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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Trading for Baron Davis would be the end of this team. An overrated, score first PG who shoots threes even though he can't hit them? You've got to be kidding me. Baron was 1-12 for 5 last night against a terrible defensive team in GS, he got embarrassed by everyone on the court. GTFO.
  2. You're right, we aren't much better than we were last year, without Crawford. That's the thing though, we have Crawford now. How some of you can blame last night's loss on marvin is ridiculous.
  3. I have no problem with this, as I think that Lee deserved it over Horford, he's having a career year. Though I think Smoove deserves it more, I have no problem with Lee making it. If only Smith had made it over Horford, it would be perfect. Plus, this choice makes sense, as the West put Kaman on the roster to replace Roy, another center for the East was necessary perhaps.
  4. Teague hasn't really shown much when he is in, what do you want Woody to do? If Woody played Teague more minutes, and he stunk it up, blowing leads when he is in the game, you'd be calling for his head for managing the game wrong. I have more of a beef with Zaza not playing enough to feel comfortable off of the bench. That could be a problem come playoff time.
  5. To the people who said Zaza should only play 9 minutes a game, that is ridiculous. Zaza will probably go back to disgruntled, trying to do too much like he did in 2007 if he doesn't even play 10 minutes a game.
  6. With a player like Smoove on the team, who takes the game into his own hands and makes poor shots on occasion, that damages the offense. So a player like Marvin comes along and offsets Smoove, and it will help the offense.
  7. Wait, I don't understand. Why are you comparing Marvin's numbers (who was the 4th offensive option on our team, especially in the 4th when Flip saw a lot of clutch time), to players who were the first or second options on their respective teams? Why didn't you just pick Lebron? I don't post here often, but I do read a lot, and always saw everyone calling you out for being unfair towards Marvin, and now I see it. Your point is invalid.
  8. Look at it like this then. When Zaza was starting, age 21 and 22, he averaged more points than Horford did. True those teams were bad, and his shooting percentage was bad, but he took less, or the same amount of shots as Horford as well. Zaza was crap in 07-08, and even in the playoffs, he sucked besides a few moments. But last year, he showed he was the best backup center in basketball for the most part. He was our most consistent player for most of the playoffs, and showed he is one of the best O-rebounders in the league. We signed him for 4/16 after he did nothing in Milwaukee, and now we are about to get him for the same contract? Amazing.
  9. Am i the only one surprised that Zaza is only getting a SLIGHT raise? I was sure that he was going to get 5.5-6 a year.
  10. Colin

    David AndersEn

    This scares me. Is Zaza coming back?
  11. I don't want Wilcox at all. No need for Green, Ratliff has size, but is basically worthless, and I don't think we will get Bass. Just get Zaza and hope for one more out of nowhere.
  12. Zach Randolph. Trading Q Rich for him.
  13. Whoever just said Aaron Brooks is a future star is on crack. I'm from Houston, and Aaron Brooks is the WORST starting PG in the NBA.
  14. Zaza was 3 years younger than Acie when he got here, and somehow became one of the best offensive rebounders in the NBA.
  15. Didn't Woodson develop Zaza? Zaza is only 10 months older than Acie.
  16. He is generating excitement because he is playing to his strengths. His FG% was up 4-5% compared to his career.
  17. I have $225 on the Hawks at 15-1 actually. I have $750 on the Hawks as 12.5 point underdogs tonight, but am not going to touch game 2. I will check the lines for games 3 and 4, and see what I want to do. A big win on Game 7 vs. the Heat enabled me to bet this with no worries, as did a Rockets win last night...
  18. I was thinking of the same thing, in between thoughts of Zaza wrestling pigs.
  19. I really think, if Zaza wants money, he'll end up leaving. But Zaza says he loves Atlanta, so I can see him staying. But if we offer him MLE, and some other team offers him $4year/$30 million, to compete to start, what is he going to choose? Zaza s&t for Hinrich? haha
  20. Esteban Batista, John Edwards, Shelden Williams, Matt Freije and Jon Barry. I call JB just to ask him why he hates the Hawks so much.
  21. Bibby for proving to be a veteran presence with playoff experience even in the games we lost? Joe Johnson for not letting the tough first six games bother him, and proving he was the star of our team with his game 7 performance? That 30 footer made me pee myself. Josh Smith for dominating at home, and bouncing back from the beating he took from the media for his missed dunk? His amazing bounce passes on fast breaks too. Zaza for pretty much proving he can get under anyone's skin, diving for loose balls, and amazing bench presence? Marvin for taking one for the team and high fiving people with his injured wrist!? Solomon Jones for trying to be Zaza for 5 seconds and get in Wade's face? Horford for playing tonight with whatever ankle injury he had? Mario West for great defense in 8 second spurts? Randolph Morris for trying to dribble? Flip Murray for the spark off the bench, and lack of conscience, enabling him to hit some shots, and his actually great dribble penetration and passes to Zaza? Jamaal Magloire for having like 2 points and 3987 stupid fouls? ZAZAAAAAA
  22. Wait, I thought we all agreed that Smoove was like Vick?
  23. Can I come to six flags too to celebrate the win?
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