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Everything posted by dalamchops

  1. Quote: I hope Boston losses. It's hard to take them seriously when two not very good teams take them to 7 games. Cleveland is not that good... If you took LJ away from Cleveland, they might not win 15 games. we'd be back to winning 10 games w/o JJ.... Chicago would have 0 rings w/o MJ.
  2. when does Marvin ever defer? Everytime he touches the ball he either shoots it (make or miss), drives and dribble off his foot, or initiate contact in ugliest way possible in the paint. A better question is how good would marvin be if he wasn't so clumsy with the ball.
  3. Quote: Quote: It would be absurd to fire Woody for Avery Johnson. Avery Johnson has not proven he can develop young talent. He was with a talent laden veteran team in Dallas. One that was outcoached in the post-season I might add. I have to agree with BBB. I like Avery Johnson from the perspective that he could work with our Guards. However, I don't think it was a lot of work to do in Dallas. He had a 50 win team and a blue print that had already been set by Nellie. His claim to fame was structure and defense. He proved that he didn't have enough to win when the games counted. He couldn't counter when his weapons were taken away. At least Wood has shown in this short series that he can counter. must be april fool's day. What did Woodson counter with, he had the same damn gameplan through the entire series, our crowd willed the team to 3 victories. AJ transformed the Mavericks from a run and gun team to a team that committed to defense and a good half court offense. It's unfortunate that there are several championship calibur teams in the west.
  4. how do people still think MW has All-Star potential. This guy has the exact same game since they day he came into the league. oh wait, he doesn't even attempt 3pters anymore.
  5. no way we'll get a first w/ Jose. It'll be Bibby + MW for Jose IF salary matches, which they don't...
  6. Quote: Thadeus Young and Al Thorton were available when we took Acie and they will both be good. Of course we didn't take them because we have the wunderkid Marvin Williams at small forward. Man that pick set us back. I hope Acie works out, it was the right pick for us at that spot. I would give BK an A for the last draft but he has plenty of other blunders. I have to admit back when we took Marvin at 2 I thought he was the right pic. We needed a start and it sounded like he was going to be one. So BK was not the only one that was high on him. Also Jarrett Jack handled Chis Paul in college and he had the kicking the kid in the crotch incident. BK didn't do everything wrong but his record for evaluating Point Guards is atrocious. Hawk88 not to mention I'd rather have either Young or THorton rather than Marvin.
  7. Quote: Quote: That team has done it right for a long time so you have to think that some of Buford's knowledge will rub off. Wouldn't that remind you a bit of the Falcon's recent GM hire? it also reminds me of the Woodson hiring.... assistant to a championship coach (gm now).
  8. JJ is NOT better than Lebron, even though i hate LBJ with a passion. Even great players have off games.
  9. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Smith will be in for a rude awakening when the next coach tells him he should not be doing the same stuff Woody preached to him (turn overs, forcing out of control offense, shootining too many 3's , turnovers, bad postion defense, passing the ball in the paint when you have a good shot, etc.) ......things the next coach may actually hold him accountable for (which Woody didn't do). Therein lies the problem. Woody DOESN'T hold him accountable. What I would do is say "every time you take a jump shot over 15 foot out and the shot clock has more than 5 seconds on it, you will sit on the bench for the next 5 minutes." If he want to act like a kid he must be treated like a kid. How do you punish kids? You take away things they value.....Smith values playing time. I also have the feeling that Smith is frustrated by some of Woody's decisions. I know I am. When a guy literally forgets you are on the bench and then admits that to the press, it doesn't inspire confidence. Looking at the offensive system in place after 4 years of coaching, I would be frustrated. I am sure that Smith has some maturity issues and it is important to reach him one way or another but I wouldn't assume it is pure immaturity that might have caused Smith to lose confidence in Woody. When the game is in cruch time and Anthony Johnson is looking incredulously at his coach and the game is slipping away and you see Woody face, it may make you a little resentful as a player. I would MUCH rather build around Josh Smith than Mike Woodson. Did Woody really forget or was it punishment ? No coach is going to tell the newspaper "I was punishing Josh Smith for hoisting up bad shots early in the clock, or failing to play proper man defense on an average PF who went for 30, or forcing passes that lead to turnovers, etc...... Hmmmm..... actually, no coach would be dumb enough to say that they forget a player on the bench. Plenty of coaches have benched players for underperforming, Andruw Jones just got benched by Joe Torre, and he let the entire world know. You have it all backwards.
  10. Quote: Stick with Acie. I think Acie has the tools to be a really good PG. We have to grow some patience and play him. Let him learn from mistakes but at the same time, let him lead. This coming year should be the year of Acie. He should be starting by FEB.. i doubt ownership will let a $15 million player sit on the bench.
  11. here's my cell picture from game 6. Section 313
  12. Quote: amazing vid...as someone who can't go that was incredible....when i hit play, it was like an immediate ROAR..and a continuous roar....badass.. yea man, NO ONE sat down for the entire 4th quarter. It was cheer boo cheer boo defense high five towel wave all the way till the end.
  13. like literally i was robbed. Everyone was standing in the 4th, so i had to put it down on the seat. The next time i turned around, it was gone. I wasn't so mad cuz we got the win though ;p Plenty of crooks in downtown though.
  14. we got for free at the game. I actually caught one of the shirts they shot up during 3rd or 4th, but some [censored] stole it from behind me at 313.
  15. im gonna call this. Boston fans are bored of beating us by over 20 each game, and they'll come out flat for their team tomorrow. Giving us a better chance than before.
  16. Quote: Both teams have to travel back to Boston and both teams have to play at 1PM. They're old as dirt and we aren't, so that shouldn't be an excuse as to why we'd lose....IF we lose! yup. we should recover faster
  17. if we go hard after defensive rebounds and eliminate 2nd chance points, we'll stand a good chance.
  18. i don't think we can win on the road, but if we are at home, why not?
  19. Quote: I agree that MW has not lived up to the hype, but if you think back, his game began to fall apart??? about the time it was rumored that BK wanted to fire Woody. I think MW is a young guy, likely looks up to Woody and was impacted by this rumor. Don't think he's played the same since. And I have not given up on him, but I don't think Woody is the coach for him. that's also not the mentality to have when you're a #2 overall pick. He really doesn't have any excuses left not to succeed. Some people are just born clumsy like him.
  20. honestly, i'd take marvin for anyone that can take a open jumpshot. Howard is twice the player Marvin is, but Dallas won't do that deal.
  21. Maggette > MW easily. AWESOME foul shooter, has 3 point range, and he drives to the hoop with ease. He owns one of the highest FTA in the league.
  22. start by rebounding the ball.
  23. don't blame all on the refs. We can't even rebound the ball.
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