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Everything posted by Colin

  1. I never posted much on Hawksquawk in the past because the board's history of kneejerk reactions and lack of faith. Which is fine, seeing as how the Hawks don't have any recent history of success. But now, i'm getting tired of it. Last night's game was bad, obviously. The Heat played better than we did. Joel Anthony played like Zaza, Dwyane Wade got to the line and played like a superstar, and the Heat got the crowd behind them. They hit their open shots, and came out and played like their season was on the line. That said, what did you expect? We weren't a good road team in the regular season, so we knew we would have trouble on the road in the playoffs. We lost one at home, and we stole one on the road, which could be enough to get us by, we just need to protect our homecourt one more time, and we're in the second round. We were playing on the road, without two of our starters, and that is how we played. Josh Smith has been singled out by the media this week, and it looked like the crowd's booing got inside his head yesterday. He is a young guy, and as much as we like to beat him up for his stupid shots, we have to realize, he doesn't have much experience in big clutch games, and last night, he showed he couldn't handle adversity. That is when the veterans need to step up, which Bibby did, but Joe Johnson didn't, and that is why we lost such a lopsided game. As much as you like to criticize Woodson for a game like last night, it is tough. In my eyes, he was playing with 6 NBA players, screw Solomon and Mario. I am not saying Acie isn't an NBA player, but what the hell do we expect him to do, he has very little game experience in games that matter, and is coming off injury. (Which you CAN blame on woody). What i'm saying, is that we get to do exactly what we want. Win a game 7 at home, move on to the second round for the first time in a while, and at least put up a fight against the Cavs. If you want to sit around, and say "hey, if we lose, Woodson gets fired, it is a win-win situation". I don't want to hear it, LOSING A f***ing PLAYOFF SERIES IS NEVER A WIN SITUATION. As much as you hate the god damn coach, the reason we played this season was to compete for an NBA title. If you wanted Woodson fired, you basically were rooting against us every game, so go ahead, root against us again. We have gotten better every season, from 13 wins to 47 in just a couple of years, always improving. Woodson isn't the greatest coach, obviously, he doesn't adjust well, and his offense is a joke most nights. But he STANDS UP for his players, all 6 of them he actually had last night, and I admire that. He has his heart in the right place, now he just needs to get his mind there too. You guys may think that we will just get swept by the Cavs, but I don't. I think if we win game 7, get Marvin back, have Horford, and get our minds right for the series, we can win our home games against the Cavs. Then guess what, all you would have to do is steal one on the road. But that isn't the point. We have a HOME GAME 7, and I for one have faith in my team, I still have the same outlook I did when the playoffs started. Please try to realize we are a home win away from the second round.
  2. Randolph. I don't want Othello in the game, even to use fouls.
  3. If he threw that dunk down, either Magloire bum rushes him, or the crowd starts throwing things on the court.
  4. You know, i'm NEVER the one to be pessimistic about the Hawks. But, I can't help it right now. My dislike for Solomon Jones has been breeding for a LONG time, and I just don't want him in the game for more than 8 minutes. But if Zaza plays too many minutes, he is bound to get in foul trouble. I am Zaza's biggest fan, but imagine how much trouble the Hawks could be in if zaza actually starts picking up loose ball fouls due to trying to do too much if he is getting double boxed out. Of course I have faith in the hawks, and expect a win, but it will be most likely be in spite of solomon playing a lot, not because of it. But I have faith, plus 7 hours before gametime, i've already started drinking.
  5. This is destined to be interesting. If Zaza gets in foul trouble, what do we do? Have Solomon playing 24 minutes...?!
  6. It won't let me save it to my computer. Can you upload somewhere else?
  7. What to watch for: Hawks center Al Horford is questionable with an ankle injury sustained in Game 5. Hawks forward Marvin Williams is also questionable due to a right wrist injury. ... The team that has won the rebounding battle has won all five games in this series.MIAMI - Dwyane Wade had a razor-sharp edge Thursday, and the Heat's battered All-Star guard made precision cuts on everyone in his sights. Wade had particular disdain for Atlanta guard Mario West, who celebrated after Wade missed a three-pointer at the halftime buzzer in Wednesday's Game 5, which the Heat lost 106-91. The Hawks had a 23-point lead at the time. Wade said the second-year guard "has not been a factor" in this series. He called West's celebration "funny" and ridiculed his judgment. "What is this game coming to?" Wade asked rhetorically. Wade also was peeved that Atlanta forward Josh Smith tried a between-the-legs dunk in the fourth quarter when the Hawks still had a 20-point lead. "It is (disrespectful)," Wade said, "and one thing I go back to is something my high school coach always told me: Act like you've done something before." This is what playoff basketball does to the usually docile Wade. And you can expect him to take that edge to the court in Game 6 of the first-round playoff series at 8 tonight at AmericanAirlines Arena. For the Heat, which trails in the best-of-seven series 3-2, it's a win-or-it's-over game. Perhaps realizing he has nothing to lose, Wade unloaded Thursday. Wade said the Hawks have some "unprofessional" things they need to address. He said Hawks roughhousing center Zaza Pachulia is "knocking people out." And said he wants to see more out of his young teammates, particularly rookies Michael Beasley and Mario Chalmers. "If it seems like I'm calling them out, I'm not calling them out," Wade said, "but I want to see our young guys play like it's Game 6 of the playoffs. "If 'Rio says he's won a national championship (at Kansas), well, I want to see him play like it. I want to see Michael play. It's not about making shots. It's about your intensity. It's about your focus. And I want to see our young guys focused and playing with energy." Wade, who has been battling back spasms the past two games, said he felt better Thursday. And he took a defiant tone toward the pain. "I'm at the point where whatever is wrong with me, it doesn't even matter at this point," he said. In that spirit, Wade almost implored his teammates to get more physical for Game 6. "Zaza Pachulia is knocking people out," Wade said. "I'm not telling my teammates to knock him out, but when he comes down the paint, at least make sure he feels it on offensive rebounds." Nothing too different, but still a bit of new material. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/con..._heat_0501.html
  8. Agreed with the fouls on Horford, but he was too aggressive at times, and not very smart. But you have to admit O'Neal is much more scared when Zaza is in the game. The only problem is, if Zaza gets in foul trouble, the Hawks are put in a VERY tough situation.
