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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. When is Kirk expected to be back?
  2. I'm all for a bench full of vet specialist, but we need a back up PG and a big that can play.
  3. swolehawk2


    Lost power all night, tornados,had to listen on the radio. Anybody know of a site that replays games. I have been googling, but can't find anything.
  4. In three years, Jordan will be a very solid starter, while JC1 will no longer be here, JJ and Hinrich will be about done.
  5. I have been preachin this forever, the last coach we had was Lenny Wilkens 10 + years ago. We have not had a proven coach on 10+ years!!!! How are these f***in idiots millionaires.
  6. Players come and go, but the one thing that has been constant is that we have not had a proven coach since Lenny Wilkens. And thats part of the reason that the prime talent on this team will waste away. We need a pro proven coach.
  7. If I had to play the hand I'm dealt, my rotation would look like this: Jamal/Bibby JJ Josh/Damien Al/Marvin Twin/ZZ Damien could swing between 2/3 and Marvin 3/4 Under no circumstances would Josh Powell and ZZ be on the floor together. Teague would get foul trouble minutes.
  8. Bout time he became a Hawk. I think he will play well and will be tough to cut when jj is back.
  9. JC2 is as good a PG as Jeff Teague is right now.
  10. I must admit I am not a big fan ZZ but he is playing his add off and seems to be much more confident around the basket.
  11. swolehawk2

    Brad Miller

    Would rather him get minutes than ZZ.
  12. I have been screaming for Matt Barnes for days now....he may to be to expensive for us, but like everybody else would prolly go to Miami for a used condom and a pack of peanut M&Ms.
  13. No we don't, we need a PG that can get in the lane and shoot the three. Do you realize if Teague starts...we will have only one starter than can knock down a three with any regularity! Mo can penetrate and shoot the ball. You can run sets to get people invloved.
  14. Yep, Chillz/Bibby for Mo/Shaq seems more likely. I would love to get Varajeo.
  15. I'd rather send Chillz Marvin and Bibby for Mo and AV. We need a guy like AV desperately; sign Shaq and Matt Barnes.....and play ball. Mo/Teague JJ/Jamal/JC2 Barnes/Evans Smoove/AV Al/Shaq/ZZ Thats a pretty good damn basketball team.
  16. I would love to have AV and Shaq....we have to get a three point shooting SF...if Teague starts JJ would be the only 3 pt threat to start....not good.
  17. We desperately need another three point shooter and if Jordan can be that it would help alot. And can Gladyr become a Korver type.
  18. There are really no trades that we could realistically pull off that would make us better that that team. The Heat are better than us over night; that is something we have to accept. We are now the third best team in our division.
  19. LOL, not only will we not be competitive with Miami; we won't compete with Orl either. I don't really see what we could do with our limited space that would get us close to those two. Especially with Drew as the coach. Joe prolly knew that this would happen; thats why he agreed so early. If our owners knew that Lebron and Bosh were going to Miami do they pay Joe the Max, I mean for what, we are the 3d best team in our own div....would you?
  20. You would not say that if they were Hawks. They will beat up on the league like a rented mule.
  21. All hopes and dreams of a championship, should have stopped when we hired Drew. We have not had a proven coach since Lenny Frickin Wilkins!
  22. Only a FOOL would trade Al right now; this dude couldn't make a post move without traveling his rookie year. Look how much his game has improved since then. If his game grows just as much as he has the past two years he will be unguardable in two more years. Losing Al would be a big mistake, especially since there are really no centers out there.
  23. Exactly, this is why we won't compete for the east, we simply don't have a deep enough team. No way we can compete with the backup 3-4-5 we have. This team is the all time leader in mediocrity.
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