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Everything posted by T21

  1. ... how 'bout Marvin for Kaman? Clips need some wing help and Jordan has already established himself as their 5 of the future...
  2. T21

    Let's go!

    We're all in this together! Our Hawksquawk is carbon copy of our Hawks team! We all have our differences, different theories of how things should be done, we're also flawed, as we already labelled our team... But what matters and what brings us together is the love for our Hawks and this game... Let's do it against all odds and do it our way! P.S. Maybe I had few beers too many, but what the heck!
  3. T21

    My Hawks.

    Let's win championship first and then work on next year's roster! But seriously, I think Al is playing with some sort of injury... we all know he's capable of playing much better than this.
  4. Zazilla needs to take care of Rosemary's baby! :stirthepot:
  5. We need a total team effort! We could contemplate whose turn is to show up all day, but we'll need everyone tonight! Everybody will be against us... Bulls, their fans, main-stream media, NBA, refs, mascots, blues brothers, freakin' wind... We'll just have to take blows and keep coming back at them... and hopefully win! Let's go!
  6. Basically... we all know we're better team! What we don't know is whether our team is gonna show up with energy and mental strength... ... and speaking of fear (not paranoia)... I definitely fear NBA and refs! We've seen it so far during this series and it's not gonna get any better! Double standards, different criteria... they'll do anything and everything to justify all those accolades and media hype... ...but we know what we're up against!
  7. You know my friend... I wouldn't want it any other way! :drinks:
  8. I've said this before, I think Bulls are soooo overrated! Sure, Rose is a unique talent and a game changer... however, their regular season record was mostly result of the defense they played and intensity they played with... Nobody else in today's NBA takes regular season so seriously any more (Celtics, Lakers stroll through...). Regardless of how this series ends, I truly believe we're a better team! P.S. I expect NBA to give'em a push, since they've got MVP + COY...
  9. I agree! LD has to find a way to use Marvin offensively and keep him in the game, so to speak...
  10. Name of external link Short, but very interesting read... Eddie Johnson's view on the series. I've been reading his columns for quite some time and the thing I like about Eddie is the fact that he's never afraid to voice his opinion (regardless of that issued by mainstream media).
  11. I think that we should throw as many as 4 defenders at Rose! Teague, Damien, JJ, even Marvin (Hinrich if healthy). I mean we have bodies (fouls to give)! JJ and Crawford will be in charge of the offense most of the time... Give him different defensive schemes in order to limit his penetration, hustle him, bully him, provoke him!
  12. It beats me... I don't know what it is and I just don't care about it... BTW, I wouldn't want it any other way! On the record... I believe that we're better team than the Bulls and if JJ and Crawford play well, we'll beat them. Al and Smoove are head and shoulders above Loozer and Noah! Hopefully, Kirk will be able to contribute as well... Oh, I also think that Pacers could have easily been 2 to 1 up on the Bulls before game 4. Bulls were lucky, plus refs were on their side...
  13. Ron Jeremy (as someone already baptized him) cannot admit that we were just a better team... and as you mentioned, if it wasn't for the refs it would have been a sweep or 5 game series!
  14. The key is limiting Rose's impact! I don't fear their inside game, nor their shooters (with the exception of Ashton, Rose is streaky and Deng has only mid-range game)... so we need to stop the penetration and box-out (no second chance opportunities). P.S. Defense, focus, strong will! Let's get it on!
  15. Feel free to call me crazy, but I honestly believe that we're better team than the Bulls! If Crawford and JJ have a good series we'll win it! Al & Josh can feast on Looser and Noah, plus I think we're deeper team... We'll have to design a team-defense model to limit Rose's impact, 'cause he's obviously the greatest threat.
  16. Zaza gets elbowed, slapped in the face and it seems that the mob (NBA, media...) wants the piece of him too! 1. Dwight should get one game! He instigated the incident by throwing the first punch. 2. J-Rich had no business stepping in! In the end he slapped Zaza and he should get at least one game. 3. Zaza played hard, made a strong (not dirty) foul. He got elbowed, slapped, while getting into J-Phuck's face... I don't think Zaza made a head-butt contact... However, NBA and it's media are already basically campaigning for 1 or 2 game ban! P.S. We witnessed Magic losing their cool! Frustration is obvious!
  17. I voted for us in 5! And JJ finally answering the call! The key for us to win this series is a good start! If we can take one of first two (preferably game 1) in Disneyland, we have a very good chance of winning! I mean, just take a look at Magic... they haven't had a good season... they made big time changes without results... and the only constant for them is basically Dwight... I think that if we play hard and push the right buttons, they could self-destruct! If we take one of first two games and come out as aggressors on our home floor we'll cause SVG to panic and Dwight will start looking around their locker room, but will find no answers... P.S. Unfortunately, the same goes for us too... we're also emotionally fragile... so it will come down to focus, mental strength and will power.
  18. I'd love to have old man around... he would be huge influence!
  19. Doc! No doubt! Perfect combination of knowledge, experience, authority... plus, he's a former Hawk! His players always play hard for him and that's one of key issues we have to deal with. Honorable mentions: JVG, Frattello, Adelman.
  20. I'll rather have Smoove on the weakside (near the paint)... we have capable shooters in Crawford, Hinrich and Marvin who can make open shots.
  21. Most teams double JJ by design that's no secret... not only they stop JJ, but they get the ball out of his hands and usually ball winds up with Smoove on the perimeter (what a coincidence)!? Opponents bet on that! There's only one way to deal with it. JJ needs to be more aggressive and attack before he gets doubled. He can score, get to the line or find an open or cutting teammate... plus, Smoove has to hang on the weakside, looking for offensive rebounds, putt-backs and cutting opportunities!
  22. We won the game... sure... however, during the last couple of Pistons' possessions LD had an opportunity (dead balls, time outs) to make defensive subs, but he left Crawford in there??? Those coaching mistakes could have cost us a game... (both Damien and JT were better choices).
  23. It's quite evident that the wheels have come off... our offense sucks and what's worse, it makes a huge impact on our D. We have very emotional bunch and when our offense clicks well we play good D (go figure?), when we struggle on offense it also reflects on our D and we play without energy, passion... LD has to go, he lost the team completely... I know it's not popular decision to sack the coach, but in order to gain some form, confidence and have any chance in Playoffs, it must be done.
  24. T21

    LD's juggling line up

    LD is simply clueless... he lost the compass... We have no offense, no defense... Sure, players carry their share of responsibility (which isn't small), but LD lost this team long time ago and it's obvious that he doesn't know how to steer this ship... P.S. Hopefully, we'll go after Doc in the off-season...
  25. Here's how they see it at HOOPSWORLD: Name of external link
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