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Everything posted by ATLSmith

  1. Clearly the Hawks have improved greatly this year and are on their way to securing the 4th or 5th spot in the east. Quite an accomplishment if you ask me, but they would shock just about everyone if they won the title this year. My question to HawkSquawk is; when do you think the Hawks will win the NBA title? I say we have a shot at winning the whole thing in 2011. My reasoning: We won't win this year but should get through the first round. In the off-season, Sund could either; (a) work some magic and make us a true contender for 2010, or (b) draft well and continue to develop our core team. This will allow us to evaluate the talent we acquire in this years draft and trade away the players that don't fit at the end of 2010 for the players we need to make a serious run for the title in 2011. Let me know what you think. Really, even if you think the answer is never. p.s. Vote based on the year and your own thoughts. The comments in the pole are just for fun.
  2. Thought this picture of Dwight blocking a shot by Paul Peirce was amusing. http://espn.go.com/nba/photos?photoId=2185...ameId=290325019 Pierce with his usual "OOOOHH NOOOO!! Reff, someone just punched me in the balls!" look on his face.
  3. Has the world gone mad? This is as bad as the posts from last year where some people wanted the Hawks to tank and miss the playoffs.
  4. Cool. I for one hope he comes back.
  5. I'm going to go with: The Terminator: 8/10 Terminator 2: 10/10 Terminator 3: 5/10 Didn't enjoy the 3rd one much at all.
  6. Ahha... Too true. And Ex, "nimber" isn't a typo. Just poking fun at Nique who has pronounced it that way a couple of times. All in good fun of course.
  7. I LOVE the Hawks. They can't do anything wrong. Just look at Zaza. He is so cute and cuddly he reminds me of a Teddy Bear. Don't even get me started on Josh Smith. The way he crinkles his nose when he misses a 3 is just so darn adorable. We are so lucky to have Al "Pretty Boy" Horford and Marvin "Super Gay" Williams. AND JOE... Oh boy, he makes me want to crap rainbows. :love: Wait... this wasn't the change of vibe you were going for was it... awww crap. Umm.. Go Hawks?
  8. Yip, it is booing. The fans seem to cheer louder when he drives to the basket on his next attempt so I think he's getting some positive reinforcement too.
  9. Marvin is putting up some good nimbers this year and his nimbers will only improve as he matures as a player and finds his place in the Woody system. Hooray for good nimbers.
  10. Ha. If you had asked this a year ago it would have been Marvin by unanimous decision. I voted for Smoove as well but would prefer to keep all 3. Maybe Chill will come back... who knows.
  11. No. Zaza is not more valuble than Smoove. But I've always loved the way Z plays with heart. That guy took some beatings in the paint a couple of years back and just kept on kicking.
  12. I thought the Hawks played well. They came back in the 4th and almost won the game. I'd love to see these two teams go head to head in the 2nd round of the playoffs. I think Marvin gave gave James a run for his money. What happened to Josh Smith? I didn't see him on the floor in the 4th.
  13. Ha! That should be given as a guide to all new Squawk members.
  14. Oh man, that is terrible. Hope he gets better soon. The trash talking will be off the charts if KG is out for the season and Boston wins. It will be excuse city in Boston if he's out and they loose. I'd rather just play Boston as a complete team, win or loose.
  15. "Remember when Josh Smith played like Al Thornton did last night" You mean Josh used to play WITHOUT defensive presence? ;) (Yea, I know you meant on offence. Just messing with ya.) Just want to point out that Josh played pretty well defensively compared to Thornton. Rebounds: 15 vs 7 Steels: 1 vs 1 Blocks: 2 vs 1 Josh will still have his monster offensive nights this year.
  16. Agreed, I don't know how Hotlanta can say the Hawks have a mediocre record... Right now they might be playing mediocre to terrible basketball, no arguing that, but their record is still pretty good. By the way Hotlanta, I think you owe me $10 from last season when you bet me that the Hawks wouldn't make the playoffs. ps. I don't really expect payment for bets made on forums, but I do get to say "I told you so" ;)
  17. Fixed for you... In my dreams... Would actually love to see Bosh here to be honest... Can you imagine him playing center in Atlanta? We would be one fast team.
  18. Well, I hope you weren't expecting them to win it all this year. If you were then you are bound to be dissapointed. I'm pretty pleased with the way they are playing. Sure, some of these losses are frustrating and they obviously have some work to do, but that was to be expected this year.
  19. JJ has looked rather tired for a while. He doesn't look too happy out there either. Even if Woody doesn't play Acie in place of JJ, he should at least play Flip more often at that position. Even Evans could fill in at the 2 for a few minutes. A little off topic; anyone notice that Miami's plan on D was to stuff the lane with 3 to 4 guys whenever a Hawks player made a drive to the hoop. Seemed to work pretty well against the Hawks. No one was shooting jumpers and our 3's weren't falling. It was just drive, stop, drive, stop, three, miss, drive, stop.
  20. What is the latest concerning ownership? Is there a court date scheduled and, if so, when is it? I would like to see this team make some moves but it isn't likely until the ownership issue is resolved.
  21. Quote from Van Gundy after Butler scored 29 points against Orlando in the Wizards game last night: "We can't limit anybody at that position. If you are a 2-guard, we're the team you want to play."
  22. Nothing new really, but good to see them get some recognition. ESPN Dime
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