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Iverson on his way


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According to this article the new owners are gunning for a back court of Iverson and Kobe. Well at least they are going for some headlines and not sitting back on their heels.



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Did I ever say it was right? No. I didn't. I'm just saying that the new owners are trying to be pro-active. I will say this if they did somehow get Kobe and Iverson. They would certainly sell more tickets, get more national telecasts, get more attention, and bring more credibility to the organization. The move maybe an ultimate failure, but it would definitely put us back in the spotlight.


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No worries. Keep pulling for the Hawks while you are focusing in on the Portland games. You will get a kick out Billy Knight's quotes on wanting to deal Reef to a championship contender. Let me know what you think.


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From what I read in that article, it seems that Atlanta will be looking at getting one or the other. Not both.

The more interesting comments were the ones about coaches lining up to take this job now that they aren't hamstrung by bad contracts.

This is a situation similar to the one Doc Rivers went into when he took the Orlando job.

If it were me, the free agents I would go after this offseason are Quentin Richardson and Erick Dampier.

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  • Premium Member

Well, that makes no sense.

Philly doesn't need Wallace.

They have K. Thomas there at PF and Sheed plays like a Sf, but defends like a PF.

If BKing was interested in moving Iverson, it would be because he could get another native Philadelphian... KOBE.

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You think Philly would turn down Wallace because of Kenny Thomas? Please! That's like saying we should have turned down Tim Duncan or KG because we had Reef.

As for the idea of going after the likes of Kobe or AI, I certainly would endorse doing either. I'd MUCH prefer Kobe because of his age relative to AI's, but I'd LOVE to have AI here as well.

Finally, I'm not TOTALLY opposed to resigning Sheed if a deal can be worked out starting in the $10-12 million range for 4 years or less. Sheed will be 30 soon but he's still in great shape and he has a lot of basketball left in him. People specualte that he will sign in NY or elsewhere for $4.5 million before taking the money on a rebuilding team. I'll beleive it when I see it. If we're offering 4 years/$44 million and NY can only offer 4 years/$24 million, I'll be surprised if a guy as young as Sheed takes the lower offer. It would be different if NY was LAL or even SA, but they're not.

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