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Everything posted by AnnArborHawk

  1. I would be very happy with K. Brown and J. Hayes to fill out the roster (and it doesn't hurt that they're both Georgia guys). I also wouldn't mind the Hawks getting a hold of Roger Mason.
  2. Charlotte paper seems to think Clippers may be interested in Okafor as well link The SI article said Smoove doesn't have the self-discipline to be a max player in a market like Philly. If nobody ponies up the big contract for Smith, maybe he'll play with a chip on his shoulder after some of these comments.
  3. Quote: I hate personal agendas on public forums ! Especially when an entire thread is created to pick a fight. Throw this piece of garbage in the trash ! I totally agree. I don't get the whole fighting thing. I understand differences of opinion, but why do we have to get in pissing matches over who's the biggest, smartest Hawks fan...
  4. Smith could always just sign the one year qualifying offer and become an unrestricted free agent next year.
  5. I think you're still on the books (cap-wise) for a year after you retire under contract. So I think he'd still count against our cap for this year.
  6. Quote: This guy doesn't even live in Atlanta. How can the person in charge of the site not even live in the city? All he does is argue with people's opinions and doesn't offer anything productive here. OK, we all have OPINIONS, so quit pissing us all off and leave this site.Thanks.Wow. Somebody walked out their door and forgot their balls this morning. "Somebody argued with me mommy....do something!!!" ...and you don't even have the brass to say that under your real ID
  7. Quote: Is he too redundant to Josh Smith I don't think so. Smith can play the 4. Wallace really needs to play the 3 to keep from getting knocked around so much. If he's going to extend his career beyond just the next couple years, he has to play the 3.
  8. Quote: 14. Pacers - full blown rebuild I agree with most of what you said, but I expect the Pacers to be decent. They made a late push at our playoff spot with O'Neal not contributing much, just by playing a fast paced game. Now they've got TJ Ford to push that game (so long as he's healthy) and a few more young bodies to run the floor, with otherwise the same cast as they had last year. I think they'll find a way to be in the mix as long as Ford is healthy. The only teams I'm not worried about are the Knicks and Nets. Those teams are going to be doing some odd things with their rosters over the next couple years to free up cash to throw at LBJ.
  9. Quote: I bet they would have taken the Marvin/Speedy package after all. Marvin is a better prospect than Yi and Speedy's deal isn't as bad as Simmons'. The Nets actually want Simmons' deal. It expires the year LeBron is a FA. (Jefferson's expires a year later)
  10. The 2 guys I'd have liked to see come to the Hawks this offseason were RJ and Michael Redd. This takes both out of play. Oh well.
  11. Quote: Are you from the Looie?? Originally, but been in Atlanta for a while now.
  12. Quote: Al Horford and Joe Johnson No doubt. Those who argue for Josh Smith are letting the flashiness of his weakside help cloud their memory of his on ball defense. Sure, JS racks up the blocks and steals, but he also is an average on ball defender and often leaves his man with an open lane to the basket or an easy rebound when he goes for the block/steal. Let's not confuse sound defender with flashy defender.
  13. Quote: There are people who ride the short bus who could come up with better than this! Well I'm very happy to hear you kids on the short bus have finally got a good Hawks dialogue going.
  14. One thing we WOULDN'T be anymore is the Airball Factory
  15. Quote: i need yearly income for the following players Yeah, I need their income too. The payments on my fleet of Bentley's plus gas is starting to strain the ole bank account.
  16. I, personally, am not up for handicapping this team by paying Billups big money for 4 years when he's on the downside of his career.
  17. There are a few key words in there that should not go unignored. 1) Head case - not sure that he's a "head case" but he certainly can be disagreeable and I can see him being difficult to coach 2) Molded correctly - Obviously this means well coached. I think we can safely say he hasn't had the upper echelon of coaching during his NBA tenure It's where the two come together that will determine Josh Smith's success in this league. If he is given better coaching AND makes himself more coachable. A lot of people have commented about his BBIQ, and that can improve with good coaching and a willingness to learn. Josh Smith's got such great athletic ability that his ceiling will most likely be dictated by his own humility and willingness to follow his coaching. Otherwise he may become one of those guys that never reaches his full potential because "he knows best."
  18. Actually, I kind of agree. He'll get offered $11M by someone, and I'm not sure that's overpaying him. I do agree that he'll never be the team leader, on or off the court. I know there are a lot of people on here who love Smoove, and I think he's a really talented player, but let's call a spade a spade. The guy is good, probably even make the all star team a few years, but he'll never be a 'go to' guy. He's very active, great weak side defender, excellent slasher, but he'll never shut down your opponents best player or create his own shot the way your 'go to' guy is supposed to do.
  19. If I thought there was any chance Chicago would give us Noah and the #1 (Rose) for Smoove. I'd do it in a heartbeat. That probably delays any progress in terms of our winning percentage another year, but I think gives us a much higher ceiling. I think Acie Law will be a fine PG, but Rose could be something really special.
  20. Quote: Zaza/Speedy/2009 2nd rounder for Brad Miller. Sacramento would laugh at this proposal. With everyone here posting trades that involve Speedy, that just shows that we don't can't REALISTICALLY add a piece of this caliber without breaking up the core. We're reaching way deep in the bag to try to give Speedy some value. You could offer to trade me Speedy for $2 and a jawbreaker, but all that gets me at the end of the day is a debt of $5,999,998 and a hankering for another jawbreaker. Let's face it, all the trading chips we had went out the door to get Bibby.
  21. I'm surprised to see him say that Kidd is a lock to be the starting PG and CP3 is on the bubble to even make the team. Here would be my Olympic roster: Starting: Chris Paul Kobe Bryant LeBron James Carlos Boozer Dwight Howard Bench: Deron Williams Michael Redd Dwyane Wade Paul Pierce Kevin Garnett Chris Bosh And I might even give the last spot to Josh Smith
  22. Quote: From my understanding his biggest problem was just not putting it all together night in and night out. We hardly need another guy with this problem.
  23. Not that we should be surprised. Somebody just offered the janitor a 2 year contract to be headmaster, what would you do? http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/sports/h...odson_0613.html
  24. Quote: 1. Joe Johnson's game 4 4th quarter 2. Game 3 of playoffs(1st playoff home game in a decade) 3. 1st game of the season against Dallas 4. Contriversal game against toronto late in the season 5. any dunk or black by smoove I'd add sold out home wins against Dallas and Phoenix early in the season. Wasn't quite the playoff atmosphere, but we did have a solid electricity in the building to start the year.
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