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Everything posted by Eddielives

  1. Quote: Quote: Okay...I'll take my beating now for those who want to call me anything but a child of God. I don't know what religion has to do with any of this, and I'm not religious, but I hope you don't claim to be a follower of the "judge not lest ye be judged" religion otherwise you are a major hypocrite The "child of God" thing was just an expression. Not sure if you're trying to be serious or just reaching to take a cheap shot at me. As for judging, we all judge. Every day we judge. I have no religious inclination to stop doing so. If you say you never judge, it's just denial to make yourself feel better. As for the Duke lacrosse team. The only thing I have to say about that is I hope the 3 bastards who raped that girl get the same treatment every night they spend in jail. It's too different a situation to compare it to Hodge.
  2. I would expect that type of mindless response from someone who doesn't want to even entertain the point I was trying to make. What I was saying and it turns out to be true(I had no idea when I wrote my statement that he actually was clubbing) was that he was out later than he should have been for a guy supposed to be establishing a career as an athlete during the season. When these guys are out late and partying, it is not surprising when something like this happens. It is not surprising because it happens too often. I never said he caused himself to be shot but merely put himself into a situation that as history shows, often ends up in violence...that is a professional athlete(particularly an NBA athlete) being out late clubbing during the season. Since my first conjecture turned out to be true, I'll piss you off even more and say that there probably, again probably, was an incident at that club involving the guy or guys who shot him. Was it provoked by Hodge and his, uh-oh here we go, POSSE!! The chances are high that it was something just like that. A bunch of dudes trying to be the biggest and baddest on the scene and what do you know...someone gets the feeling they've been dissed and out come the guns. It's all too predictable is my point. I do realize that it is possible that Hodge and his buddies were behaving like adults. However, be in bed asleep where you should be during the season at 2:00am and none of this happens. It's really that simple. If you are trying to say I think he deserved to be shot you are wrong. If you are trying to say I don't care that he was shot, you are again wrong. I just don't feel quite as sympathetic as most here will because when you choose to be out late clubbing at 2:00am on a Saturday night during the season, bad things are more likely to happen. Hodge did make a choice to be at this club that late when he should have been long gone. But I guess deciding to keep a low-profile and get some sleep so that you'll be ready for work the next day wouldn't be keeping it real huh?
  3. Is it really surprising to hear about NBA players or any high profile athelete anymore being involved in drama like this when they are out at wee hours of the morning when they should be in a hotel or at home? What is he doing out that late? I know he's an adult and can thus do whatever he wants but come on. Everytime we hear about an athelete being in a situation like this, it's always late late late. It's also why the NBA is viewed by many as a league of thugs. How many NBA players have been involved just in the past two years in acts of violence (whether they're the victim or not)? He should have been in a room somewhere sleeping or getting ready for his next days work. I'm also willing to bet that it wasn't just random. Was he clubbing earlier and got into an altercation that led to this? It's too improper to say for sure right now but I'm quite certain it had something to do with being out that late and being around the wrong crowd. What's the old saying? Nothing good happens after midnight or something like that? Okay...I'll take my beating now for those who want to call me anything but a child of God.
  4. Hawks are making a game of it but then.........Smoove for 3 and clank!! He's keeping us in the game defensively and killing us offensively. Oh well, he's still young.
  5. Let me clarify that I'm not 100% sure that Smoovethefuture over here is the same guy who calls himself EddyCurryJoshSmith over at realgm. They just seem to be eerily similiar. And I agree totally about Eddy Curry. He has to be my least favorite NBA player. Him and now that James guy out of Toronto saying pit-bulls are the sweetest dogs in the world. What a freaking moron. Please don't sign him Hawks!
  6. Aren't you EddyCurryJoshSmith over at realgm dude? I'm not trying to start a fight with you but you are one of those guys who seems to always post about Josh Smith...and only when he has good games. If this is the first time you have said anything bad about Joe, then you have to understand that when you start a topic in all caps you are angry and yelling. While I do agree that we had to overpay to get Joe, he has done a pretty damn good job to help us this year. So why use your first negative comments about him so harshly. EVERYONE has bad nights. Furthermore, the guy has to be exhausted. And one more thing, did I miss something or aren't we playing for nothing more than pride and ping-pong balls right now? It's not like he didn't show up and it cost us a playoff berth or anything of significance? All y'all jumping on Joe for a single bad game are free to do so but don't be surprised when others call you out on it.
  7. I honestly don't know who made that comparison. I would never have said that about Yao. You just seem to be using that comparison to diss Smits a bit is all I'm saying. If you ever saw him play, he was a solid big man who helped his team win for many years. He doesn't deserve to be knocked on because somebody made a silly comparison.
  8. You will have a stronger argument when Yao retires with numbers like he is putting up this year. Their career averages thus far are not that far apart. Plus Yao plays more minutes and has not done much to help his team in the playoffs like Smits did.
  9. All aboard the Tyrus Thomas hype machine. (someone here loves that term)
  10. Is it really possible Belkin would want to buy this team? As maligned as he is by a vast majority of Atlanta fans for what he has done, does he really think he can win back their hearts? I think he just wants his fair share of the teams value and he moves on. At least I hope so.