  9. The most liked player on the team? Who does everyone get along with the best, and like their game the most? Will pass to them more than anyone else, has more faith in them, etc...? I knew that Zaza and Childress would ALWAYS pass each other ball when they were in the game together, they were each other's first option. What about now? Who do you think inspires the most confidence? What about the least?
  10. I thought the bad news was that Zaza got swine flu from the pig wrestling he does on off days to improve his offensive rebounding.
  11. Thanks guys, I thought it was a good concept idea, so I ran with it.
  12. That was a great quote. Seriously. Thumbs up for the Mighty Ducks reference.
  13. Late last night, an Atlanta area T-Mobile store reported that their star player, a cardboard cutout of Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade was injured. "Last night, around 7:30, a man sneezed on his way out of the store, and the Wade cutout hit the floor hard." said John Edwards, the manager at the store. "I wasn't sure what happened, but I didn't hear a whistle so I don't know what he was trying to do just laying there." This isn't the first injury report at T-Mobile retailers around the city, as Wade cutouts have been having a tough week it seems. Sneezes, mosquitoes, strong breezes, even loud noises have all been linked to cutouts going down. "It has been terrible, we're losing cutouts left and right, and for some reason, all of these incidents have come in the close vicinity of customers wearing striped shirts." says Matt Freije, a junior representative at one store. "It is taking a toll, and it definitely isn't helping the team." While some may find these occurrences to just be a coincidence, perhaps something more is at work here? Esteban Batista, a frequent customer of one location says this isn't the first time he has run into trouble at a T-Mobile store. "Just a few months ago, I bumped into a Charles Barkley cardboard cutout, and for the rest of the day, i stank of whiskey, it was weird". "But that wasn't the end of it, after I bumped into it, I went to checkout, and when I turned around, the cutout, along with my car was gone!" In order to combat the bad luck the Wade displays have had, T-Mobile has hired former NBA referee Tim Donaghy. "I'll make sure that these Wade advertisements are given the fair treatment they deserve, i'll protect the integrity of the store, you can bet on that" Donaghy said this morning when we ran into him behind the store rolling dice. When asked about the odd happenings surrounding his carboard likeness, Dwyane Wade said he was insulted. "I am Dwyane Wade, if my cutouts are falling over, obviously they are being manhandled. If this goes on any further, I may have to send Jamaal (Magloire) over there to protect them" said Wade. But for now, T-Mobile will have to wait out the storm, thought at least one employee thinks they need to change spokesmen. "I would love to have a Zaza cutout in the store, those would never fall down. Sure, they may not be as attractive, but nobody would dare knock it over" said Donta Smith, assistant manager in charge of promotion. Here's to you Dwyane, i hope you aren't insulted. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/165337-...n-floor-injured Okay, I lied, I wrote it, haha. But come on, I thought it was funny.
  14. Something that nobody here has given Smith credit for after last night's game... Those fast break bounce passes! Oh my lord those were pretty. It is the happiest i've been with Smith running the court with the ball.
  15. Why can't Zaza get a start, come on! I know obviously Zaza will get the bulk of the minutes, but I don't want Solo starting. BOOOO
  16. It just isn't fair. No matter what the Hawks do, the media looks to make us the badguy, or the inferior team. Obviously the Hawks do wrong, but is it just me, or according to the media, the Hawks have never done anything right?
  17. The booing started because they thought Wade was faking again, which i thought as well until I saw the replay. I felt bad that he hit his head, as I never wish injury on anyone, but to tell the truth, i think he was milking it as well.
  18. Solo is trying to steal Zaza's fame. : (
  19. Why you gotta do me like that Dolfan?! :sad:
  20. Don't worry, 32 isn't that old. I am an OLD 18 though, haha. I can feel middle age already. After all, I DO have a legit mustache. But that's alright, looks like i'll just have to meetup with some of the Squawkers then.
  21. Hey Dolfan, I have a friend who is hooking me up with tickets for round 2 if/when we make it, maybe you want to roadtrip with me? Though, you do have like 14 years on me, it might be a bit weird, haha.
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