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The Official Countdown Towards Mark Richt's Firing


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Biggest game of the year for UGA !

I cannot fathom this team losing this year. The freshman version of Murray opened last years game with an interception that was returned for a TD and closed the game with an overtime interception, in UGA's endzone, eturned 96 yards to our 4 yard line that resulted in the game winning field goal. Murray will not makes those same types of mistakes again. He may have 1 interception but he will not throw 3.

UGA's defense is leaps abd bounds better this year compared to last year.

Even if Malcom Mitchell can't play I see a win as long a Crowell's wrist allows home to carry the rock 20-25 times.

All signs point to a UGA win which makes a loss even more painful for Richt and the pitch fork mob.

Edited by coachx
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As an UGA alum, I have a very bad feeling about this game


Given the results over the last 20 years (3-17), that is inevitable. Given the expectations of the fan base, this is the most important game for Richt this season because another loss when Florida has been struggling will cause everyone to throw their arms up in frustration.

It is like a Tech fan looking forward to playing UGA (4-16). diablo.gif

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Given the results over the last 20 years (3-17), that is inevitable. Given the expectations of the fan base, this is the most important game for Richt this season because another loss when Florida has been struggling will cause everyone to throw their arms up in frustration.

It is like a Tech fan looking forward to playing UGA (4-16). diablo.gif

Yup, if UGA looses this game, then Richt is pretty much done. I can't really imagine a reasonable scenario where he keeps his job, but there is probably one.

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That was about the ugliest win I have ever seen but I'll take any kind of win in this series!

A win is a win as they say but that ugly game left me more uncertain about whether UGA has a fighting chance against LSU or Alabama if the Gamecocks slip up and we win out. Auburn and Tech are games that still scare me. Auburn, despite their record, isn't bad and Tech took care of Clemson yesterday. So there is still a tough road for the Dawgs. As for Richt, I still don't know. Has he saved his job? I think if we make it to the SEC championship game or win out our schedule, he definitely has.

What are the details of the rookie receiver Mitchell? Is he just resting the hammy or did they find a more serious injury?

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Mitchell (the freshman WR) had a pulled hammy and didn't practice in the week leading up to Florida. If he is back, then it is great. However I am happy with the emergence of Conley and Bennett in the passing game as guys who are reliable.

If Richt wins out, I think he keeps his job. 4 games left on the schedule, and all 4 are winnable. Tech and Auburn are the scary ones, but Kentucky looked bad against Miss. State so atleast they are easy games leading up to the big 2 left. I think most UGA fans know we don't have a chance against LSU or Bama, but just getting to the game would show we have improved greatly this year.

The problem I see is special teams. Drew hasn't done well, and kick-off defense has been horrible. Walsh can't hit the broad side of a barn, and Auburn and tech could easily come down to hitting a 50 yard FG or a 20 year chip shot. Either Walsh needs to come around or Bogotay needs the start. I have read that Richt is sticking with Walsh, which is a scary.

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First, that was a terrific win for the Dawgs. In years past that is exactly the type of game they'd lose. I'm impressed with the defense. They really get after it and are getting better.

At the same time, Florida is a train wreck. It's going to take Muschamp a couple of seasons to get away from the spread-offense and get guys in that play a power run game that he wants to run.

Did Richt save his job? I have no real sense of this. The fan base still seems split on him. This is looking somewhat similar to the Tuberville situation a few years ago at Auburn. The MAJOR difference is that UGA doesn't have the public meddling like Auburn does with a big booster. Right now, if I had to guess, I say that Richt is still gone at the end of the season. The new AD hasn't hired a coach, which means he hasn't had the chance to put his stamp on UGA athletics. However, I can see where Richt stays as well, but I think he has to win out.

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From a historical perspective this is the first time since 1988, under Vince Dooley, that UGA has beaten both Tennessee and Florida in the same season at football.

Dawg Nation needs to enjoy this ride and quit with all the "what if" worrying.

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A win is a win as they say but that ugly game left me more uncertain about whether UGA has a fighting chance against LSU or Alabama if the Gamecocks slip up and we win out.

That game left me certain about whether UGA has a fighting chance against LSU or Alabama. We don't. Our D is pretty good, our offense has some talent but not a great playcalling rhythm or periods of real dominance. Our special teams are a disaster. This is a very mediocre team that may win out but could easily lose several more games (just as they easily could have lost to Vanderbilt with as little as one significant negative play added).

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That game left me certain about whether UGA has a fighting chance against LSU or Alabama. We don't. Our D is pretty good, our offense has some talent but not a great playcalling rhythm or periods of real dominance. Our special teams are a disaster. This is a very mediocre team that may win out but could easily lose several more games (just as they easily could have lost to Vanderbilt with as little as one significant negative play added).

I agree that the same UGA team that beat Florida can't beat Bama or LSU. However, I'm not that quick to dismiss this UGA football team b/c a different team could / should show up when healthy.

The defense is simple damn good while neither LSU nor Bama are offenisve juggernauts.

The special teams are a wreck that must be patched up.

The offense is playing with their best RB at 75% and without their best receiver (Malcom Mitchell) against both Vandy and Florida.

