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Everything posted by BossTweed

  1. Quote: I'm looking forward to the day when you can get an Atlanta question answered without sarcasm. Seriously, getting any information is almost impossible. Yeah, it's pretty sad. I'm hoping in a few years we'll look back at this stuff and laugh. "HAHAHA, can you believe they thought BK didn't have a plan?" "yeah, BK sure was crazy, crazy like a fox!!!"
  2. Quote: also Yi's ceiling isn't Dirk. He can already do a lot of things better than Dirk. Yi's ceiling his much higher than Dirk. At best Yi could be one the best player in the NBA in a few years. Horford can make a few allstar teams at the best. Wow, you guys are taking this a little far aren't you? Dirk was MVP this year, how much better can you get? This thread was about McRoberts and Horford anyway, why don't you guys keep the Yi talk in other threads???
  3. Quote: More importantly, Hawes scored over 20 pts FIVE TIMES...in the month of december. Horford? Once all year. I haven't even checked, and I can tell you that in December most college teams play their WORST competition of the whole season. They don't play anyone in conference and they schedule horrible teams to play home games. This goes for Hawes and Horford. There is a big difference though, Hawes was a freshman and Horford was a Junior. Without looking, I'm going to go ahead and guess that Horford played quite a few less minutes in these games than Hawes. Horford was a Junior who probably didn't need to play much while Hawes was an incoming freshman who needed to learn the college game. Lastly and most importantly, if you look at who are on their respective teams, who does Hawes have to share points with? Horford has 2 other top 10 picks, another 2 possible draft picks, and a 3 point sharpshooter. He didn't need to score 20 points. This was true for the whole season. edit: Alright, I checked and he scored 20 points on some decent teams (Gonzaga, USC, LSU and UCLA). The point about the rest of their respective teams still stands. I also checked Horfords stats and he scored over 20 3 times during the season. He scored close to 20 a buch of times though! Why don't we count those too?? It's stupid to compare players based on the number of 20 point games during the season.
  4. I agree. The players have too much power. I also hate situations like Alonzo Mourning where players get released because they won't play for their current team, and then go play for someone else. No way I would pay someone's contract and let them play for another team.
  5. I'm planning on going. I've never been to one before though. Anyone know if you can sit anywhere you want? We should all try to sit in the same section, that way we can console each other when he picks B. Wright.
  6. Are you sure that was Billy Knight? It may have just been a very knowledgable homeless person that reads Hawksquawk.
  7. I watched a lot less than I usually do. I actually watched pretty much all of the series' up to the finals that I could manage, but couldn't watch much more than half the finals. I saw the first halves of the first two games and knew that Cleveland had no shot, so I only watched parts of the first half of the next two just to make sure they were still going to get beat. There was nothing exciting about those games, and Lebron hasn't refined his game enough for me to enjoy the game just for him vs Spurs. It's amazing how bad the rest of the Cavs are, and that they made it to the finals. Their coach is horrible offensively too.
  8. Quote: Horford is the same size as Smith, who is an undersized 4. Playing Horford at C is just a joke. Nobody but Hawks fans is talking about Horford at C. I think we get it Ex. Thanks!
  9. Quote: I laugh at people who argue that we can't draft Yi because of our glut of forwards...and then who they suggest? Pau Gasol. Hilarious. Pau Gasol is much stronger and bigger than Yi and much closer to a center. Also, he isn't someone that we would be getting based on "potential". If I knew Yi was going to be as good as Pau Gasol I would tell you to draft him right now and not worry about trading down or anything. I'm sure a lot of other people who don't want Yi would feel the same way.
  10. Quote: That puts the pressure on the Grizz on the Gasol front in that BK has many things going on. ... Sounds like BK is doing a good job of exploring every possibility. Yeah, things are really getting interesting. Horford and Yi's stock have increased making our pick worth a lot to people who are afraid of them getting picked by Memphis and the Celtics. This increases our bargaining power for trading down, and also in the negoatiations for Gasol with Memphis. Also, the Grizz are trying to act like if we trade down and they don't get Horford, they will take Conley, screwing us in the process. This stuff is getting fun! If we could get Conley, Noah and Charlie V., I think that would be our best case. We would have Charlie V, Lue, AJ, Speedy, Lo Wright and possibly even Noah to try and deal for either a better Center or veteran help at some other position if we want. Or we stay put and have some great depth at almost every position. Of course if Memphis takes Conley, we might have to do Noah/Hawes, Critt/Law, and Charlie V. which isn't too bad of a situation either. I guess the best case is if we can trade down to someone who wants Yi in the 5-9 range, so we can still let Memphis get Horford, leaving Conley for us. edit: By the way, thanks for the updat Sothron! All that made a lot of sense and things are sounding pretty decent.
  11. It's interesting that Ford said that Noah wasn't helping himself in workouts. From all the interviews and stuff, it sounded like a lot of people were impressed. Even about 60% of the people on the Celtics board think they should take Noah at #5. I think he is also the player doing workouts that is getting the most hype, so it may just seem that he is most impressive too. He is doing the most interviews with the most interesting comments. I wish people gave more detail on how the workouts have been going for the different players.
  12. Yi didn't work out against Noah as far as I know, they were just training at the same facility. I don't think Yi played in the 5v5 or other training they were doing against other players. Yeah, I know he might have been doing the same drills or same training at the same time, but I don't think they actually did any work physically against one another.