  11. Quote: haha dude, when white boy went up, pulled it back and then threw it down, I was like kenny smith, "it's ovah!". Fortunately it was not. But yes, that was an embarassing moment. But I give dude some credit. For a big, unathletic looking white boy, he sure showed some hops and body control. I find it just as embarassing when black boys dunk on our team too. I mean you expect that though out of athletic black boys. (I'm not the pc police and I'm not offended but you're use of "white boy" twice is a little tasteless just as if I were to seriously post something like above)
  12. Eddielives


    The Hawks lost this game. We can't pin this one on the officiating.
  13. The positive is we played a still formidable team well. Doesn't matter they didn't have Wade..they're still really good without him. As for Salim, I see some think it's okay because he's a rookie to make the mistake he made last night. Well, I do understand that rookies are going to make many mistakes. But what is so hard to understand about 1.8 seconds left and you get the ball with plenty of room to take a shot, and you decide to dribble and PASS it. That's not a rookie mistake...that's a completely boneheaded moronic screwup. Somebody needs to get it in Salim's head that there's more to the NBA than just jumpshots. He hasn't even been making most of them for a while now. Anyone can come in and start throwing up shots like that and will make some of them. He's not helping this team at all right now..and hasn't been for a while.
  14. 1) La Villa Strangiato (Rush) 2) Orion (Metallica) 3) YYZ (Rush) 4) Blue Rondo a la Turk (Dave Brubeck Quartet) 5) Verdi Requiem (parts 1 & 2)
  15. Maybe so in this case, but generally speaking...never buy that crap from your wife unless you want a divorce.
  16. This is an old trick by women. She's just saying that to see if he actually acts on it. If he did, she would be calling her lawyer up quicker than you would believe. He didn't fall for that load of crap though.
  17. I've noticed there are 2 types of views that usually dominate the BK opinion poll. First there are those that live in a dark cavern knows as BK's butt. They see him, for some reason, as such a savior for our franchise when he hasn't yet done jack to make us a better team...in fact we were winning more games before he took over. Then there are those who wouldn't give him an ounce of credit in the world if he found the cure to cancer. It boils down to this. BK's vision is to compile a young super athletic team with versatile players that creates all kinds of supposed mismatch problems while wowing the crowd with high flying action. We have definitely gone young and have tremendous athleticism with Chill, Smoove and Marvin. But in the process, it seems we have forgotten that to win games, you have to first have guys who are good at things other than dunking and having long arms. There are actually teams with shorter players that are less atheletic who could kick our ass on a daily basis. I'm not completely giving up on BK until I see how he addresses this draft and offseason. If we don't acquire a defensive big and a, sorry to use this cliche, floor general, a pg to run this team, then that alone should be the reason he gets the boot. I love the addition of JJ. But he was thought to be able to run the point which is one big mistake BK made. But like I said, this offseason is the final straw. If he gets nothing for Al, then that could very well be it. I surely will be pissed. You don't have to take on a bad salary with Al either. Some team will give you an expiring contract and good draft pick.
  18. Randy Rhoads - Ozzy Dimebag Darrell - Pantera Steve Vai Joe Satrianni Geddy Lee(bass) - Rush Brad Nowell - Sublime Adreian Smith - Iron Maiden David Gilmore - Pink Floyd Marty Friedman - Megadeth John Petrucci - Dream Theater Carlos Santana Les Claypool(bass) - Primus Kiko Loureiro - Angra Dave Murray - Iron Maiden Stevie Ray Vaughn
  19. ^^^Did BK get your Valentine's Day card?
  20. If we get a top 5 pick, I would ask the Lakers if they wanted to trade Bynum for it, since I'm not a huge Aldridge fan and it doesn't seem likely to draft Oden in 2007.
  21. Here's my take. With Smoove, you have such raw athleticism that hasn't really translated yet into fundamental skill. Somehow someone is going to have to decide if he's ever going to fully develop. I guess this is ultimately BK's decision. I am still sort of skeptical he will ever develop like the TMac's and Kobe's. Much like the rep he had before being drafted, he's got all the athletic skill in the world but doesn't exhibit fundamental b-ball skill(that is when it comes to ball handling and decision making). You have to be able to do more than just jump high to make it in this league. With Marvin, you have the exact opposite. He's shown ball-handling skills, a good jumpshot and decent decision making for a first year guy but needs to be more strong and atheletic. No he's not better than Smoove all around right now but he obviously more understanding and developed with fundamentals. You can see his future more clearly even if he hasn't demonstrated the energy that Smoove has.
  22. I'd like to know why it's funny to you that some people believe in Gadzuric. He's extremely atheletic, plays tough D, gets boards and is A BIG GUY!! What do you think the Hawks need to get this team to the next level?
  23. Larry Brown has made it clear he expects defense from his team. Trading Butler for a draft pick would piss him off.
  24. Diesel, You should really go to some of the fair tax forums and websites to get some clarification. I cannot articulate as well as those sites can why some of your comments are innaccurate. Plus, have you even read the book?
  25. The positives that would result in the passing of this bill FAR outweigh the negatives. Is it perfect? Ofcourse not, but nothing ever is. Check out boortz.com and you will see some great links that deal with major questions surrounding the fair tax. I encourage anyone who takes an interest in how the government affects our lives to give the fair tax atleast a quick look. It's funny too how those politicians opposed to the fair tax must basically lie and change the meaning of the plan to justify their opposition. Most people say it's a great plan but it will never pass. To these people I say where is your spirit. Nothing great change ever comes about easily. This plan would do wonders for our country's economy not just here but worldwide. It really blows the mind to consider the benefits so give it a glance those who don't know anything about it.
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