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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. Excelent post diesel. I disagree about the D though.
  2. God Yes! Laphonso Ellis and Anthony Johnson? Mark West? Shammond Williams? Let me think about this for a minute. I love the fantasy sim. I'm going to do it soon. Thanks for the link in the other post.
  3. Quote: If you don't think we can make up 4 1/2 games in this conference then you don't watch the NBA. I watch the NBA. Do you watch our team? I think we're "chasing", if you can call it that, the Heat. Are you serious? You think overnight Woody will be brilliant? There is no way we are catching anyone. I hate to say it but it's true.
  4. Those "have to win" games were played about a month ago. Be positive about next year. It's not a must win if you can't make the playoffs.
  5. Quote: If that's the case, why do we ban anyone for rude conduct? Now that's funny. If you banned everyone that was rude there would be no Squawkers. I'm just saying at a base level it is un-American. Unfortunately, the real world is a lot like this board. If a MOB doesn't like you... we all know what happens. I don't know this dude or his history but I really don't see what's wrong. P.S. Most problems on this board arise from personal dishonesty to a situation(which derives from ego), long standing feuds and a total lack of reading comprehension from many.
  6. Quote: Those water bottles are everywhere. They are made for runners... When you run, you put your valuables in the water bottle. No they are not. Some of us have girlfriends. If you go to a Starship you will see the bottles there. How many runners you think go to Starship? They don't sell that bottle at Sports Authority. Also, the bottle only holds a minimal amount of water. What runner brings crap to put in a hidden compartment bottle? None of them. Your argument is destroyed. No evidence. Tell us all where we can buy these "running bottles".
  7. First off, let me say I think you guys are acting like little girls. He barely posts. Tell him to F off and ignore him. That's what the ignore is for. Quote: What classifies a person as a true hawks fan anyway? I know one person on this board is a top poster and he is a hardcore Mavs fan. WTF? I understand if you move but... I think there are a couple types of fans. Homers and guys that wish they were Kobe, Lebron, etc. so they like them. Personally, I am a homer. Homers are what make the sports world go round. Asking that someone be banned because you don't like their opinion is totally against the principles that our country was founded on. I understand the sentiment. I just don't agree. If he had thousands, even hundreds, it might be an issue. It just isn't.
  8. Absolutely hilarious! Good stuff. Thanks Diesel.
  9. Quote: JJ is the focus of the opposing defense much more than Smitty ever was yet still shoots much better. We're getting into a "new era", "old era" type of thing here. The game is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much softer now. 10 years ago MEN played in the league. Also, It's hard for opposing defenses to anticipate our plan. We don't have one! It's hard to defend streetball sometimes. Joe is very good. How about he win a few games before we all say he's the best since 'Nique. I would also venture to say anyone who went up against Mookie, did not want to. He was one of the most impressive on ball defenders I've ever seen. He got his steals by stealing. Not by having a loose ball bounce your way(Speedy). He could score a little too. Good distributor as well. Deke was far and awy better than J.J. He is one of the top two or 3 defensive bigs ever. EVER! He's in the top 15 of big men ALL-TIME! Show me 25 bigs better than Deke and I'll show you about 10 of them that couldn't get a shot off on him. Deke was a game changer. Anyone think Jordan would get a technical taunting Joe?(remember the Jordan finger wag after finally dunking on Deke?) I love Joe but he is no King of the Mountain.
  10. Quote: I would take a healthy Smitty in his prime over similiar Johnson any day of the week. Twice on Sunday. Agreed. Maybe the winning clouds me. I don't know. Smitty was a superior passer and defender. The shooting is about even. Only from the outside. Joe has virtually no post game. Which used to be a big part of this game. He dribbles in and shoots the floater a lot. Smitty would post you up. I prefer the latter. No one get this wrong. I love Joe. He could have certainly played with those guys. I just think he has a lot of room to grow. He turns it over too much and is not the kind of vocal leader that I had hoped he would grow into. Scoring points in this new WNBA isn't that tough. Really never has been for losing teams. You can score a whole bunch of garbage points when the other team knows their lead is insurmountable. I want a little more leadership from Joe and a lot more vocalization. To really answer the original post: He is the one bright spot on your mind when thinking about the organization. Joe gives us a chance if the ownership mess is resolved this decade. Josh Smith is also. More of an enigma though. Deke was and is a game changer in a Hall of Fame way. One of the best defenders to ever walk on an NBA court. We should all respect Smitty, Mookie, Deke, Ty, and the whole old gang a lot more than most of us do. To those of you who are bashing this thread: STOP He's asking a question. Use your mind. If you really want to be blinded by hating, hate on ASG, BK, Woody, and maybe Belkin. In that order.
  11. that they can't even afford to replace the crappy greenish colored tvs on the walls.(I was shopping for a set last year and was told numerous bad things about them) Check them out when you're there. How can we talk about replacing the coach when they can't replace a tv or 30? How inept are you to allow BK to take 25 million from your bank to pay a chump pg? Now they're scraping change to pay Woody to coach us to a loss. Good stuff
  12. Quote: When I speak of this franchise having no luck its because it seems like the teams that have their act together tend to get the most luck. Teams who are poorly run like the Hawks tend to find luck in short supply. Isn't there an old saying about luck being the point where preparation and opportunity meet? Funny, we're not prepared or opportunistic.