  13. It's interesting he expects to get pick late lottery or mid first round. Sounds like he isn't expecting to get picked by the Hawks.
  14. The funny thing, is that through 11 pages, not one person even questioned why the Hawks would do that trade. They are busy trying to figure out whether they like Joe or Rashard Lewis better.
  15. Holy cow. The Celtics board has a gigantic thread about trading Joe Johnson and #11 for the Celtics #5, Theo and Gerald Green. One of their poster's is citing their "source". Here's a quote: " The offer first suggested by Boston was Wally, #5 and Green for JJ, 11 and Sheldon Williams. Atlanta turns that offer down. Atlanta then counters with #5, Theo and Delonte for Claxton, Marvin Williams and #11. Boston has no plans on taken that deal. Walk away from the table and told Atlanta not to call them unless they really want #5. A day later Atlanta calls back offers #11 and JJ for Theo, #5 and Delonte. Boston said you guys are close but no thanks. Boston offer Gerald Green instead of Delonte and oh by the way we want Sheldon too. Atlanta doesn’t want to give up Sheldon. But has the days get closer to the draft they Sheldon is on the table. Atlanta knows that Boston has other deals on the table. They just don’t know how many and who they are being offer." There can't be ANY truth to this can there? It doesn't make any sense to me. Here is the link to the RealGM thread: http://www.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=672681
  16. Let's do it! If it works out like that I will be a happy man.
  17. Quote: Instead of a bunch of teams lets look at the team that'll win the championship this year: Spurs Blueprint I was thinking of doing a similar thing, but mine was a little different, I included Gasol as a PF: C: Oberto/Elson = Zaza/Shelden PF: Tim Duncan/Horry = Pau Gasol/Solomon Jones SF: Bowen = Josh Smith SG: Manu = JJ PG: Parker/Vaugn = #11 Pick/AJ,Lue or Speedy Role Players: Barry and Finley = Marvin (or Chills) and Salim Coach: Popavich = Woody (this is the biggest mismatch in my whole list). I kinda like it.
  18. St. Louis Hawks are similar to Kansas Jayhakws colors it looks like.
  19. Quote: So don't try to tell me how well Noah tested at the combine when our second round pick dogs him. Just because you are a second round pick doesn't mean you didn't measure very well. Where is this Jason Smith gonna get drafted? Does his better numbers make him better than Noah??? I don't see why their measurables are being compared. We all know Solomon is tall, can jump is quick and all that. Does he have a good basketball IQ? Can he handle the ball like Noah? Can he play defense like Noah? Can he pass like Noah? Are you saying that since Solomon can't play center, and Noah measures out "less" than him, Noah can't play center either? Because like we were saying with mr Yi, there is a lot more to playing center than being 7 feet tall. And Noah has a lot more of that other stuff than Solomon Jones does at this point, and I don't know how you can deny it.
  20. Quote: He not made to bench alot of wieght, look at his shouders and arms, he probably at max will weight 230 -235 in his career, he just not meant to be average, I have arms just like his, it's alot harder to bench with those arms and shouders type then then normal types. It just alot harder, benching 185 for him is like benching 325 for you, see the difference, not mention his arms is far from the peak, it alot farther for him then it is for you. What about the fact that his agent didn't get him in any of the training setups like every other top pick is in. Oden, Noah, Brewer, Horford, all these guys were working out with professionals to increase their workout results. Durant didn't do that and it shows in tons of categories. I don't really think it is that big of a deal, but it seems like Durant or his agent made a mistake in not having him perpare for this workout.
  21. I just read this article on draft express. http://www.draftexpress.com/viewarticle.php?a=2096 I really don't think that these measurements mean all that much. They are mostly just interesting notes to take into account while they are evaluating the players. Not something to base a decision on.
  22. Quote: Fight with Woodson/flipping bird to Charlotte crowd. That's 2 things in 3 years. Everything else has been blown out of proportion and made up. I think his attitude problem has been hyped up WAY too far, much like Marvin in the 2005 draft and Brandan Wright now. Yeah, I've heard quite a few people making a big deal about Josh Smith's attitude and I don't get it. I need more than 2 incidencts in 3 years to say that someone is on their way to the commisioners doghouse. He's young and maybe a little immature, but I don't see how he could be labeled as a bad seed without some more reasons.
  23. I agree with almost everything you said ATLBob, good post! I think I'm ready to support Conley over Horford. I just don't know that Horford is a sure thing center, and if he isn't, he will just be fighting Sheldon and Josh Smith for playing time, which isn't what we want. If we take Horford, Wright or Jianlain it seems we will have to make a trade at some point.
  24. Those are some pretty interesting comparisons Exodus. Conley definitely has every physical tool you need to be a successful PG. Height really doesn't make that much of a difference does it? What does 2 or 4 inches really mean? Better defense on bigger PGs I suppose, but that's about all. And from a skills perspective it seems the only drawback is his shooting, which you would expect he could improve.
  25. Al Horford is taller and a ton more athletic than Shelden. Quote: Anyone got the numbers for Yi, Hawes, and Splitter for comparison? I think I saw Hawes numbers on another thread, but nothing for Yi or Splitter. I don't know about Splitter, but Yi won't let himself be measured. I think the Chinese gov't has given people numbers though I'm not sure what they are. Hawes No Shoes With Shoes Weight WingSpan Standing Reach 6'10.5" 7'0.75" 244.0 7'0.5" 9'2"
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