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Everything posted by MarylandHawk

  1. This is unacceptable. He needs to bench the entire starting unit. This feels like one of those games where Trae is like ok you think I do too much, let me lay back and run the offense and see how that works out. It is the same thing over and over they are just walking around out there with no urgency on offense or defense. Nate is just watching.
  2. Eeshh. I don’t know about trading for him. I think he would be a good basketball wise but if he is having mental health issues, will he be able to perform his job? It would be nice if the 6ers believed that, they would bring him back to play with them first to showcase he is ready to go. Don’t need another Ridley situation.
  3. It was also playoff basketball where offenses grind into a half court game in which he can be more successful on defense on the perimeter. We just slightly disagree on his defensive effectiveness. My point is he is not the problem defensively despite his reputation. All you other points I tend to agree.
  4. Dominique would have a ball clowning him every night. He always comments on how slow he is out there.
  5. I actually disagree with this. As much as my mind tells me Gallo isn’t good defensively in the post, the really is his old style of defense always frustrates the player he is guarding and he rebounds well. It was an underrated part of our success last year. We got surprisingly good defense from him and Bogi and Kevin for that matter. His defense is about where it was last year but the others have fallen off a bit.
  6. The only way I see him fitting in is with OO17 starting along side him. I think that has the potential to be a better combo than CC and JBap. That is really risky though to try and bank on that.
  7. Also, I think this team came into the season as if they had arrived and others would respect them off of what they did last year. The new coaches probably were not pushing too hard early on because they just wanted fit in and not mess anything up. But other teams were licking their chops to get a piece of us and came ready to play offensively and defensively against us the whole game. We just look shocked out there at how every team’s third and forth guy is locked in and making shots and disrupting our offensive flow. It is like the Hawks are thinking “why are they trying so hard. Don’t they know who we are”.
  8. I think you are on to something but not because Trae isn’t scrappy or takes defense seriously. I think the ball movement piece is more realistic as a reason why the team may get stagnant on defense. The NBA had proved time and time again that when players feel involved in the offense and there is good ball movement, the defense tends to follow. What our team needs to realize is that Trae is a once in a lifetime type player who can get everyone involved in the game every time down court if they just hustle to get open and keep playing through the possession on offense. Things like cutting at the last minute even though Trae is driving, wings going after offensive rebounds on long threes, not leaving John, Gallo and Clint hanging when they feed the post by standing around watching them even when they are double teamed. If they do those things, they will notice that Trae will not miss them no matter where they are on the court and he will feed them the ball for an open shot. He sees everything and will make the pass if you hustle to get open. This should translate to consistent high/multiple effort defense on every possession.
  9. He finally played a game the way he was expected to. Geesh, what are these guys waiting on? He is on a one year deal playing timid and trying to fit in. He only gets 18 mins a game, go balls to the wall doing what you do. It will help the team and him. There is no time to waste trying to fit in. Clint said it best in his postgame interview after the Portland game, multiple efforts defensively. They have have multiple efforts defensively and close out each defensive possession hard. This is what we thought we were getting from Delon but he hadn’t showed that until last night.
  10. Delon Wright has to go. He is playing like he is on a tanking team with no urgency or purpose. It is like he doesn't understand why he is here. High motor defensive effort while going hard in the 18 minutes he gets a game. Push the pace for fast breaks and be ready to hit open shots when they come. 9 mil should get us that.
  11. So true. Lazy is the perfect word for our team defense. It is so apparent after watching a bunch of gleaguers come up and give consistent effort on defense and win games. Our starters come back and think we can just layoff guys and hope they miss. Fake defensive effort is ridiculous.
  12. 1. 10-10 2. Tre, Cam, Dre, JBap, CC with a shortened bench rotation of Bogi, Kev, Gallo and OO17. 3. Using the halfway mark, a. 20-22 b. 22-20 c. 18-24 4. Delon Wright for PJ Tucker
  13. This is why I want to see Trae, Cam, Dre, JBap, and CC start together. Theoretically, they should compliment each other very well. With Dre and CC solid defense, Cam can cheat more over to Trae’s man or they can just switch. Dre and Cam’s arm length will take away simple passing lanes. CC is a rim protector and John is great weak side help. All Trae has to do is give great effort and use his basketball IQ to gum up the other teams offense. This is what I believe Schlenk envisioned. Defense wins championships.
  14. That’s the thing he has been doing parts of this all season. The games where his numbers were off was when Gallo came back and messed up his rhythm because the bench offense wasn’t running through him. The other few games due to injury in that game or trying to play through an injury.
  15. I would love to know. Nothing baffles me more than when Bogi is wide open and he misses the shot. It’s like 3 a game. Then he will come back and make a highly contested 3.
  16. The Magic game was the first complete game I have seen from him in his entire career including college. His patience was great when driving to the basket, he had confidence in his jump shot, his physical strength was there, he had an aggressive mindset, and he had an array of moves. He is ready. I would really love to see a starting line up of: Trae Cam Dre JBap CC that is our path to a championship if we are going to win one with this team.
  17. I love John. But when talking championship, he would be best as our third option. We need a true second option to step up or we need to go get one.
  18. Delon needs to go. McMillan needs to coach better especially on defense. John is a third option not second. Free Cam. Jalen and Sharife missed an opportunity. Bogi is is a ? Schlenk is going to be forced to do something.
  19. I just want to say that it is absolutely unacceptable that anybody misses a WIDE OPEN three point shot generated by Trae Young. His passes are so good that defenders are often times not even in the screen when his teammates shoot it. These are NBA wings that are known for their jump shot, yet they miss these shots at an unacceptable rate. They should be between 75 and 90% on these shots because they are essentially practice shots. His teammates need to stop being surprised by getting such wide open shots. That is all.
  20. I am starting to worry a little bit. I am concerned about who on this squad has the sense of urgency and energy to get us back to a winning position during the season. It should have been eye opening to to our young team that Steph Curry came ready to play like his hair was on fire in the 10th game of the regular “boring”season. This is a MVP champion playing like this game was the last one he will ever play. Guys on our team are acting like other teams should just lay down because we made the ECF last year.
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