible defender. He got taken to school several times by Reece Gaines, Keith Bogans and Britton Johnson. So I wouldn't say he is a good defender. If you want to categorize him as a defender it would be below average.

As for hating on the guy. I don't. I hate the hype. I don't like some of his comments. Like I'm giving 50% of my effort to the Cavs and the other 50 to Nike. That doesn't sound right. I think he has an ego that needs to get knocked down a few notches before he becomes a player in this league. But, he is young and immature still when it comes to his press conferences and handling himself off the court he will learn. At least you would hope he will.

That's it I just wanted to clear up the fact that he plays good defense. Because that is laughable to say that.


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Defense in the pro's is quite a bit different than defending highschoolers. He plays good D. He moves his feat and puts effort into it. Having guys get by you in summer league games or having someone dunk on you DOES NOT make you a bad defender. The fact that he's atheletic, knows how to play D and actually puts effort into it is more than enough to make me say he's a good defender. Certainly more than getting scored on by a few guys in a summer league game.

If that continues to be the case after he's on a team that knows how to play team defense (you think those guys last night were hardly trying to play defense as a team?), THEN I will agree and proclaim him a below average defender.

But as I said, he has all the tools to be a great defender. The size, the speed and above all the desire to be a good defender. You don't find many below average defenders with those attributes.

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he was never known for his defense. In fact, in several high school games- he would go gamble and try to go for the steal in order to get that HIGHLIGHT REEL. He has the potential/size to be a good defender, but unless hes willing to make it hard on the other player... i dont think hes gonna be a good defender in this league. I wouldnt be surprised if he averaged 1.5+ spg this year, but steals dont make u a good defender.

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It's ridiculous to hate on this kid because the league and sponsors want to hype him as the second coming. Is that his fault? Is it his fault that a few years ago some scouts saw him and started prepping him for this moment? Don't hate the player, hate the people who run the game.

In reply to:

In my opinion, it makes the talent that IS in the league look pathetic. In my opinion, when a boy can play with a man - then it shows there is little/to no skill in the profession compared to where it should be.

A 17 year-old should NOT be able to compete on a professional level (worse yet, be expected to surpass the others).

I don't see how you can think that. Why can't a 17 year old compete with adults? The same thing was said about Tiger Woods a few years ago. "He can't be that good!", "How can he be that good?". But he was and is. It happens all the time in every aspect of life. Some people are just damned gifted. So gifted that their natural abilities easily surpass age and experience.

Don't take this the wrong way. But it sounds to me like you have a bit of the jealously bug. Not being jealous of his success. But being jealous of the fact that this KID could actually be better than most of the professional adults in the game. Don't get me wrong. When you combine all the hype and publicity that he gets, it's easy to feel that way.

I'm certainly not saying that he will be the next superstar in the league. I think he will, without a doubt, be a star in this league though. But I'm not going to wish failure, or even mediocrity on him because the powers that be want to hype him to the world.

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intertwined that they are virtually the same thing. You can't really hate on one without hating on the other. "Hating on" LeBron doesn't mean that you actually "hate" him. It simply means that you say negative things about him based on the opinions you have formed about him for whatever reason. A classic example of "hating on" LeBron is saying that you "hate the hype" around him and that you think "he has an ego that needs to get knocked down a few notches." While those things may be true (you are certainly entitled to your opinion), those statements have all of the necessary elements to be considered "hating on" LeBron.

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I could care less about him playing at a mediocre level -- he's made it. He made his money. Failing and flailing isn't going to change the fact that he has already earned (in this year) more than most people will obtain in their entire lifetime. (incl. spousal income)

So, if he plays like a second round pick ... it isn't going to starve him. I don't wish that on anyone.

But, this concept of bringing players from high school has got to stop. It kills the college game and really shows how poor our players are.

Golf is a different game that basketball. A 400-yard drive is a 400-yard drive... regardless of age or size. A good putt is a good putt.

But, basketball is physical.

As for the sponsors hyping him like he invented the game ... I do wish poor-play on the kid because of it. Just to shut them up ... and people will remember the failed HS "superstar".

I know I'll be wrong... I know he'll flourish... I just wish it didn't come with cereal named "LeBron's Puffie Wheat" and a new soda called "Bronnie's Liquid Dunk".


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First off ... I don't "hate on" anyone. I don't even understand the gutter dialect. To me it belongs in the same book as "showing love".

Sorry, but I just hate these trite phrases that people spew forth. "Yo' kid, don't hate on LeBron, yo!"

It sounds ignorant to me.

So, no I don't "hate on" Lebron. In your definition of this term or in any other form.

I do hate the hype surrounding him, while I have no opinion of LeBron at all. I couldn't care less if he is a nice guy, a jerk or the next coming of jesus. I want him to meet failure so the media shuts up and I am not seeing LeBron commercials for the next 20 years.