Add Mitchell's 4.3 speed, to stretch the defense, and a 100% Crowell and this team can give either LSU or Bama a real scare. I give HUGE props to this team for fighting back for that Florida win with a RB who can barely average 3 ypc, in Samuels, and without their only truely explosive WR (Mitchell).

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I don't share your confidence. I don't think we have played a game this season where we would stay within 15 points of LSU or Alabama. I don't have any confidence in UGA's ability to put a scare into any really good team. I do think more than 50% of the unranked teams in football could put a scare in us any given week.

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I don't share your confidence. I don't think we have played a game this season where we would stay within 15 points of LSU or Alabama. I don't have any confidence in UGA's ability to put a scare into any really good team. I do think more than 50% of the unranked teams in football could put a scare in us any given week.

AHF -- agreed. Georgia would have to play a perfect game to have a shot at winning against either of those teams; they have yet to do that at any point during this season and there is NOTHING I have seen that would suggest they are capable of doing so.

Special teams are an abomination right now -- UGA must WIN special teams to have a chance against either LSU or Alabama. At this point, that seems unrealistic as things would have to exponentially improve.

Defense has been a consistent bright spot this year and you have to admit that the TG hire looks to be a huge win for CMR at this point. What would this season look like if Willie M were still running the show? I shudder at the thought -- CMR would be out by now, or at least would assuredly be gone by the end of this campaign.

Offense is terribly inconsistent, as has been Aaron Murray. Crowell can't seem to stay on the field between nagging injuries and off-field shenanigans. This group has potential but they have yet to put it all together for a complete game and we have now turned the calendar to November (you are who you are?).

Overall, in the context of the last few years UGA fans must step back and realize that this is shaping into quite a year for the Bulldogs, and no matter what happens from here on out, wins over Florida and on the road against Tennessee should be items to savor this offseason.

There is still plenty of room for improvement, but realistically fans should be very pleased with the current position -- if not for horrid special teams play, UGA could easily be sitting on one loss. I think UGA fans have a tendency to expect too much of this group and think that the SEC East was a given coming into this year -- so easily they forget the (admittedly forgettable) 6-7 campaign that was waged just last year.

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Defense has been a consistent bright spot this year and you have to admit that the TG hire looks to be a huge win for CMR at this point. What would this season look like if Willie M were still running the show? I shudder at the thought -- CMR would be out by now, or at least would assuredly be gone by the end of this campaign.

I would love a similar upgrade over Bobo. Can you imagine any other team in the SEC that has national championship aspirations hiring Bobo as their OC if we let him go? If you can't, that is a signal he is probably not the guy. I would see him either moving to a much less prestigious school or more likely moving to QB coach or some other role with less responsibility. The struggle here is that since no other desirable team would want Bobo as its OC and no team would want him as a head coach, there is just about zero chance of UGA losing him and Richt would actually have to push him out. That doesn't seem likely, unfortunately.

I also really like the TG hire. It was a good move then and looks even better now. There is a good chance it will be what save's Richt's job.

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I would love a similar upgrade over Bobo. Can you imagine any other team in the SEC that has national championship aspirations hiring Bobo as their OC if we let him go? If you can't, that is a signal he is probably not the guy. I would see him either moving to a much less prestigious school or more likely moving to QB coach or some other role with less responsibility. The struggle here is that since no other desirable team would want Bobo as its OC and no team would want him as a head coach, there is just about zero chance of UGA losing him and Richt would actually have to push him out. That doesn't seem likely, unfortunately.

UGA is 3rd in the SEC in total offense: http://espn.go.com/n.../sec-conference

Bobo is doing this with a sophomore QB and 2 true freshman as his best play-makers (Crowell and Mitchell) and paper thin offensive line due to injuries. This offensive will be even better next year with Crowell and Mitchell as sophmores and Murray as a junior.

This is team could exceed expectations this year even with the injuries on offense. I think most true UGA fans expected a 9 - 3 season and would not have been suprised with 8 - 4. If they can beat Tech and Auburn to end up 10-2 that is just a big cherry on top of the season.

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I dont' think beating Auburn and/or Tech is anywhere near a given for the Bulldogs. We'll see where Crowell ends up. I have serious doubts about that kid at this point. His decision making is poor at best.

Richt, for my part, seems like a guy who just can't get the right people around him. It takes abysmal failures for him to replace coaches that just aren't doing what they were hired to do.

Eh, at the end of the day, I'm tired of the Richt saga.

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UGA is 3rd in the SEC in total offense: http://espn.go.com/n.../sec-conference

Bobo is doing this with a sophomore QB and 2 true freshman as his best play-makers (Crowell and Mitchell) and paper thin offensive line due to injuries. This offensive will be even better next year with Crowell and Mitchell as sophmores and Murray as a junior.

This is team could exceed expectations this year even with the injuries on offense. I think most true UGA fans expected a 9 - 3 season and would not have been suprised with 8 - 4. If they can beat Tech and Auburn to end up 10-2 that is just a big cherry on top of the season.

I have to say Bobo's playcalling has not bothered me so much this year. He has actually drawn up some imaginative stuff that we haven't always been able to execute, but the holes are there. The old pattern of sprint draw, sprint draw, short pass has not come up so much to my mind.

Now, he does not have the reputation as an offensive mastermind and AHF's point is a good one -- I can't see any top tier Division-I schools banging down his door if he was made available.

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