  13. It was a truly great game. The Colts and Pats were very good teams. We can all talk about who is great or who isn't, but the games have to be played. Most Champions have a tremendous amount of luck bestowed upon them at some point in the playoffs. It was good football. You can say the Colts D is bad. It was. It isn't now. That's all that matters. I do agree about Grossman. Maybe not the worst but certainly among them.
  14. Quote: Just realize that when you run the CLippers playbook, you will always be sorry. Don't you realize we have the ultimate Clipper running our team? That's Mike Woodson for those who don't know. You have disagreed before about the importance of having non-Clipper type players, coaching and management. Which is it? Mike Woodson is a King and a Clipper. BK was a King. I think we are running the Clippers franchise playbook already.
  15. Quote: but how does smoking weed make you a bad leader? Are you serious? He's the highest paid player in football. He's an NFL OB, not a defensive end. He has plays to remember, etc. Obviously you don't understand. When Rich McKay goes on tv that day, it is a problem. He has embarrassed the organization again with his stupidity.
  16. Indiana will improve by at least 4 or 5 games. They now have an inside-outside big man game and Dunleavy is a smart player. In the right system, a guy like Murphy could flourish. Especially with J.O. on the block.
  17. Someone that remembers where the bag is. ( remember LaRoche forgot he had singled while rounding the bag a few years ago) Thorman will start.
  18. I really don't care what anyone does in their personal life, so long as it does not harm anyone. This harms the Falcons. How childish. This guy is a total joke. What a leader. He's Mike Vick, you would think he would have dealers everywhere! Here's the story: http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/6381376?FSO1&ATT=HMA This says a few things. First, do you want your QB getting high? Secondly, what kind of decision making does it show? Aside from actually getting high, which is not a good decision for an NFL QB, he thought he could sneak weed through a water bottle? Was he high? Oh, wait. I'm sure his defense will be that he didn't know it was there. He sure didn't want to give it to the officers though. The sad thing is, I think Petrino will make Vick look much better. He will never be the kind of honest, intelligent, dedicated player we could all be proud of though. Who knows where this will all lead? One thing is for sure, this story does not need to go away. I think Vick has to grow up and be a man. Petrino needs to put his foot down.
  19. Quote: Still a beast at 40 years old. 40 years old?
  20. Quote: I'm sorry, I can't abide by that. I'm about to get a Chesapeake Bay Retriever pup. He isn't technically from Maryland, however. As soon as I get him I'll start Maryland boycotting. What else does Maryland produce exactly? Crabcakes?
  21. Quote: Andruw is in no way considered a clutch player in Atlanta. Even Chipper isn't considered clutch due to injury. Andruw in no way "fills seats". Yes he's an exceptional defensive CF, but there are other guys in the majors who can play close to his level Who says Andruw is not clutch? You? He is hitting the other way more the last two years and is absolutely murdering the ball to left. He has had virtually no protection. How can you say Andruw doesn't sell tickets? I don't pay hard earned money to see Ryan Langerhans ground out. I don't know anyone else who does either. We have maybe 4 players non sports fans (wives, kids, business men, etc.) might know. (Andruw, Smoltz, Chipper, Francoeur)
  22. Quote: Quote: Quote: We would all like to have classy ownership. If you haven't noticed the ASG is anything but. More like Chuck-E-Cheese. Good analogy. I also often think of the ownership as a Benny Hill comedy, complete with Wacky Sax and fast-motion chase scenes. Are you kidding me? Chuck-E-Cheese gets more people on weekends than Hawks do. Have you been to one lately?
  23. Quote: The proof that this team is being run on a shoestring budget is our guard situation. We played yesterday for the most part without a PG. No, JJ didn't play it much. We had Marvin, Chill, JJ, and even Smoove bringing it down most of the afternoon. If we hadn't been playing the Celts second team we would have lost that game. You can't beat anyone without a PG...especially when we have our bigs covering their PG's...Allan Ray looked like Allen Ivserson. With Lue and Speedy out you would think we would have brought in somebody but we just try to make do. This team needs a real PG. Not a Grundy. A competitive NBA PG. This is a ridiculous situation and while other teams would find it unacceptable...we just keep using band aids. This situation will cost them plenty in the games ahead if they don't address it. But, if your the Spirit, what's a few more losses? They signed Speedy! Do you really want them to sign another point?
  24. Quote: I can't find many problems in Ivey's game. I know we dog him a lot, but this guy isn't bad. He hits shots, he handles the ball well and doesn't turn it over. He's a good defender. I think if you give him 14-20 mpg and play Chillz at the PG the rest of the time, we will do just fine... When did you realize the Speedy signing was worthless? I've though all along that Ivey can play. He doesn't play street ball. That's why he hasn't made a splash for us. Royal would be great for someone like Utah.
  25. We would all like to have classy ownership. If you haven't noticed the ASG is anything but. More like Chuck-E-Cheese. I was talking about a culture of winning from the court. Obviously the right ownership brings in the right players. What are you saying about the Bulls? I think they were just fine. They always got the guys they wanted for the system. Rodman, Kukoc, Wennington, Kerr, Harper, Dele, etc. I think Deke counts! He is only like a top 15 center ever.
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