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  1. Michael Jordan doesn't even own the majority of the bobcats, he's just the mascot and the whipping boy.
  2. He deserves it. But i want him on a different team
  3. Well josh will be gone next year. Well see if Teague turns out to be a better player without josh
  4. When did josh chew Teague out?
  5. Felton is not a true pg. Teague is better than all of them.
  6. Supporter

    Jeff Teague

    If Josh leaves, then Teague will flourish, simple as that. Sign me up for more Teague
  7. If Josh leaves I think Teague will bust out. Joe and Horf will get more shots. We just need to get a center back
  8. I wouldn't consider losing any NBA game a rage quit
  9. Oh damn, I forgot that Joe played next to two MVP candidates. I like Harden and he might be a better player than JJ in the future but until he can be the main guy on a playoff team like Joe has, gimme JJ all day.
  10. I understand that over the long run, stats bear some value in evaluating a player. But it still doesn't tell the whole truth. Maybe I used the wrong wording when I said that stats aren't objective. All I am saying is that the stats of different players can't be evaluated in the same way because of variables such as the system they are in and the players around them. All variables aren't going to be the same from player to player, so when you have stats like per, or win shares or whatever it is it doesn't tell the truth because guys play on different teams, different positions, and next to different players. For example player A might average 10 rebounds a season compared to Player B that averages 8 rebounds, but you can't really evaluate them solely on stats alone because player A might play on a team that has no decent rebounders while player B does. I don't know why you are asking me to not look at the score, I am only concerned with an individual's stats, not the final score to a game.
  11. For what role?On defense Josh would win.On offense it's Blake. It depends on what my team needs, but if I'm starting out from scratch, Blake is younger, better, and more marketable.
  12. I rarely ever rely on stats to measure a player because statistics are not always objective. For example, Player A could miss a shot but maybe it's a good shot to take, player B misses a shot as well, but it was a bad shot to take. As far as I know, in terms of stats both players have missed one shot, but the eye test shows which player made the better play. In the end of the day that's why people focus on accolades like All Star games, MVP's, Championship rings, etc.. because when it's all said and done, those are the guys who played the best basketball.Same goes with every stat, how can you really evaluate the a person's defense in terms of stats??? By blocks and steals??? Javale Mcgee is pretty good at blocking shots but by no means is he an excellent defender.
  13. lol at vet mins. I thought our bench was called the goon squad
  14. Joe might not look the part but he's getting up three in age and wants to win.
  15. You mean like when he sts that guys need to know their roles...
  16. Joe doesn't even look at stats except turnovers. Josh on the other hand....
  17. People say that all Marvin does during the offseason is eat cheerios and watch spongebob. Well, if I remember correctly the duck never shot threes in his beginning years but look at him now!!!
  18. Man I really do miss Horford. I wish he were back
  19. Hell we won in ATL fashion, Joe should call out the team more often.
  20. Agree about the Kevin Love, that dude is a flat out BEAST. Josh has been our MVP so far, but he could be much better about his shot selection (yes I am stating the obvious), Joe has played better this year than last, which is a good sign. Teague is becoming a young pg version of Josh. So nice to see
  21. Hire me and I'll find someone to take birdbrain off our hands
  22. Last 5 games Josh Smith 23 shots per game, Joe 16.4 shots per game. For the season Josh shoots 16.8 shots per game while Joe shots 16.1, and yet Joe still scores more points than him (19 ppg vs 18.4ppg)
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