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Everything posted by D.R.P.

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woOu_4l3lio&hl=en">' alt='object>'>
  2. Quote: Do we really have to start Marvin every game for 4 years in a row? Can we try starting Acie Bibby and JJ all together or something like that? Can we get a coach next year who actually knows offense (Mike Fratello)? This is embarrassing. Our coach doesn't make adjustments, doesn't know an offense, and loves Marvin Williams. I didn't know Marvin started for the Hawks while he was still at North Carolina. Plus this is his second year starting. As for a lineup change how about bringing Bibby off the bench and starting Acie. Bibby has been useless the last ten games. He is either hit or miss; basically he's 14 million dollar version of Salim Stoudamire. Law matches up so much better versus Rondo and Bibby would match up better versus Yoda.
  3. Quote: looks like Marvin is pulling a david blaine act again. Once again a non factor in the game. You must have a crush or something on Marvin, cause that's the only player you've been posting about.
  4. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: the beauty is now with Bibby, JJ and Smoove and Horf, we dont need more than 10-15 pts from Marvin a night. As long as he shoots near .500 and makes his open 20 footers...I'm happy. He is still just a 21 year old kid!!! Everyone develops at a different speed. I laugh at the people that suggest he has reached his potential at 21. You can't blame Marvin for being drafted where he was. The other thing is that with JJ and Bibby, we have less need for a shooter to open the floor. Smoove can play Sf. We can trade Marvin for a Big... You've got to be kidding me right, "We have less a need for a shooter". The team will not improve if Smoove is to play Sf; we saw how that goes during the NJ game. When he plays Sf, Smoove will be no where near the basket, which means jump shot after brick jump shot. This team needs shooters playing the wings. There is no question that this team needs more shooters just look at what happens offensively when Joe & Bibby are not in the game at the same time; the offense becomes stagnant. Don't let your hate for Marvin blind you into seeing Josh Smith's deficiencies playing the 3. Let's be honest here... Smoove's roving defense is far more impactful than Marvin waiting on a set shot. Moreover, Smoove scores more than Marvin at Any position. Lastly, we have seen improvement in Smoove... What have we seen from Marvin?? Maybe Marvin can win the table tennis Championship for the league.. but his game on the court seems to be digressing not improving. Now... If we get a Big (worthy Big) and if we go to an offense that puts Bibby and JJ on the perimeter (like they are now) and moves Smoove into the lane (actually teach him how to be a slasher)... we'd be damn near unstoppable. But instead, you'd rather play everybody out of position so that we can only expect 10 - 15 from Marvin? That sad. Tell me drp... How far do you want to lower the bar? By Next year it will be 8 points and 5 rebounds... with tough defense (that nobody can see or quantify). Let's see now first of all Josh Smith is no better of a perimeter defender than Marvin. Letting a guy drive bye you just to try and block his shoot IS NOT GOOD DEFENSE. Smoove will not, and does not affect as many shots playing the 3, where he is guarding on the perimeter most of the time. Josh dosen't have the quickness to drive past most defenders while playing the 3 unlike while playing the 4. By having Smoove play the 3 dosen't space the floor, because no one respects his jump shot. The bottom line is, Josh Smith playing the SF position is not whats best for Josh Smith; therefore it is not whats best for the team. I don't know why you and the select Smoove nuthuggers can't understand that Marvin is not holding Josh S. back from playing SF. The truth is if Paul or Deron where correctly selected, then Smoove's best position still would be PF not SF. In Smoove's rookie year I could clearly see his best future position would be PF. The bottlom line is, that there is not a Marvin vs. Smoove position battle, actually a decision will have to be made between Smoove and Horford, since their best position is PF.
  5. Quote: Quote: the beauty is now with Bibby, JJ and Smoove and Horf, we dont need more than 10-15 pts from Marvin a night. As long as he shoots near .500 and makes his open 20 footers...I'm happy. He is still just a 21 year old kid!!! Everyone develops at a different speed. I laugh at the people that suggest he has reached his potential at 21. You can't blame Marvin for being drafted where he was. The other thing is that with JJ and Bibby, we have less need for a shooter to open the floor. Smoove can play Sf. We can trade Marvin for a Big... You've got to be kidding me right, "We have less a need for a shooter". The team will not improve if Smoove is to play Sf; we saw how that goes during the NJ game. When he plays Sf, Smoove will be no where near the basket, which means jump shot after brick jump shot. This team needs shooters playing the wings. There is no question that this team needs more shooters just look at what happens offensively when Joe & Bibby are not in the game at the same time; the offense becomes stagnant. Don't let your hate for Marvin blind you into seeing Josh Smith's deficiencies playing the 3.
  6. Quote: There is no way that he could be bad enough on offense to cancel out taking Howard out of the game mentally the way that he did. Something that should be mentioned which Goukas brought up after the game was Woody putting Joe on Jameer and basically taking him out of the game and limiting his ability to get the ball into the post to Howard. That was a great strategy by Woody and he deserves credit for that call. Joe again proved that he is our best perimeter defender, no matter what some unmentionable Smoove homer wants to believe. Actually Woody didn't come up with that strategy; a hawks assistant coach did. I remember the first game of this season the Hawks played the Magic, Smooth gave credit to an assistant coach for that strategy.
  7. Now where at least a game ahead of the Nets!
  8. Great game by JJ! He's been a much better player since the Bibby trade.
  9. Why oh why must Josh Smith line up behind the 3 point line?
  10. Quote: Quote: Quote: Zaza needs to take some coordination classes the guy is so clumsy its not even funny. Marvin is the same.I don't like either on the team.I used to like Marvin but now it just gets annoying looking at him. Your right back 2 back turnovers by the OTHER dufus on this team Marvin WIlliams. If Marvin WIlliams doesn't get some coordination in his body he will never be any better then he is right now he looks like he falls down by himself all the times it is so frustrating. I guess that makes Josh Smith a dufus too, since he has 2 turnovers also.
  11. Quote: @ Traceman & Coachx You've got a point, but the majority of the game, RJ and VC were guarded by Joe & Marvin. They put up great numbers against these two. Josh was beat a few times by those guys. I'll be the first to admit that Josh has growing to do on both sides of the ball, but his #2 in blocks, #14 in steals, and # 29 in rebounding. He's by far the most intimidating defensive player we have. He continues to get better offensively year by year. He's only 22. Numbers do not lie. The kid is getting better and honestly has a chance to become one of the best players in this franchise's history. I'm just trying to figure out why he gets hated on so much. Um.... actually Childress played more minutes than Joe & Marvin.
  12. Yeah, the Hawks desperately needed another shooter on the floor; yet Woodson takes out JJ and Marvin with only 3 fouls. Also Childress shouldn't have played more minutes than Marvin when Marvin out played Childress. Its one thing for Josh C. to play most of the 4th quarter instead of Marvin when Josh is having an impact on the game but tonight Chills didn't have much of an impact.
  13. D.R.P.

