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Sothron last won the day on January 7

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  1. This is just categorically wrong. Risacher is the best POA defender in the draft. He's literally what we thought Hunter would be when we foolishly gave up so much to move up to draft him. As an aside...I'm not saying the Hawks are definitely doing what I am hearing. It is just what I have been told by sources I trust is the current feeling among the FO. We have like three more weeks of this. Be ready and try not to overreact. My only personal fear with this franchise is the Tony Ressler problem. We have the most interfering owner in professional sports. If the Hawks got actual, real coverage I truly believe the fanbase would be in uproar over him. If he stays out of the way and let's Landry do his work I do think we have competent FO people in place.
  2. If we can get Risacher and Clingan out of this draft we solve two issues with the roster. Quin and Korver are really high on Risacher btw
  3. From what I shared in the insiders only pm thread: I'm hearing that we are trying to get the Wizards to move up to 1, we go down to 2 get a future first from them and we take Risacher and they are trying to get another top 5 pick to take Clingan.
  4. I just worry about him defensively...and he's already 23. I'm not a fan of old rookies tbh. He can definitely get you a bucket.
  5. Reed and Sarr for me. Clingan and Zach not far after that.
  6. We're not getting KAT. The main reasons Taylor turned down the Arod sale is the team is worth a lot more now than when he initially agreed to sell his shares and the new ownership would IMMEDIATELY trade players to get out of the luxury tax. That's already been confirmed. Glen Taylor has waited decades to have another team with a contending window. He's not going to sell majority ownership, still would have been an owner, and watched them dismantle the team. He's willing to pay the LT. So KAT is going nowhere.
  7. I hope that shut some folks up about KAT. He was amazing tonight on both ends of the court.
  8. I am trying not to get into this KAT discussion. He played great against Denver in the playoffs. He's having a bad series against the Mavs but they wouldn't even BE THERE had it not been for KAT in the 2nd round.
  9. The fact he had the BEST vertical in the entire combine at 43 inches is insane. He is a great athlete to go with his shooting, IQ and hands. If we really blew things up and drafted him I would be totally fine with it.
  10. Mark Price is my all time favorite point god. I think he was the best pure point guard to ever play the game. Reed reminds me a lot of him. I always love the very efficient and effective players. Someone like Reed with his elite hands, basketball IQ and shooting will be a killer in the NBA. If we could get enough of a package for both guys I would honestly blow everything up and invest some in this draft and in future drafts. But that's very unlikely. I don't know if we could trade both Trae and DJ and still be a competitive team this upcoming season. It would depend on the return and how quickly our young guys could gel.
  11. I love him. Absolutely, absolutely love him. I'm getting his jersey no matter where he goes. I think he's going to be a steal for whoever takes him. There is a chance, yes. I don't think it is likely. Trading Trae would probably be a blow it all up move. If we did trade both I would do whatever it took to draft Reed in this draft.
  12. For Atlanta, that is my preference as well. For a non Hawks top three I would put Sheppard at #3. but he doesn't fit with Atlanta *at all* unless we trade both Trae and DJ.
  13. That is a big mistake no pun intended.
  14. Cavs have Allen with Mobley. We need our own Allen to really maximize Sarr imo.
  15. They would probably want to move ivey and 5 for djm.
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