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I just can't understand why ANYONE would wish that the kid doesn't do well just because the media (and the NBA) are hyping this kid so much. Is it his fault that he has not proven anything against NBA competition up until this point?

As for a timeframe, I don't think LeBron is even going to scratch the surface of his talent for the next 3 or 4 years. He may or may not end up as ROY but he is going to be a LOT better player 3 years from now than he is right now. Obviously, he has a lot to learn and if he can average even 12 ppg as a rookie, I would consider his year a success. If he proves that he can play PG at the NBA level this year, I will consider his rookie season a TREMENDOUS success.

I don't think there is ANY question that LeBron can already COMPETE at the NBA level. What has yet to be determined is whether or not he can excel. That can only be determined over time.

As for LeBron being a boy in a man's profession, he may be young in age but physically, he's a LOT more of man than the vast majority of the NBA.

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Well to that extent that means anyone that has anything negative to say has to be considered as "Hating on LeBron". Like you mentioned I do hate the hype and his ego, but I will contradict myself and say the kid has a great game. So take it for it whatever you want it to mean.

The reality is that because of corporate america we can't just watch a person become a success in something they choose to do. Because if he or she ever gets good at something corporate america in all ascpects (tv, radio, satellite, retail, food chanins, soda, etc.) will shove them down are throat. Because the public craves this. When I was the game last night the crowd was going crazy for LeBron. So when he gets the reaction he got last night. The hype is only going to get worse, as well as his ego unfortunately.

Pretty soon teams won't have city names any more they will be companines. Look at the Chicago Bears. They are now positioned as "Bears football brought to you by Bank One" In a few years the sports ticker will read "Wendy's 14 Coke 10, etc" It's sad.

I guess the next thing will be Nike paying LeBron's kid "200 million to change his name to Nike" So on ESPN they can say there goes "Nike James for the slam dunk" It sounds funny but it maybe happening soon.


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a teenager to fail "so the media shuts up" and so he won't "be seeing LeBron commercials for the next 20 years." That REALLY sounds ignorant to me.

Personally, I don't think there is any way LeBron can live up to all the hype that surrounds him. I just hope he is mature enough to handle himself when all of the people who are dying to see him fail (you know, people like yourself )start gleefully pointing at any misfortune that he may encounter.

As for the phrase "hating on" being "gutter dialect" in your opinon, whatever. The phrase PERFECTLY captures the essence of your feelings toward LeBron whether you understand what it means or not.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly on several points. I think that there is an inevitable backlash against people when the media and/or corporate America tries to shove them down our throats.

I just hope LeBron is mature enough to handle dealing with his fame and popularity because its likely to get bigger before it gets smaller. Then, it could all go away in a flash. Hopefully it won't but I will be SHOCKED if anything he does will ever be good enough. The fact that he is going to be an NBA STARTER coming straight from highschool is incredible enough for me. I wish him the best.

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1)do i hate the hype?

- it does tend to get annoying when every single basketball website has a column about James everyday... esp when it says the same stuff everyday.

2)do i wish him failure?

- no, but i do believe hes gonna have his share of UPS AND DOWNS. This is the highest level of professional basketball. How will he handle the downs that i want to see! that could make the ultimate decision, whether or not hes gonna make it as a top superstar in this league. or it could kill his confidence so much, kwame brown part 2 might happen.

3)does this make the other veterans look bad?

- no! in every sport or hobby, ur always gonna have that 1 unbelieviable person. In hte other episode of "BELIVE IT OR NOT" it was showing this little kid (prob 5 years old) killing adults in a YO-YO competition. If anyone believes the vets in this league suck, feel free to go play with them... u'll come out amazed!

4)the ultimate question- do i have a problem with him?

- no! NBA has been hurt ever since the legends like MJ left this game. The whole concept of team basketball is not even recognized anymore. we get 12 allstars to the worldchampionship game and expect them to win the gold b/c of their individual success.

i have seen James' game very little, and from what i see- it does look more like Magic Johnson than Michael Jordan. Thats TERRIFIC for this game! Passing will once again be a "COOL" thing to do.

again, its not his fault that media is all up in his butt. And he does have an ego (king james?). but thats all part of the NBA. I cant expect a SUPERSTAR not to trash talk during a game... he worked his butt off to get to this level and if he wants to trash talk a little, let it be.

overall, i dont really have an opinion of James. I dont wish him success nor failure. If he saves the game of basketball, GREAT! If not, hopefully someone else can in the future.

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Playmaker,do you know how ignorant you sound ?????? Kinda like a jealous 6 yr old. Have you even ever seen him play???? The kids a MAN & he acts like it on & off the court. Not that I'm saying he will be the best ever,but to wish hard times on his career is sad..............................


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