    Coaching 101

    There is no reason Joe Johnson should have sat out the whole 3rd quarter with only 3 fouls. Now he comes back in the 4th with no rhythm.
  14. This game clearly shows why Josh Smith should not play the 3!
  15. Quote: THIS WAS NOT A GOOD GAME FROM MARVIN! Yes he strung together some nice wide-open jumpers in the 2nd half, but were you watching the lack luster energy he was giving us since the beginning of the game? This just goes to show the HORRIBLE basketball being taught by woody, after marvin hit a few in a row in the 3rd they had a close up of him and he was smiling as if he was having a super game when actually it was mostly his late closeouts and non exsistent help D was the reason why the knicks were so close in the first place! I think our players think its ok to do nothing defensively and show no effort if they hit a few shots, this is ridiculous. If I was coaching Marvin never even would have had the chance to hit those shots because I would of had Mario West in at his spot. Because West would of gave me the defensive intensity and hustle that would of rubbed off on all our players! All we need is one to show the heart to play D and all of our players would pick up, creating a top defensive team. Obviously YOU didn't watch the game. Sounds like a jealous Tech fan thats mad that your boy don't get more pt. Mario West this, Mario West that; give me break!
  16. I think the new GM came from a team (the Patriots) where they have a strong TEAM concept, and the truth is D-Hall was not, and is not a team player. Also he is demanding way more money than he is worth to re-sign. I truly expect his carer to fizzle with the Raiders. It really shows you how much Dimitroff thinks of Hall if he traded him to the Raiders. With an additional second round pick, I definitely see the Falcons moving back into the first round. Maybe they will move up to take the quarterback from Delaware; which would be a great move IMO.
  17. Why do the Hawks resort to all jumpshots late in games? No one even attempts to drive the ball to the basket.
  18. Quote: Quote: That requires making adjustments. You forget we have that Moron Woody for a coach. I saw a major adjustment from Woody after the half...he took his hand off of one of his cheeks and took his other hand and put it on his other cheek. The facial expression stayed the same though. LOL! I guess that's the only in game adjustment that Woody can comprehend.
  19. Is channel surfing not working today or is it just my computer?
  21. Well he hasn't been traded yet. I think the Falcons should be able to get something better than the Giants pick for him; maybe a mid first round pick. Peter King has lost his mind (in todays MMQB) talking about "the Falcons should be happy with getting a third round pick for him". The problems with DeAngelo is that he's straight up selfish. He's not a team player at all. The guy has a real diva chip; I've grown tired of his premodana ways. (And yes I'm saying this as a person with his jersey and autographed football.) It's really plain and simple; he just needs to grow up. He has the talent to be a shut down corner he just doesn't focus on the right things. I have no problem at all with trading him, I just hope that if he's traded, the Falcons will have a chance to draft either the cornerback from Kansas or Ohio State with the additional pick.
  22. I truly feel we have the slowest head coach in the history of the NBA. How long do we fans have to continue to be tortured with Woodson as head coach? I wish the 524 or so members of the ASG were forced to sell the team. Belkin's looking better day by day.
  23. Opps! Did I interupt another one of your worthless posts. Oh my bad; I should have left this post blank like most of your posts are.
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