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Everything posted by dalamchops

  1. Smoove/Jamal + 1st for Granger/Collison or Smoove/Jamal for Granger/Ford.
  2. rip would be a good addition, would fit really well w/ motion defense. We've been needing someone that can move well w/o the ball.
  3. people talk about how we need a pg/c, but in fact we haven't had a true SF in years longer than pg/c...
  4. i can't believe i just watched 6 straight minutes of joe vs miami heat.
  5. WHY ARE WE SHOOTING THE BALL. Dwight has 5 fouls omfg just take it to the hole and throw your body at him... is that hard to figure?
  6. got mine for $10 a piece : ) (valued at $43)
  7. i' don't think i've ever seen a ref call a travel on the last shot of the game anyways rofl
  8. what's amazing is that he stlil continues to improve in his 6th year
  9. I wouldn't mind having Alexander. He's still got lots of room to grow, ridiculously athletic
  10. honestly any change is good. I'm ready to see how different we can be w/ another coach.
  11. Link That just made my day
  12. dude, he already says he's no fan of Joe Johnson. Who cares?
  13. lol did Vince Carter died or something? That guy had some of the most amazing body control i've ever seen. He's definitely more athletic and Jrich and Davis
  14. then maybe a better argument is taht we are taking better shots in the game. Turning over the ball 12 times per is very very good for any team.
  15. umm... we are #6 in TO per game for the ENTIRE season. That's actually one of the strongest part of our game for the entire year. I remember used to average 17 a game.
  16. good to see Smith trying to put fear back in people in the paint.
  17. i have never seen so many wide open 3s and layups in my life. nvm. It's been happening every game for the past 2 months.
  18. there's game. We just walk around playing defense
  19. screw this selfish s***. Nobody's sharing the basketball. Woody either has no plan for the offense or has no control of it. we won't do anything in the playoffs. While some people will say an improvement is good. It just seems like this is as good as we are going to get w/ this personnel
  20. deja vu from the toronto game. Heat's not even playing good d, we are just being lazy and careless when we have the ball.
  21. watched the raptor's broadcast... their announcers repeatedly said how horrible Flip was playing defensively. (could not guard roko, and put in horrible situations guarding Bargnani)
  22. he had gardner, west, flip, and acie out there at one point.
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